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About cc4Spawn

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  • Xanadu
  1. Happy Birthday Wurm! And thank you Rolf and team! Here's to 10 more!!!
  2. I have 6 sleeping powders for 8 Silver. I can deliver them to you if youre interested.
  3. Yes Willow, we want another 2012 Festival Cove - Christmas Impalong! How many colossus is it going to take?
  4. Leilue, told you so! xD This is on Xanadu, location D9
  5. Xanadu Map

    Could you please add my deed "Bayside" its located at D9. Thanks in advance
  6. Just want to thank everyone who was part of the experience, the people behind to organization of the event and all the friendly people who attended. I have a list of people here in front of me I made during the Impalong but I have decided not to post any names as there were too many friendly and helpful people to keep track of You know who you are! I have some screen shots I would like to share with you all, funny event that occurred yesterday, late in the afternoon after some of the guests left. As you know the ROS had to be cancelled and a few locals and Impalong guests weren't too happy about the whole situation. Lets just say we got our sweeeet revenge! RIP to all the brave men we lost that day...
  7. My attempt at taking a group photo
  8. Have been squatting at FoE Market since the 9th waiting for Impalong. Fishing, eating the leftovers of dead wild animals and drinking out of the lake... Hope they dont evict me anytime soon! xD
  9. I will be traveling all the way from Independence in my rowing boat. Currently stocking up on food for the trip and making items to get imped. From there I'll travel over to celebration where Im going to join a friend's deed. This is going to be good, my last Impalong was on Christmas at Festival Cove back in 2012.
  10. I would like two sets please. One for me [spawn] and one for my friend [Warmonkey] thanks a bunch!
  11. "Maybe even a option that enables you to choose when to start the next month sub..." Control over when your next 30 days start. Obviously they will never give you a option to "pause" a sub. They will loos a lot of money. Think you misunderstood me.
  12. Well the title says it all. I think it would be a good idea to have a six Euro per month premium subscription option at the Wurm store. I'm a student studying and working part time. Some months I'm just too busy with tests and work, so buying two months of Wurm prem subscription is just not worth the risk. I was thinking about buying 10 silver and just buying monthly subs at 5s per month but then someone informed me that the in game store asks 10s pm. Wurm takes up a lot of time, time I sometimes just don't have. Per month is needed. Maybe even a option that enables you to choose when to start the next month sub would be great. I would spend the 10Eu with a smile knowing that I have control over when each 30 days start. /discuss [i know 10 Euros is not a lot to most of you, but in South Africa its a lot of money. We have a weak currency.]