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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/04/24 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    [08:35:06] The old fat Wildgrey eats some sleep powder. Put some SP in a satchel last night, which also held some barley. Used the feed from satchel option, and the hell horse ate the SP
  2. 4 points
    Good news! Timowi made a ipv4 fix! Site should be back for all now
  3. 3 points
    The Trust alliance cordially invite you to join us at the slaying of The Young Troll King. https://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Troll_king The slaying will be held on Sunday 21st April at 4pm UTC. That translates as 9am in Los Angeles, 12pm (midday) in New York, 5pm in London and 7pm in Moscow. Apologies to our friends in Australasia and South East Asia, it'll be late night there. More information, including the location, will be available both here and on the Harmony server (Freedom) chat approximately 24 hours before the event. The slaying site will be connected to the highway system. We've made a special effort to create a venue we hope you will enjoy. When slain, every premium player in local will receive blood. Mixing Troll King blood with source salt will create a Ointment of Stone Cutting. Slaying the Troll King will give the title "Trollslayer".
  4. 3 points
    Un-link Chaos from freedom and this make sense to me
  5. 3 points
    Starting Price - 80s Increments - 1s Reserve - 1G Buyout - PM Offers Sniper Protection - 1 Hour
  6. 2 points
    I waited a little over 158 days for my faith transfer. The second and third time I just didn't pay for one and instead depriested because it was faster to grind 90 faith again. The fourth time was a five day turnaround. Mind you, this is something you can buy in the store that is broken. it's really frustrating and I'd like to understand but as someone who has worked professionally for many IT companies, and one game company -- using my own exact example here: if a customer can pay me for the service and the service does not work as intended (not a minor bug, literally outright broken); that priority is higher than everything else EXCEPT service outages.
  7. 2 points
    Stop working on new content, skins, cash grabs, whole system reworks and fix existing bugs that have been in the game for 100 years. An example, which made me have the frustration to make this post is server crossing is just a train wreck. I've been sitting on the boarder for over an hour waiting for a GM to get me because my boat crossed and I did not. This is a normal experience for us that have been playing the game so long. However, a new player that spends the time craft a canoe, which is very accessible now for new players. If they ran into this same situation they are not waiting over an hour(probably longer) IN-GAME to have a GM help them. They are logging off the game and likely not returning. This is just one example of annoying game breaking bugs that for some reason are not the focus.
  8. 2 points
    Expand dyeable banners and flags (not kingdom banners/tall banners/flags) to include a variety of design layout options. Different colors can be applied to different areas of the banner/flag (for example, quartering). Designs could be extensive, including: Patterns such as chevron, cross, stripe, and triangle. Emblems, such as ball, crescent, diamond, flower, ring, star, and trefoil. Animals.
  9. 2 points
    I consider it a strength as I could take my main on SFI and go on a tour of NFI without needing new equipment.
  10. 2 points
    -1 Would effect the freedom market too much
  11. 2 points
    This is quite the bias here isn't it. Vinius is in JK on defiance, no surprise that you would -1 it. +1 for this reasonable suggestion as it would benefit all.
  12. 2 points
    Are you serious? So if someone paid one gold in deed upkeep and is taking a few months break, their deed should just disband? 🙄🙄🙄
  13. 2 points
    All of this is very anti-wurm
  14. 1 point
    Just curious how many folk are hoping to be able to travel or transfer between the clusters - if/when this becomes an option! Please let me know your opinions below, or if I've missed anything.
  15. 1 point
    Hot Dog PMK Set Includes: 2x flags, 2x banners, 2x tall banners, 1x tent, 1x wagon Starting Price: 50s Buyout: None Reserve: None No Private Bids Snipe Protection: 1hr
  16. 1 point
    And in PvE there is code for duel, but it is rarely used, so part of idea already exists in some form.
