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About Kavu

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  1. The drop sub-menu has been nothing but frustration so far. Not sure why it was deemed necessary.
  2. I'd rather hold off of having a name picked for M1 for the time being. Does Ryamu even live there? He's throwing names down left and right.
  3. Xanadu Location Names

    I apologize if my tone seemed hostile. I do that sometimes without thinking. It was not my intention. Apparently this was a misunderstanding. I read your post as two things: support of those names and a suggestion in addition. Either way, I've had a really tense week and I am sorry if I snapped at you.
  4. Xanadu Location Names

    Well, do you live in the mountains labeled as M1? If you don't, then it is fine that you like the name but probably not as important as people who actually live there and climb around the mountains daily. If you do live there, well, we will gave to respectfully disagree.
  5. Low Mob Count

    If you think mobs are bad now, you should have played in the early days. I was wrecked by a pheasant.
  6. Found a rowboat on the shore of our deed and it was not locked. I've been around the lake and have not seen Callius so I thought I would try the forums. The boat has been here for a few days. Let me know if you want it back, or if you know the owner. Thanks.
  7. Xanadu Location Names

    Wait, we're naming mountains too? We live under M1 and are not really fond of that name. We have our own name for those mountains but didn't really intend on pushing it on other people. On the other hand, we would really prefer not to have that suggested name for the mountains that we call home.
  8. Low Mob Count

    Build guard towers? Settle a deed with a spirit templar? Make friends who can kill spiders?
  9. Oddly before the update, two days ago, a friend and I ran into a similar problem. Normally the mobs were slow and would lose interest but that night they were fast and would not let off. I was on a moderately fast horse in one situation and I had a croc and a spider chase me for ages. Another time we were in a boat with a gale wind working in our favor and a brown bear was keeping pace and followed us across much of one of the bodies of water on Xanadu. It was unreal. We had a good laugh about it. I tried punching it in the face a time or two in hopes to slow it down but didn't have any luck.
  10. Found four fountains so far. Two are rather close to each other.
  11. Turtles

    If that is supposed to be a sea turtle... they might need to do some research next time. Even a google search would have sufficed.
  12. Turtles

    and a different animal.
  13. Turtles

    That's just messed up, dude.
  14. Xanadu Location Names

    Just an observation but the body of water at E looks just like a femur bone. It's uncanny.
  15. Xanadu Location Names

    Just a few possible adjustments. I'm mostly concerned about the greymead section to the east because it just cuts through the body of water and seems arbitrary. I live on an outcropping of that mountain bordering the mountains that separate the body of water from Whitefay and also have an island in that same body of water. I'd rather be associated with Greymead if possible. No offense to Whitefay but Greymead is the town we used to get here and have settled a reasonable amount of the sliver of lake that was chopped off.