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About Morna

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  1. Serenity Cove also has a market at the south side of Bay of Unrest - please PM if you want to add a merchant as we're trying to keep it organized by material type. We're also the closest market to Release that I've heard of, unless more have sprung up in the south.
  2. Seeking Pheasant!

    Nah, as far as I know it hasn't changed.
  3. Seeking Pheasant!

    I actually don't think there are any females, though if you manage to come across one, awesome! I'd also love to hear about any males, I think I will just start a garden of beauty for them.
  4. Seeking Pheasant!

    I fear I may be too late in this, as nobody I've talked to has seen a wild pheasant in at least a week. But if you have, please let me know! I will merrily ride to your area and continue my search. Or, if you have one kept as a pet and are tired of caring for it, let me know and I'll pick it up. Would be willing to trade some ropes or other stuff.
  5. Serenity Cove (around 14Z) would like to request: - A city icon, as our upkeep is 11.5s without guards. - A mailbox icon. - A tower icon. - A marketplace icon (we have 3 merchants at present and expect more to be added). if you could please add the Serenity Alliance in some shade of blue, that'd be awesome. The deeds are: Serenity Cove, Serenity Coast, Serenity Cliffs, Serenity's End and Serenity Bay Overlook. Thanks!
  6. Any Unsettled Land?

    I've sailed along the southwest and there is actually a lot of coastal land available - the catch, of course, is that most of it is up on high rocky cliffs and full of monsters. But if you're willing to put some (a lot?) of work into sculpting a place to live, it might be somewhere to try.
  7. I've shot at mobs through a wooden fence before - I doubt the coding for stone fences would be different. Why not give it a try?
  8. +1, I hate cutting down 20 logs and then remembering I'm going to have to burn them all to get a few pieces of charcoal.
  9. You didn't, Emane, but I think that since it was pretty clear that name would have some objections, nobody from the Serenity alliance thought it necessary to officially propose it and just provoke an argument.
  10. Just a few things to add - it's Serenity Cove and Serenity Cliff, with no 's (Serenity's End is correct, though). I'm pretty sure Canterlot is more west, maybe another square over? And the guard tower at Serenity Cliff should be placed at Serenity Coast (this is totally our fault for naming all these deeds with the same letters). Additionally, we do have a fulltime tailor, carpenter and shipbuilder at Cove, though it might start looking a little crowded with all those icons so I'm torn on that. Edit: After rereading your original post, I'll have to talk to the others in Cove to see what specialist icon we'd like.
  11. I stand corrected, is apparently missing that bit. In that case I do like Seahorse Sound. Note I'm not speaking for all of Cove/Cliff/End, so I don't know if they will post their own thoughts later.
  12. I thought a sound was ... "A narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water such as two seas or a sea and a lake." I like the feel of the name, but if we're going for accuracy, it doesn't quite fit either. How about Seahorse Lagoon or just Sea/Bay of Horses?
  13. It's sort of my hope that the tension is something we can work on over the coming months, and not really something to celebrate. Friendship Bay? I'd be more supportive of the bull idea if they weren't all dead now, hahaha. Feudal sound rings to me like the feudal system, with serfs and stuff. Will have to think more on it! Edit: Stallions' Bight (just learned this word!) for the swimming herds of horses?
  14. Throwing out Sunset Bay for #7, we do have some lovely views there. Can we post again if we think of alternative names? Note I'm not posting on behalf of anyone else in the area, including others on my deed.
  15. Put in a personal merchant today at Serenity Cove (Z14). I also checked the settlement token and the deed is 20x46.