  17. 1 point
    If we already have hints on map when searching for treasures, it can be used to improve tracking. By finding traces of a creature or player on a given tile, character collect a "footprint" that displays an affinity-like status with a countdown. As long as a given tracking-status is active, we see hint on map. The higher tracking level, the smaller circle is. If we have an active tracking status of a given creature character should have an advantage and creature cannot see player if he is approach it from behind (limited aggro range from back 180° angle). In this way, we have a good chance of landing first blow, which should be exceptionally strong, providing us with a bit of an advantage, in further fight, as well as higher than normal skill gain for hunted/tracked creature. If we hunt with a bow, then first shot at tracked creature never misses. We could be able to track several targets at same time, having several statuses. In another idea, I proposed that creatures start fight with a higher focus level the further they are from starting city, tracking such an animal could lower focus level with which it starts fight. As a reward, tracker receives loot that cannot be obtained in any other way: Potions Part of an animal that allows, using alchemy, to prepare one of few potions: - reduces aggro range of a given animal species - or increases aggro, if you want to lure them - damage reduction against specific creatures - additional skill gain against given animal species for character who drinks potion. You can drink several potions (1 for every 10 tracking skill levels), which last some time (depending on potion quality, max 2 hours on 100ql). Nest If hunted animal was a female, when burying body we receive a clue as to where nest is, it would be at point where animal spawned. This way it would also be possible to learn migration paths of creatures. The further we are from nest, the higher reward, which would also depend on type of animal and its age. In some cases we will find a nest with an egg (turtle, croc) or young one, so small that it fits in a backpack and that is only way to transport it. If you want animal to hatch/grow, leave it with backpack in a pen. During this growth time, priests can cast spells on egg/animal, same as they cast on weapons, armors or jewelry. This will mean that when cub grows up, it will have "enchanted" trait, which will store information about what spells were used (for example LT - thanks to which it will heal during combat) and what was power of spells. If an animal can be bred, next generations inherit enchanted trait, but power of spells transferred by domesticated animals is reduced by 20-30% per generation. (wild->domesticated 100% spell power is inherited) (domesticated->domesticated 70-80%) Enchanted weapon/trait Some animals should spawn with an enchanted trait, which would store only one spell, that priest can cast on weapons, armor or jewelry. This way, fight against such a mob would be more difficult and more interesting, but reward would also be slightly greater. Natural spell power may depend on age of server, so that on older servers it may even exceed power of spells cast by priests. In case of trolls with this trait, weapon with this additional status would be dropped (only when we were tracking this troll). Fact that weapon is wooden allows to make a shaft, staff or handle from it (success depends on carpentry level), which can then be used to create any player-made weapon. These wooden pieces inherit this one spell and carry over it's power to final weapon. But when priests cast on such naturally "enchanted" weapons, they are treated as normal weapons to not to increase their difficulty level. If animal had Aura of shared pain trait, its hide will also have this enchant, which will be transferred to leather and to armor. In case of naturally enchanted armor, when a priest casts Aura of shared pain on a finished piece, spell strength will be added up, but without any additional difficulty for priest. Additional animal parts, such as claws and fangs, can also be strengthened and can be used to create necklaces and pendants. (As for the metal armors, it suggested metal golems made of meteorites) Similarly, in case of a weapon that was created from enchanted element, any spell, priest additionally strengthens it's power when he casts same spell (power adds up). In this way, we should gain weapons and armor whose strength increases with age of server, but threat would also increase in proportion to character's strength.
  18. 1 point
    Because they are not legally insane.
  19. 1 point
    Ive never really understood this, does what someone else wears or uses impact your game play or is it simply some kind of pve measurement of who is winning the game since you cant smash each others face in to decide? If its about haves vs have nots then wouldnt this help things become more affordable for the have nots? Not that I think that would happen either tbh, people cried that having dragons as a renewable resource would tank the market when previously they had been finite but it didnt really change that much in the end either.
  20. 1 point
    Oddly enough, Wurm seem to be more fitting for older minds. We could say that "pvp vs pve" is also the type of discussion where age demographic could show significant diversion between far ends. Like we all seem to agree that its typical that younger are more drawn to "fast and furious" / "action" and group up... which sounds like you get that from pvp server... whereas older lean towards "calm and peaceful" / "isolation" which sounds like you get that in pve. I dont even know that many "below 40y" in pve. Well I dont know many either way, but the scale of "age" in my friendhood tips towards older end. Anyway, just some food for thought in this topic. I know oldies who love pvp so this is not a rule of thumb, just some probability assessing.
  21. 1 point
    Flooding the NFI, with almost two decades of rares+ from the SFI, is something that should be completely out of the question. So, no item transfer, please.
  22. 1 point
    [22:02:12] The wood scrap will take damage if the campfire is lit. (x20) Generally a good idea to warn e.g. when dropping the supreme rope tool into a furnace, but this seems to be bit over the top. Maybe better allow "locking" of items of choice preventing them from being burnt, sacced, put on lava etc., with a warning when dropping or throwing.
