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About Saddist

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  1. Pelts for noobs

    New players really need a pelt in their starter kit... it would enable them to move away from starter deeds a lot faster... specially if the starter deed is on an island
  2. Major changes need Major eye grabbing pictures. I'll be honest I look at the login screen for news, but rarely come to the forums anymore due to the a holes that troll, or shoot down any decent suggestion posted. Some sort of timed event message ingame that pops up on all message tabs would have been alot better recieved, than a message that was posted after the event. And that is the major issue right there. That and the fact that it took 5 or 6 restarts before mine door permissions finally showed up. With proper forewarning, a lot of us, wouldn't have been caught out. We could have arranged to have to access to the deed writ holder and whatnot. Ours for example is very busy in RL and didn't appreciate the constant restarts while he was trying to set permission on close to 50 buildings. In the end I catapulted out of the area I got trapped in.
  3. Eventually after like five or six restarts alexo. But before then they didn't show... At least on serenity anyway.
  4. Would love a friends group please... Pretty please with a cherry on top.
  5. Sadly I have to agree with profiteers last assessment. Meditation had all but ruined the game for alot of people. I'd prefer all meditation paths have no direct influence on the outcome of fighting. (auto correct gets me again)
  6. Actually it does need to be there. What you do is you put your name there, then if you change ownership you don't lock yourself out.
  7. SoTg is over powered. As in it's a tank buff with a slight healing need. I'd prefer the healing nerf To be removed and a damage nerf of 50% to be added to it instead. Also the path of hate damage boost should be made permanent but moved to a higher level, but negate 50% of the armor bonus to balance it out. All the other paths should have benefits in some way as well.... Like path of love gets a healing buff of 50%, path of power 50% more spell damage, knowledge accelerated skill gains, so forth and so on. But the other argument here is that it's permanent buffs and debuffs, whereas a 12 or 18 hour action timer for a 15 minute gain is better balanced if it's shared across all paths. It also makes the fights mote interesting if the paths are balanced out amongst all the players, variety is a good thing too.
  8. If I put 100 seeds in a bucket it lists all 100 seeds. I prefer it like any other container where it shows one line next to it, that I can expand or minimize as needed.
  9. got one from digging the other day... with the message... you find a shovel :/
  10. At least revert to old mine door and gate permissions untill the problem is fixed and tested. House permissions are a nightmare for deeds where the mayors are away on holidays ATM. Going to be alot of replaced gatehouses.
  11. roll back... this change will cause a lot of people to leave game. and how about advertising the upcoming change in the future instead of just trying to peeve everyone off.... large maul time for me. if we get a roll back good, if not im making my own way out
  12. I demand a roll back.... this is terrible. very similar to the sort of change(as in game destroying) rolf implemented many years ago that saw over 50% of the player base quit wurm.
  13. How does that remove writs? I actually like writs and would like them to remain as they are.
  14. Being able to alter the NPC's and or new types would be interesting too. For example a trader that follows a predefined path and destroys any walls placed to block it's progress.
  15. cant see this happening, the last time rolf did this... by opening JKH to wilds, he lost so many players im surprised wurm actually survived.