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Everything posted by Wulfgar

  1. Rolf comes here and wants a discussion, and we end up with entitled players throwing around demands without contributing to the discussion. He already answered your question in Q6 btw.
  2. I think it sounds like a great idea, and regarding eventual staff shortage, I would be more than happy to help out new players on the Steam server, as I would definitely go there and play. Since the vast majority of Wurm players are helpful, I don't think it will be a problem.
  3. Because time is money, and 4 second for digging a new dirt and 20 or so seconds lost on sacrificing the rare dirt, isn't as good as just putting it in a bulk container.
  4. Since we are seeing people suggesting whole-sale changes to the game as QoL changes, I'll offer a real QoL suggestion. Could we have an option on rare items to turn them into normal items? Or at least some way to force them into bulk containers. Kind of tired of having rare dirt littered all over my deed.
  5. -1 to all of it. If those are QoL changes, then why not suggest automated crafting, helper NPCs and removal of skill system?
  6. Any thoughts on closing down some of the existing PvE servers, if you want to keep them more desolate than normal with a reoccuring event server?
  7. Switched my Shares

    Thanks for sharing the information. Instead of fearing for the worst that can happen, I will (for once) stay hopeful until evidence suggests otherwise.
  8. All of the new laptops and desktops? I have only heard of Microsoft Surface products enabling this S mode, which is the dumbest thing ever, but it can be disabled.
  9. Grats! 100 tailoring next? 😛 Edit: Remember to change your signature
  10. -1. Not all creatures in game should be for people to keep as pets on Freedom.
  11. Please fix the year in the footer. Edit: Thanks 🙂
  12. Good luck. Ongoing advertising, first thing I ever heard about it, but we could use more of it.
  13. This thread made my day. Whoever is doing this, keep doing it, you are a hero. This is humour on such a high level!
  14. http://wurmonline.com/status-new/ is the correct link, the other one doesn't show anything for me.
  15. I have the same problem, but I guess its not important on Jackal, so its not really important at all atm.
  16. It feels like it loads before I press enter to load the page. (just checked in Chrome network tab, it loads in 157 ms!)
  17. You are new to Wurm? The question is very valid, and I would like an answer as well, because when these creatures were introduced on Freedom last time, they did indeed bash down fences and house walls on deeds, causing a major uproar and causing tons of new players to leave the game.
  18. About your point 2. Most people today are too lazy to bury creatures, even though a slight change to get coin was introduced, what would be the incentive to make the burying mechanic extremely more complicated?
  19. So based on the assumption that Frontier will fail miserably, like Epic did and does continously, we shouldn't worry about thinning out the population? That means if Frontier is a success, we will just lose more players than we already are. Great!
  20. -1. A lit forge on a cart/boat should just set the cart/boat on fire, and destroy it. As for the bedroll, wouldn't this just make inns useless? If you are that desperate for sleep bonus, you should look for an inn.
  21. Reading the topic, I was hoping for something else entirely, like you grew up and stopped trolling chats (xrumx).