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Everything posted by Omar

  1. Ad hominem as expected. There is no "problem" with people living on starter. It's a big lie so that JK can wipe groups out so they can't make a comeback. Pretty disgusting gameplay IMO.
  2. Sweetserenade: "They should not be a permanent base of operations for strong competant players" "Was that the small group of 15-20 players you had in HotS?" Karlfranz: "It's sadly turned a large group of players into groups of self proclaimed newbs even though they've been around for years." Ignorance or lying? hmm or repeating what an ignorant or liar is telling them?
  3. For those that didn't know - BL COULD NOT KILL ONE JK SITTING ON THEIR MINE AND GATE HOPS OVER 2 RAIDS - if you know the game you know what this means. Give names of this large group of "good players on starter" or any group or individual that's a problem or stfu. You are either ignorant or lying. I rest my case your honor
  4. So where is this large group of strong PvPers on starter? No takers to argue the point? Can't be the group of BL that couldn't kill a single JK sitting on BL hops, even shaker orbed one got away. When JK raided and drained the main BL starter deed twice and lost no one. Where is this large group that's a problem?? Someone is telling tall stories?
  5. 1. If the server isn't engaging / working out for these players, do you think making life more difficult for them will encourage them to play on the server more? 2. HotS has had 2 players that equal JK main group average, living on the starter island. And only 3 players with any real pvp experience. You guys keep talking about a large group of PvPers living on a starter island. Please elaborate (seriously) because I don't know of such a group. All I'm hearing is waaaaaaa people won't play pvp against me!! lol Perhaps kidnap some folks, chain them to chairs in front of Wurm, is the only suggestion I have for you. 3. Raiding with trebs is quite powerful (as intended, they said they wanted to make raiding easier iirc). This could be a reason people are reluctant to live off starter. But I think it's that JK has the only good sized group of dedicated PvPers and some really experienced great fighters, and pushed everyone off. 4. I think the balances are fine as is and the Devs did a great job with the server rules and changes. Much better than previous years. 5. To non PvPers commenting on the toxic posting. It's not that bad in game, we aren't usually as toxic as to each other. It's just that we care about witch way the server rules go, it can make a big difference. I have seen tons of toxic crap on freedom. And interactions inside a PvP kingdom are unparalleled in good feels
  6. And a kingdom like MR with like 2 good players in it? Just throw them to the wolves...? I appreciate reading all peoples ideas, nothing personal but sorry any ideas like this is bad, I doubt it would even be considered, they want to protect new players and weaker kingdoms. Nerfing starter areas into the ground isn't going to happen. What is it going to achieve anyway, what is the outcome you guys are hoping for, what gameplay change? Or are you lot just trolling? Feels like it.
  7. Yeah right, don't want to have to make you guys roam to far to cap everything like usual. Players living on the starter islands have got what 5% of Hota and Depots in the last year? What are you guys wishing to change exactly?
  8. JK wants not only the best channel grinding, healing and pve casting priests but also the easiest favor gathering priest 🤠
  9. You could do the same with deeds on the mainland. I already said about the close deed stacking. It hasn't been an issue so far (we even let our close deeds lapse). Tunnels between deeds are easily broken into. Other ideas are good, kinda reduces incentive to join in on things on the server though.
  10. I love PvP portals but this server has a problem that it's to easy not to care about it, just jump to freedom and continue playing there. Disadvantaging starter islands will push more people off. I agree with Sinnjinn about your guys attitude to a healthy server. Theres 'sugestions' then there's 'sugestions that allow us to wipe everyone off the server cos we're pro huhu'
  11. Not a bad idea. I think they had this on the Epic home island maps but then removed it. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
  12. Living on the starter island sucks, the deed size limit makes them easier to raid already (stacking deeds close is potentially overpowered). No Capital, no Artis etc. Without the current raiding restrictions our group would have quit the server. A negative that isn't raiding related would be better, but I can't think of anything 😕 Skill gain limit is a big nope. Many things would push players back to freedom and probably they never return.
  13. We recommend leaving Holy Sites off PvP (at least Defiance) for at least the first few weeks, until the balances are more real world tested.
  14. Justice For Trash

    I don't think anyone knew or knows now. Unless it was one of the rumors, which are really bad stuff. I believe he has completely misread the situation "people that knew are complaining now" people don't have a clue, that's the point. Want me to do a poll of the rumors we have heard? And don't tell me you know. I've just seen a years old friend of someone swear his head off that he wasn't cheating then showen logs of 6 hours of dig timers repeated to within 1 or 2 seconds.... You may think you know because you may know one of the reasons, but was that really the reason that person was banned? Or the only one? You do not know. Only the banned and the GMs know. That's it from me I'll stop complaining 😛 I'll just add one more thing, another player was banned within a few days proir and this player devolved that himself used ESP hacks and spilled the beans on how he did it, so that's one of the rumors. Then the fact that Trash has achieved a lot in the game leads people (unfairly IMO cos I've played with Trash I know how efficient he is) to jump to conclusions. ok I'm stopiiing! not replying bye
  15. Looting on PvE is more cut-throat than PvP.
  16. Justice For Trash

    Funny or an opportunity to attack the poster and not the posted? I think it's smart.
  17. Justice For Trash

    and 2 likes from Pukaria and Zykat Look at you guys running disinfo lololol Because many from your kingdom told us he was and that he was appealing it. They only do Gallows for a select few, so that means nothing.
  18. Justice For Trash

    I've just heard about a well known player swear black and blue they weren't macroing and believed him because he couldn't be that stupid when using someone else's account. Then seen the event logs that said otherwise. The only evidence we usually see is ban or unban. Forgive me for not believing anything a player says.
  19. Justice For Trash

    I've always thought perma bans are to harsh. I know some baddies have had long bans and came back and continued, there's also players that love the game and get carried away. For these players a 1 to 3 month or even a year ban is punitive.
  20. Justice For Trash

    Seems weird that Wurm censors player feedback. I guess that's why so many bitter ex players flame the Steam reviews. Free speech!!!!! 🤣 If it weren't a bad cheat then why not say it? Otherwise people may believe rumors' and feel really discouraged.
  21. 2023 Roadmap

    Fix creation skillgain on things like Locksmithing and Ropemaking pleeeeease Access money from bank from character.
  22. 2023 Roadmap

    I want to set the default of that tool
  23. PVP servers

    Some good replies, bumping to fish for more
  24. 2023 Roadmap

    Learn2play Shearing.