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Everything posted by Omar

  1. +1 It's not cool to spent hours searching the map to eventually find it hiding next to one you found at the start 😕
  2. Some quality of life suggestions 1. Make the chat tabs not highlighted when log in. - In the profile, you can turn off show startup message for GL chat etc. I still want it to open but not be highlighted. No option for the Alliance and Village tabs, highlight seems to turn off for them when I turn off the GL chat and Trade chat. Maybe the highlight chat system needs reworking, or maybe it's just me idk, need feed back from players on this one. - It's a PITA to click them all every time, if you don't you can easily miss a pm or local message. Even worse when going back and forth from pvp to pve server on NFI, constant clicking... 2. Fix, in the new UI, satchel / backpacks on the toolbelt not showing the number of it's contents. - No I won't post this in the bug section 3. The main menu bar has a red arrow button to toggle the menu off, this button is surrounded by the quit button, if you miss the arrow button you get the quit dialog box. - Wait, you're saying you want to LEAVE Wurm Online? No, no i'm not, I want to close the menu bar you..... REEEEEEEE 4. Make take range from bsb / crate the same range as the take range of loose items from a container. - Working away getting tools and stuff, get some iron [11:03:39] You are too far away from the iron lumps now. REEEEEEEEE 5. When zooming in on the ingame map, you lose the X,Y numbering and lettering. - Zoom in on a nice feature on the NW of any map, hmm whats the co-ords? scroll across, ok F, scroll back, wait did I follow the line correctly, scroll back and check, repeat repeat, repeat with the numbers REEEEEEEEEE 6. Larger storage. Seriously... The new item specific storages (weapon racks etc) are great but opening 10x storage boxes to grab a bunch of stuff to do a task.... REEEEEE x Infinity . - Saddle racks hold like 6 saddles....really? Screw realism. Storage racks hold so0ooo little, and large items like bardings are problematic. BCU need to hold more maybe x5 - Make everything hold more, storage racks with x5 internal racks, those racks x10 the volume, with 200 item limit. - Items that won't fit in chests.. . I could go on for days about it, it's woefully inadequate, making game life frustrating. 7. Make a black skin avatar as a special prize in a competition. It would be historically accurate to have in northern Europe during this time frame, a very small number of foreign people from around the world. We can't have it as an option though cos we would end up with 20%+ dark skinned peoples in Viking style gear lol. - No other races cos just change the skin to make it easy. That is, if it is easily manually inputted by a dev for a special prize like once per year or less. 8. Make shaker orbs on NFI pve servers cost 1silver or less (I bet you would take in more silver overall). Watch the help channel you see players making mistakes or just want to change their mine layout, I've done it before, it's a huge pita to find a priest, or 3silver to fix one tile in a game, lol. Making player interactions and economy from using priests is great, but I think the costs in frustration far outweigh the benefits. NFI pve servers only, because pvp. 9. Getting stuck in freelook mode or 3rd person is a frequent problem, freelook is worse because you lose the curser. Display the hotkey or something idk. 10. Search by hotkey (what hotkey is bound to x?) 11. Make the Inventory save it's state when logging off. Or at least make groups pinable to the top. - What it looks like when I log in: - How I left it: - Not great examples, Imagine 40 or 80 items in your inventory and try to find your groups, fun times. No I don't want to sort by alphabetical or number my groups and sort name, I want to not have to click click click for days ffs REEEEE Plus if I have my tools and stuff at the top of my inventory, then materials i'm working on at the bottom, relog for any reason, maybe a crash, come back materials mixed with tools mixed with groups, mixed.... WTF why. That's it. REEEEE Omar
  3. I like the player positioning mechanic, and the complexity. Not knowing all the hidden attributes has some small positives but overall you don't feel or see progress, sure you see your skills go up, but what are the real effects, or the effects of that bangin pvp crowbar you just spend days crafting and enchanting? NFI, no one does completely = less satisfaction. +1
  4. Animal Husbandry: Grooming, start with 30ql brush and quickly go down to 1ql at about 25AH skill, no testing or method on this just experience. Longer timer = larger but time proportional skill tick. Shearing: You get skill gain form any produced wool with QL above your skill level. So increasing the scissors QL as your skill goes up but maintain it low to keep the difficulty high. Keep the percent of wool coming out above your skill at 60% to 70%? Feel free to rewrite or adjust^ not sure on the optimal success percent. shearing skillgain from + your skill is 100% correct tho.
  5. Some nice fixes 👍 good job
  6. WTB Knarr

    WTB Knarr on Harmony, prefer delivery pm zzzOmar ingame
  7. 1. No. there is more to all the types of HoTa than a battle arena, the whole map comes into play with it's varied terrain 2. No. That's dumb, leave it. There's enough time wasting in this game already, grinding / pointless travel, you aren't going to catch anyone going to starter town for it to be worth the extra PITA.
  8. Agreed, i've changed my thoughts on the portals, I really like them now, agreed on the double grind of FS and reward of gaining affinities, there is the sleep powder drops so that keeps Defiance players hunting at home, I think a little more could be done for regular play on Defiance but meh.
  9. Wagon shuffle

    Have this on Defiance, every restart.
  10. Same here, I think Steam is having issues.
  11. Hi, Defiance server (same on NFI?), on every server restart the position of horses hitched to wagons always moves around. randomly horse that was hitched at the forward now at the rear. This messes up my pvp horses at I have ready at the rear position for quick getaways, it also messes up when you have matching pairs forward or back, like 2 young ebony at the front then 2 old greys at the rear, then server restart, all mixed up. Thanks
  12. Hi, the new keybind system is really cool especially the quick add feature. One problem is there is no warning for already having that keybind in use, and to go see if you already have it assigned you have to go to 'all' and search through the list to see if you already have it used. Suggesting to add a 'search for keybind' box, and or a warning box when you try to assign it when already in use, for both 'quick bind' and in the keybind menu. Thanks
  13. Who wants to Crowdfund to buy Codeclub? :DD
  14. Thanks, is there an out of game map? He's been missing more than a week, we haven't been able to play Valrei, I think round rewards should be canceled until it's fixed.
  15. No Fo on Valerei map, Defiance
  16. No Fo god on the Valrei map on Defiance 😕
  17. Yeah removing half the game (deed raiding/pvp etc) is the same as pvp tweaks. Yawn.
  18. The way it should be. What do you want surety of numbers before you fight? The rest of your points it's; you want pvp to go the the way you want, to suit your play style. Adapt. Or make it happen, the situation on the map is not set in stone.
  19. Tools 60ql 25c Iron: Hammer, Pickaxe, Hatchet Saw Shovel, Needle, Leather Knife, Scissors Awl, Crowbar, Trowel, File,, Rake, Chisel, Knife. Oak Mallet, Oak Grooming Brush. 3 minute Mail. Oak Rope Tool 50ql / 40c -- 30ql / 20c Pm ingame: Zzzomar
  20. The depo is spawning in the south (looks like same area) everytime, I think 5 or 6 times in a row.
  21. What is that 6 times in a row in the south for the depo? WTF is going on?