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Posts posted by zalifear

  1. ahhhhh man I missed this! dang! Oh well thanks chakron, whom I don't know haha! defending something, no idea what. transparent so light may shine,till we unwind the twine that we weave in our dreams.

    Its all an illusion! The is no spoon! Your opinion or mine!

    Here is my "perception"! There was no election! but, I was voted to the highest seat on which anyone could reach! maybe just maybe my castle stands in sinking sands or maybe its on the highest cloud of 9 spinning thru the hands of time! Or maybe just maybe I eat dragon eggs for breakfast and shite drake hide onto the land from an 11 story cross 2000 steep.

    Case is I am whatever you say I am. I'm glad you wrote here slick, You're alright man !


    The answer will be in lower case letters with php as the extention. This isn't a google riddle, what you need is on this page, or in the source for a clue. I have used codes and if the answer looks funny try it or use universal anagram.

    I hope you enjoy your stay in my world and you find your way out of the 20 levels.

    Good luck my friend,


    PS Pashka/eladia owns!

  2. Just make them all decay like they should or none at all, fair is fair across the board. I have always liked not really having to worry about weapons only tools, but then again if you have high ql everything and rare helps, its not really an issue. IMO, even it out, maybe tweek it and set it fair across the board, WS is popular and many more coming online I'v seen in these past years.


    Pick a job you can only do one, the wave of the future.

  3. Early morning post.

       I was awoke by a spirit Templar in the wee hours this morning. It seems that a certain dark figure with a looming hand in a direction I wont say here, has been seen looking into windows yet again. This over weight under paid creature was last seen in the window of a local Weaponsmith's shop. The Templar was dropping off a package and blade to be improved upon, when this blob came into sight, sitting near some rather odd looking flower beds. The Templar immediately reached for his sword but, at the first sound of a drawn blade the blob jiggled off into the night. Later to be revealed was that in fact the flowers were dead from the odor this creature gave off, leaving only dead sticks and dried petals. When talking to the locals that were obviously distracted and boarding up their windows, one man said that he would need to wear ear plugs from now on. When asked why he said that the blob would speak into his ear at night propagating his reason and infiltrate his dreams. Another woman that was close by had taken to building a tower hoping to put as much distance as possible between her and this Blob. She mention something about a long proboscis shaped extrusion, many had sighted coming from the mouth area of this blob. I was seriously starting to think this was all imagined, not in existence to reality. I will be studying this case closely and give any further development, first hand accounts and eye witness stories as possible. Later that day I drew a picture of what this thing may look like form the descriptions given in the statements. This has been another addition of Who done it and where.

    #####|((  o  ))|          |                      |        |((  o  )) |^^^###
    ###^^---------^^^^^^ |                    |^^^^^-----------^^^###
    ###^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \                 /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^####
    #####^^^^^^^^^^^^^  |             |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^####
    ######^^^^^^^^^^^^ |             |^^^^^^^^^^^^######
    ########^^^^^^^^^ |             |^^^^^^^^^########
    ##########^^^^(o  |             |  o)^^^^#########
    ##########^^^^^\                   /^^^^^#########
    ############^^   \              /^^^###########
    ############{        \         /        }##########
    ############(          \     /          )##########


  4. "what about the three sanics?"  I looked and thought man I don't know this word.

    Sanic: usually refers to EAR ###### or forms of other extreme loud spam?  Derives from the YOUTUBE: How to draw sanic the hedgehog ?

    Guy1: This guy is mic-spamming Sanic in our vent room.
    Guy2: What a NOOB!

    Definition2: SANIC is equivalent to the speed of light (299 792 458 m/s)

    Definition3: SANIC When a moment or memory is fantastic. Also needing a better word than hilarious.

    Definition4: SANIC Pulling an aggressive night in Calgary: equal to 60$ or 12 drinks...

    In any case only you would know this story, posting here Is the rare case where it Means INSANE. SO with this concludes, you write that story, I'm sure there will be much spam, it will pass by faster than the speed of light, One tiny moment where you think you're fantastic, (I'm finding it hilarious already) and after word you will feel like you had a Calgary night.


