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Everything posted by GroeneAppel

  1. Can I ask you why? Because i'm quite curious to hear if you have a possible solution for the issues at hand.
  2. Elens idea seems interresting. Though the size of the taming pool should be based on your taming skill.
  3. Afcoarse, I'm sure that it would take time. But in the end it's better for everyone.
  4. Nearly every single update seems to affect either freedom or epic in a bad way. It's really time to split up the code so both sides can enjoy the game to its fullest. This way for example freedom players can enjoy their fast guards again, and epic can finnaly have it's animal cap removed. Neither freedom or epic should have to suffer from mechanics added to solve problems which are non existant on the other side. A different playstyle means a different set of rules. So split the code between Epic and Freedom. Ps: I cannot speak for chaos, but I suspect that they would enjoy having their own ruleset aswell.
  5. Yes, use a seperate ship for this. I'd enjoy seeing such ships cross servers. Would allow more trading on freedom and promote pvp on epic.
  6. Oh god. I quit Runescape when they added this. What a horrible horrible idea. -1 Edit: Why can't I get the -1 bigger?
  7. Small effort? I'd rather see Rolf being completely open about how and what he changes. And why he changed it. Right now theres nerfs on things nobody sees coming.
  8. Well, with the amount of spy alting which happened in the past on Affliction and BLe. In my opinion this won't be a major issue. Unless the alt is a premium alt, it really cant do all that much. And in either case, There are many measures which you can take to battle "spy" alts. Such as the measures taken on chaos (no catapult dragging etc) You could also introduce increasingly longer respawn timers for every death. Coloring the name of a person in the local tab if hes f2p is an option. Or entirly different would be to mess with a spy alts local by just removing it entirely. Keep in mind, these are just of the top of my head. The whole idea of putting f2p people on Elevation is to actually show them pvp. Right now, the free- homeservers don't do a very good job for that. And yes afcoarse, we could nerf homeservers further. But in truth, that will just make people quit. The only way to get new people to try pvp on Elevation, is to make it inviting for them to actually go there. Use the carrot, not the stick. f2p Elevation would help in this regard, as there is no loss to just take a quick look. And in addition, new people doing the tuterial could be recommended to start on Elevation once they get to the portals. There are plenty of solutions to a single problem which is seemingly the only reason that people don't like this suggestion. Which is also why I dislike the random -1 or +1 idea (even though I do it myself) since people don't put a reason behind their opinion, and more importantly: dont think further than their deeds about possible solutions to make a suggestion work. They just see a single negative side and dive into it. But thats a different problem. Anyway, that's why i'm 100% for any suggestions that use the carrot and not the stick to make Elevation a better place.
  9. It's not bad at all. Whenever somoene else is targetting you, you are going to get hit constantly. On the other hand, I noticed that I last long with defensive on. It will mostly take time for people to adapt to the new styles. Though with the current low amount of pvp going on, that will be a while.
  10. This needs to happen. 15-20 is good. Come on Rolf, give us some fun!
  11. Why do you reply to this thread if you are a freedommer?
  12. +1, because I think people just use the spy alt excuse to avoid having some fun in their life. Ele f2p would mean a constant stream of flesh blood to epic. Many new people to the game. And other types of armor will become more interresting to mass produce and equip larger groups of 20fs fighters with. Bigger battles, more action, more players and more villages to siege. All that in trade to occasionaly have some white name pop your local which cant even bash or operate a catapult? You can always color f2p player/<20fs grey in local to pick out the "spies". Theres really no excuse.
  13. I very much doubt that, and i'd be very interrested to see an ingame pol happen.
  14. What he does now does even less. It's mostly just alts.
  15. Looks like alt chars. Rolf should just perma IP ban cheaters and call it a day.
  16. It's just the vocal minority. And its a shame that Rolf listens to it. Heck, the forums in general are a minority, most people who play Wurm dont use the forums.
  17. Sure why not. More terraforming fun that doesnt mess with pvp.
  18. 25% damage bonus on level 11 sounds fair.
  19. This looks amazing! Keep up the good work I love the buff bar. I see an icon of a potion, does this mean that we will be capable of seeing if a potion still affects us? Also, is there anything in the works which will help us see who is currently targetting you?
  20. I love how everyone -1s this based on the idea that priests use alts. The entire bloody point of this suggestion is to get people who are NOT priest and who are NOT alt to be more interrested in wasting their time and attend a sermon.