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Everything posted by Sklo:D

  1. Bump still many players not using this mod
  2. Sklotopolis - PVE

    Update Added better logging for the use of the /alts command for CA+ so there is no unfair advantage. Added a GM command which can fix the "Connecting..." loop when logging in, please contact us if you are stuck at connecting for more than 1 minute.
  3. Sklotopolis - PVE

    Happy Easter The Sklotopolis staff team wishes every member of our community a Happy Easter. Thanks for being a part of our incredible world, without you all this wouldn't be such a successful story, which we can develop together. The Easter bunnies arrived around New Hope and Spawn Camp West on Novus and around Haven, Genesis, and New Town on Liberty dropping shiny little Easter eggs on their way. Good luck with the egg hunt 🙂
  4. I forgot that this is not a vanilla feature because like every WU server got that mod. Really a huge QoL feature
  5. No, seems like the focus shifts away from Wurm Online. "Our first izi game is presented during the month of March 2024, a game in the category “Mobile Party Games”."
  6. Game Chest Group annouces in-house (mobile) game development:
  7. Even at 99% chance it is theoretically possible to fail 100 times in a row. That is just how randomness works. It is not even distribution, but many think of randomness like it would be even distribution. E.g. if you fail a 99% chance one time, then you should succeed 99 times in a row. This is not how randomness works.
  8. Some Wurm unlimited servers still have the old fishing additionally to the new system.
  9. In the past they lived on debt and issued new shares just before going bankrupt.
  10. Sklotopolis - PVE

    Update Removed daily limit for loot chests
  11. When the price drops below 0.35SEK there is a good chance that the stock will crash down to almost nothing. A big amount of shares was given out at that price last year to pay a debt. As emoo already mentioned
  12. Global chat mod
  13. No wonder they made HUGE promises and never delivered anything: Especially in 2021: - Marketing wurm failed and was stopped as it seems - Real money esports competetions in Wurm, promised but never happened - Game Chest fridayplays platform failed as well? never heard anyone using it - Game on demand platform never happened, or failed not sure - Wurm on VR never happened Why should anyone on the world think that it is a good idea to buy GAMEC stock (which would be the only thing to raise the price, more people buying than selling...)
  14. This problem is caused by an ID duplication. It is well known and causes irreversible item corruption. Mainly caused by bad configuration. This is a serious problem because more and more items will be eaten over time.
  15. Sklotopolis - PVE

    Update Fixed a lot bugs in Sermon tracker. (Danky) Added a message that shows a countdown until you can find the next loot chest.
  16. Sklotopolis - PVE

    Goodbye 2023 Good afternoon Sklotopolis Some of you are already there, others are just a few hours behind. The year 2023 is ending and the server will celebrate. At midnight (CET) there will be fireworks, christmas lights and sparkles over all servers of Sklotopolis for about 30 minutes, leaving nice little coins behind for you to collect. Happy Coin hunting and happy new Year. We wish you all the best for the year 2024. There are great things to come in the next year.
  17. Yeah I feel the same, graphics would be nice, as modders cannot alter the client (yet)... But for the rest, no thanks.