  5. One night Jackal whispered to Seris that Valrei had no power. Seris laughed at Valrei, saying look at you only big and blue nothing you can do with great size yet no power. Giggle did she and gave birth to Wurm's sea. A perfect sphere from a tear that she gave, water multiplied gathering mass, with each day that did pass. Now we shall see, if you have more power than me. After long Seris felt that Jackel had made him look bad, so the celestial body nodded, contemplating the sea. Seris pushed his momentum up and started spinning faster and faster. Soon dust and particles were falling toward Valrei's watery sphere. Sands fell covering the surface, Colliding with graceful measure. They dropped back into the sea forever it seemed, until they started to form patches and blankets of gleam. Valrei twinkled as the sand collidescoped all around her creation. Jackal at this point angry that he was now laughed at by Seris, for Valrei was powerful. Seris and Valrei circled their creation for many rotations.

    Jackal now very envious, took to glowing intensely. Seris and Valrei watched on in Horror as they did not know perhaps jackal would explode. As Jackal approached critical mass, Seris and Valrei were blinded. A loud cracking sound shattered time and space. The light started to fade into a softer light. Jackal had duplicated, there was now two brilliant lights circling one another. The days pasted into years, years into decades, decades to centuries. Sieris was spinning even closer to Valrie as Jackal had remained silent for all the time just circling his double. Valrie said to Seris in worry that the Jackals were spinning closer and closer together. Soon the fear was eminent, they would collide. Valrei said the Horizontal explosion would be focused on their creation. The day came that the impact would happen. In that moment time and space bent again, this time there was tremendous amounts of debris that shot out toward their creations. Massive chunks of malted matter pounded the nicely formed island Seris had made. The heat and malted matter hit the oceans creating steam and in turn made clouds and weather of all kinds smothering the creation in smoke and ash. The impact of the two had off set the rotation of their mass, now no longer circling each other. In the following days Jackal had cooled resembling self again, leaving his double glowing bright in a perfect orbit with Valrei and Seris creation.

    Valrei the wise, knew that everything would change now. Their creation would take on life, giving elemental power to their creation. Jackal finally spoke, saying now we will play further. I gave life to your creation. Valrei was sad now to know that even more problems would arise as the skies clear and the first mountain peaks could be seen. Seris was in shock at what was there. Mountains now extruded from the flat smooth surface he had dreamed. Jackal you are powerful indeed, Seris said as he watch the clouds move away, uncovering a working environment. Valrei worried about what would be next and what choices would be made in the coming time but, among all the feeling she seen great potential in their creation.

    Seris started spinning again shaking off some dust, this time as the dust fell into the atmosphere they were surrounded in water and chemicals vast from the remains of Jackals fiery blast. Seeds dropped littering the sands, before long vast forest covered the lands. Sweet Valrei the forest and sands I give to thee. Shimmering blue reflections cast millions of sparkles into the skies, The source of light was magnificent and Valrei praised Jackal for his contribution. Source of light, Sol for short. A fine name it is... 



    The land teamed with new life, all manors of creatures sprung from the ocean, with light and water life came to the creation. There were many discussion on how it worked and where it would lead, what was the name and will it make its own seed. Not remembering their own birth, they each one gave lots of thought and care.  The detail is great and the hours pass light to dark in a perfect balance. The weather changed, making spring, summer, fall and winter.
    Thing to bloom just as fast as they wither. Everything was perfect you see Until Seris started having the dreams.

    You can walk there you know. Seris answered a voice in the deepest recesses of his core. "Where? Where can I walk?"
    The voice: Where your heart desires".

    Seris: It's not possible, there is no extension to leave this shell".

    The voice: The same as you forced physical matter from your shell, you can cast your thoughts into the well"

    Seris: Where are you and how can you connect with me in my dreams?"

    The voice: When will you lead from the dream to the real, where you can walk with the animals and wrestle the bears." Can I not see these dreams of yours, how can they be if you can not reach your sandy shores?"

    Seris dismissed these dreams, never sharing them with Jackal nor Valrei. Little did he know each one having the same, where this "voice" told them of the vast knowledge they could collect. Each night a new more convincing dream luring them ever further into leaving there shell. Centuries were passing each concealing the dreams taking them only as fancies of the latest hour.

    With each new one it changed how they felt about each other and thought even further into these dreams, actually it may be possible to leave this being. Jackal now taking a fancy to Valrei as she watched on into her sea. Valrei was mesmerized by the sparkles you see, making Jackal the favored of the three. Seris tried so hard to catch Valrei's gaze, sprinkling dust to make flowers in various shades. Not to any avail did she even noticed his effort, Feeling now their connection was severed. Valrei was blinded by Jackal's power, seemingly falling in love. Sadly there was nothing Seris could make that would match Jackal's sol.