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About Fel

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  1. Hello, I've got two suggestions: Add a visual representation of the action queue, where you are able to remove actions from the end and the middle of it by clicking. Maybe it could look like a couple of squares next to each other like the buff/debuff area we have now. Clicking on a square will remove the action from the queue. The ability to say things in your Event. I use files to load up different sets of tools and binds, one could use this "eventsay" to notify the user what has been activated, as an example. This suggestion is only minor, but would probably not be hard to implement.
  2. I see someone lost their marbles.
  3. Never mind, it started working again.
  4. I'm getting the exact same. Ugh.
  5. Hello, I've got a few bugs I've noticed in the UNSTABLE client. Now, perhaps I don't need to report these but whatever. I came upon a BSB inside a house and tried to drag items into my inventory, said I needed to right-click steal to take the items. Funny, there's no option to right-click-> steal on items in a BSB afaik. The house had no lock and even had arched wall openings to the outside. I tried pushing it outside but apparently I need to click Steal to take the BSB, which I am unable to do since it contains a few thousand kgs of crap. I get duplicate skills in my Skills window. I have the skills I logged in with at the top and a second entry at the bottom, of every skill, that updates properly while the ones at the top stays the same. Sometimes the icons of lumps and stuff show up as scissors and whatnot. I might be wrong about the BSB one, and I would be happy to know how to do it, hehe. Also, this is on the Epic cluster. EDIT: Also, as a suggestion. Sometimes my internet disconnects me for a few seconds and when this happens the client crashes claiming it cant resolve the hostname (duh). This is pretty annoying since I have to relaunch the client. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't it usually sit there and wait until it was able to reconnect? Or perhaps that only applies when it is ABLE to resolve the hostname but the server denies the connection. Either way, waiting to reconnect even if it cannot locate the server would be nice for those, including me, having internet problems. EDIT2: I can also access the contents of a cart at the bottom of my house when I'm a few levels up.
  6. I'm also having this issue. The game randomly shuts down without an error window popping up, neither can I find anything in the logs. When I do get an error it gives me "Unable to locate server" or "null error". Extremely irritating.
  7. Hello, yesterday when I got no fat layers, 0% nutrition and 0% food I ate an onion and I noticed my nutrition went up to 10% instantly while my food remained at 0%. I ate another and then my nutrition popped down to 0% and started rising slowly like I imagined it would've from the beginning. However, when I finally managed to obtain a meal(12ql) my nutrition skyrocketed to 60% the instant that I started eating it. I'm guessing this isn't normal?
  8. Culinary Exploration

    But wait, there's more! Due to sudden complaints from our customers, we have made yet another amazing product for the same price to prevent painful suffocation. Simply insert the cott-stick to ensure fast and painless death. We also offer a bundle, the blad-stick and the cott-stick for only 19.95s
  9. Hey, Fel Mays here and I got just what you need. Always wanted to look dead and pale? Well, I got just what you need; a bladder on a stick. This is what makes BL what it is today.
  10. Warning Your post has been removed for Trolling. Continued failure to abide by the forum rules could result in your account being banned.
  11. Let's be realistic here and try to not throw witty comments. What I meant was; COMPARED to the wards in HoN, the LoL ones are pretty useless. I even stated that I haven't played in the higher ranks or whatever but like I said, that can be said for both games. If you had continued reading then you might have noticed that I didn't say LoL was a bad game cause I play it too sometimes because my friends do and the reason for that is it is more user-friendly(for my friends). Besides, each team usually has a carry of some sorts however which one of those that become the "unkillable one" depends on the player and the team. Cause I find the heroes to be pretty much balanced and you can't seriously complain that if you get killed by someone who has been farming all game cause you didnt bother putting up wards nor ganking them, then you can't really whine that they killed you(It is part of the game and it is pretty logical). From the pick phase to the late game there are always elements of strategy; picking a good setup, warding, babysitting, ganking, farming etc. They all matter if you want to win or not and if you don't feel like doing those things to win then you can just go play casual mode, or LoL. And the carry can't usually take on a 1v5 except if the enemy team is badly outleveled, doesn't know how to play their hero, got a bad setup or doesn't know how to play the game. Now, less witty comments please, IMO you guys just sound "butthurt" that you got killed by a fed carry.
  12. Yeah, join Hots if you enjoy single-player. ^Reason to join Hots cause then it wouldnt be single-player anymore.