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Everything posted by xerx

  1. as what the title says.. 2s
  2. Please Close this Thread

    the thread is just up and most of the time 5 of us are online...you are free to use our facilities to work while waiting tho...
  3. Please Close this Thread

    we dont have any fo and magranon altars made atm...will give you follow up in the future when we extend the group...yes devily just let your alt come...
  4. Hi everyone..I am initiating a small sermon group at R25 South Eastern Border Floating Market ...Most of the time, 4 of us are always online so we have a good amount of person to start a sermon already. We will provide food and shelter for those who will be attending. Crafting materials will be on your own expense. Note that this is PUBLIC so be responsible on the things you are dropping especially in the eating and sleeping area where everyone will be given access. Crafting area on the other will be opened for everybody but will not be given access of taking things out. However, note that whatever you drop there, it will only be you and the owner of the house can pick it up, so crafting area will be much safer to store/drop your things. I'am also encouraging to name your items for easy recognition. Since its a floating market, it has a really good accessibility to water..So anytime you can go FISHING while waiting... Note: Sermon will go on everyday 24/7 so long there are enough people to hear it... Out timezone is GMT + 8... Facilities: 2 50ql golden a;tar of vynora, magranon and fo altars beds and lots of it. a 60ql forge for those who will do locksmithing a 70ql floor loom for those who will do pieces of cloth a 70ql spinning wheel several pens for your animals For those who are interested, please post your name here, pm and /addfriend Chrysanthy or Towelie for you to be given access in advance in eating area. We are very much happy to see you there.. love and hugs, Chrysanthy
  5. bump...90ql cloth products available...
  6. sale end...back to normal pricing...thnk you for participating...
  7. meditation rugs is 2.4s in total less 30% = 1.68s [16:55:57] The items silently disappear from the spirit castle. You expect them to arrive in less than thirty minutes. thnk you spuddles... brown bear helm still available...no response from chiron..
  8. thnk you for the compliment...we will be initiating sermon group soon..
  9. 30c less 30% = 21c [12:27:35] The items silently disappear from the spirit castle. You expect them to arrive in less than thirty minutes. thnk you
  10. great thats 5.1s in all actual price less 30% = 3.57s...thnk you and will wait for pick up...
  11. ​Plain items, enchanted ones and everything is 30% off!!!! Note: The actual price is not discounted yet!! Sale ends in: