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Everything posted by wasntme

  1. or make ppl change kingdom for op fo priest's and armor does'nt even matter oakshell for the win i guess
  2. Combat Tweaks

    everyone just needs to be a fo priest and use oakshell lol
  3. i know what wiki says that doesn't make it not a bug maybe Rolf wanted it to revert to what it was maybe it was to go to 50 but either way i was hoping for a dev to confirm it.
  4. well your 25 who cares what anyone else thinks you dont need to ask for permission to play.unless its affecting your job go right on doing what your doing .
  5. the way they have made the shield bash now its almost useless hard to bash any thing now
  6. some thing on the lines of this maybe ? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=eperlets&rlz=1C1JPGB_enGB621GB621&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=787&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=5qzFVNigGoO6Ubr0gugK&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#tbm=isch&q=shoulder+eperlets+army
  7. when i decided to go champ i thought ok wiki said you need 50 faith to be a champ and when you de-champ you go back to 50. but i had around 73ish faith when i went champ and it still went back to 50 is that an error or meant to be ?
  8. i will want to change my name to Ben-Hur
  9. no idea about freedom but on epic you don't get channeling skill for vessel
  10. hate doesn't really need a buff it needs the 70 skill to give damage bonus all the time instead of giving it at a lower level for a time limit
  11. i would not like to have to specialise i like to be a joat and why shouldn't i be able to do that ? i never need to ask anyone for any thing which works well for me as i play on affliction where the player base has always been low.
  12. gone is not the only factor cause you get a reduction from wearing ada/seryl over 90ql and a couple of tomes and you could be having 85% dmg reduction.
  13. if i had this i would give it to queenie
  14. champion players dont get meditation skill on home server is this a bug or part of the game play? will the game be advertised soon assuming that the lag spikes server lag what ever it is called is sorted out first. valrei will it be looked at or even better removed from the game it is frustrating to go do missions and you dont have a hope in hell of finishing it ? why is it some gms will reset the bugged missions and some wont ? uniques is there a chance it will go back to how it was before it was over hauled respawning uniques doesnt make them unique any more it just makes it annoying.
  15. if there meant for every tom ###### and harry why do us players have to buy them ? traders can only be placed every 50 tiles so you cant have one in every vilage if your to close to another village
  16. good bye and good luck rose have fun in real life.
  17. i dont know how long it takes to get to 95 fight skill on chaos but im guessing years? epic you can get 70 fight skill in 2 days and 95 fight skill in a month if you know what your doing. so i dont really see the point of the new server.
  18. taming is nerfed for blers by default .but all animals that are spawned in bl influence should be corupt or we have to bless before we can tame.
  19. what about advertising i see no point of new servers if there is hardly any new players to fill them.
  20. im not really interested in the new server if i could take my existing character then maybe im not making a new one
  21. i have managed to log in but the lag is terrible
  22. could be this Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer. Treatment for SAD may include light therapy (phototherapy), psychotherapy and medications. Don't brush off that yearly feeling as simply a case of the "winter blues" or a seasonal funk that you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year.
  23. needs to be 90+ ql and high woa cast leave you price or pm me thanks