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Everything posted by Stormcrow

  1. The problem Fo priests had was broken single target heals, spammable LoF, and the severe limitations on Oakshell. So with this patch Fo are now terrible healers and Oakshell got ANOTHER limitation put on it. Awesome.
  2. So give Fo and Vynora priests the ability to use archery but not the body control gains that everyone else got? As a Fo priest I have for years asked for a way to gain the body control that Mag was receiving from archery. I never asked for archery, only to gain the body body control everyone else was getting. What a slap in the face.
  3. As a Fo Priest I feel like I am getting everything I never asked for and nothing I ever needed.
  4. 1g for the last charge to be CoD'ed to me.
  5. I agree, you can carry around a set of armor in case you get dispelled but by doing so you are making it almost pointless to use Oakshell in the first place. You now have to carry that additional weight and put that armor at risk along with the rest of your gear while Mag is putting what at risk exactly? Kingdom mates providng gems is irrelevant to the discussion as Mag can also acquire gems from kingdom mates. Why should Fo and Vynora have to beg? There is no justifiable reasoning.
  6. Why the 30 second cool down on Oakshell? Do the Developers even realize the difficulties in playing a Fo priest in PvP? I find it doubtful since most players do not. The reason there are basically zero Fo Priests rocking their "uber" Oakshell and spamming LoF left and right is because it is nightmarishly difficult to do. Oakshell - 20 favor 9 second cast time vs. Dispel - 10 favor 4 second cast time with a 6 tile range. For you not to be gimping yourself you need a 70+ power cast of Oakshell. This typically requires multiple casts even with a very highly skilled priest. If you are pvping and an enemy priest starts to cast Dispel on you there is not sufficient time to get out of range or interrupt their cast. Dispel has almost a guaranteed chance of removing a buff. Once your Oakshell is dispelled you are naked and die in seconds. Another issue is keeping track of the remaining time on your Oakshell. If this spell wears off in the middle of combat you die. Oakshell with 100 power cast lasts for roughly 33 minutes. A 70 power cast is roughly 28 minutes. That 28 minute timer does not begin the second you first engage your enemy and is extremely hard to time when you should buff yourself without being caught in PvP completely naked or with only minutes left on your buff. You can "buffer" your Oakshell and provide it with some protection by stacking other buffs on top that people have to dispel through. This is the only method to even make Oakshell work by providing you some opportunity to disengage and seek protection before you are completely naked and insta gibbed. The cost in favor to get a decent cast of Oakshell and buffer it properly can cost hundreds of favor. Top that off with the timing issues involved and its just a joke. Now try and combine the difficulties of keeping track of everything going on in normal pvp with trying to keep you and your Oakshell protected. That's not difficult enough, lets try playing a healer in Wurm too. Light of Fo - 60 favor 9 second cast time Fo's single target healing spells such as Cure Light are as good as never used in PvP due to lack of range and the difficulty of selecting a proper wound to heal. Due to the constant movement in pvp combined with the time it takes to target the proper wound using Wurm's antiquated GUI the single target spells just don't get used. Which leads to LoF. LoF is the only healing spell that gets used because of the AoE factor which avoids the issues of single target heals but at the cost of massive amounts of favor. Each cast of LoF requires 60 favor which adds up fast. Couple the cost of LoF and the cost of maintaining Oakshell and the fact that Fo can't even mine for gems leads to some Mag Priests fat and happy retirement fund. I'll also toss out that even using LoF its still difficult to heal because you need to keep track of other players health which is no simple thing in Wurm due to the GUI (or lack thereof) and maintaining proper distance to those you are trying to heal, while not exposing yourself to your enemy. LoF's longer cast timer makes you an exposed and very visible juicy target. Trying to keep track of normal pvp, while maintaining and protecting your Oakshell, while trying to heal = nightmare. I have watched a multitude of pvpers think, "hey, that seems really awesome," try out Fo for a few weeks then switch to Mag for the instant gimmes. Why hassle with the difficulties stated above when every new Mag priest gets a built in rezz stone that when stacked with a store bought rezz stone provides near to 100% protection for all your gear. Why bother with the hassle of Oakshell when even if you can pull it off half your gear is still vulnerable if you die. Mag = no work, all reward. Fo = heavy work, moderate reward. Fo only currently offers Oakshell and LoF to PvP. They do not have built in rezz stones protecting their gear, they do not have a damage buff, they do not have damage spells, they cannot catapult, they cannot even mine for their own gems. Please consider while "balancing" what Fo has to offer in PvP.
  7. Rolf, there is literally ONE person in all of Chaos that uses Oakshell + LoF and that's Dagobert. Everyone else that tries it quickly gives up for a reason. This isn't a quick and easy discussion that can be held in such a forum. If you want to know those reasons you can message me and I will go over all the issues with you.
  8. This is rich. There are a million mag priests running around in PvP and almost no fo priests. That tells you all you need to know.
  9. +1 to this thread and +1 to Xallo's suggestion. SotG is a joke. Everyone knows it. No other game would introduce such a thing. SotG could be reduced to 25% damage reduction and it would STILL be the #1 choice on pvp servers.
  10. I do not see how a shambler is a representative of the god of love and nature.
  11. For the love of Fo, please change it. The only people that will argue otherwise are Lib lovers because Fo is their arch nemesis.
  12. That is just a terrible design for the Fo colossus.
  13. +1 part of the pve fun. While we are at it add titles to the skills without.
  14. It was so nice when artifacts were removed from Chaos.
  15. This was my belief as well.
  16. +1 the game desperately needs an alternative method to AH gain other than grooming.
  17. Thank you for the honorable mention. I would mention that MR had all three of their Mag champs there.