  23. 1 point
    I love your potion ideas. I think you made the nest idea unnecessarily very complicated and hard to implement requiring adding new mechanics and big changes only to in the end appear as a small detail within the game, carrying little significance after great effort and time. The third idea is just completely detached from reality but reading some parts of it is mind opening, giving inspiration to different new ideas on the same features.
  24. 1 point
    I have the feeling that the intend behind the connection of both SFI and NFI is misunderstood, maybe? What I was reading and understanding (and I might be wrong here), the devs want to allow that you can move your character and skills from one cluster to another so you don't have to start over, if you've made a "wrong" decision when you started the game. The hope might be, that transfer of skills only, wont impact the current state of both clusters too much. That way you can correct a "wrong" decision and go play with your friends, without creating another character and starting by zero. Yeah, some will go and visit the other clusters and do some exploration but most of the ppl will stay where they are. It is totally fine to discuss, that this is not enough, that you want to have both clusters connected completely. But I think a step by step approach to bring those clusters together is a good thing to reduce the risk such a merge might bring (start with transfer of skill, let the clusters even out even more and than connect them completely). Best -- Thassadhar PS: Still no information about a replacement of the trader functionality regarding upkeep reduction
  25. 1 point
    All you clueless newbies who are whining for a new cluster need to stop suggesting that the old servers get consolidated. What does it matter to you whether we're all on one server or 15 of them? You don't care, you want to play somewhere new that it doesn't affect you at all. Consolidation only works if we aren't dividing ourselves further with new "clusters".
  26. 1 point
    I'd like to see some kind of comparative analysis on the options of merging versus portals. Merging SWOT: Strengths: Items can be transferred, coastlines on all PVE servers and Chaos can be reached by boat relatively quickly and safely. Weaknesses: Code discrepancies would need to be resolved. Opportunities: Free flow of players, skills and trade between North and South, redistribution of players and resources, SFI PMK items become available to NFI. Threats: Risk to the separateness and distinct nature of the two existing economies for those that value this. Unpredictable exodus or influx of players and items to any particular server. Portals SWOT: Strengths: Separation of North and South servers as distinct experiences, less need to resolve code differences. Minimal changes to economies for those that value this. Weaknesses: Items may not be transferred. Inconvenient and dangerous for those living and travelling far from portals. Opportunities: Flow of characters and skills between North and South. Redistribution of characters, particularly alts. Threats: Unpredictable exodus or influx of characters to any particular server.
  27. 1 point
    South Cadence missing highways in orange and bridges in purple (im sorry its hard to see) S12 area
  28. 1 point
    cant wait for the fancy jumpers duping skill and affinities.. bring them -.-, so much fun.. *sigh*.. did jackal have something like that what about fatigue no nfi/sfi.. it basically duplicates it.. and if affinities are transfered from the one to the other place.. account sharing and grinding to get specific gains is boosted significantly, if skill transfers seamlessly trough the portals.. it's 2x the sleep bonus and 2x the fatigue Can we just get 14 hours of sleep bonus on the one cluster and not play on the other or we just get shanked by whoever decides to ab/use the feature and jump between them for it?
  29. 1 point
    yeah, wn maps has always been like this. I am not skilled enough with leaflet. I just made it for fun and to try and learn what I could. It has great potential for lots of improvements for sure!!
  30. 1 point
    Asking 2 gold, but open to offers. Armor is enchanted with WA and every piece has a Steel Rune of Vynora (10% reduced damage to armor)
  31. 1 point
    "I surveyed no people, and they all agreed with me" To be clear, I'm complaining about these PvP elements on PvE servers. Keep them to PvP
  32. 1 point
    This is a ragebait post, right? Is the only reasonable part of this. The rest of the suggestion is just "people who take a break should lose all their stuff" mixed with a weird dose of "I hate new players"
  33. 1 point
    This actually made me laugh because this is where this kind of approach is headed towards.
  34. 1 point
    I think that's what people are suggesting. Let's follow the punch and make premium time subtract at 2x the normal speed (so 2 days premium lost for each real day) if they don't log on for 30 days and completely cancel the premium if player doesn't log on for 90 days. even if they have 4 years of premium paid ahead to get the marks. Fair is fair. You have to be chained to the game or you lose stuff i guess.
  35. 1 point
    I think you should be required to play Wurm to even make suggestions.
  36. 1 point
    New player who can play only for 2h/day: "I want to give you my money so that i can have a safe place, you know, like all those people already do." CCAB/GC: "Nah, we're good, don't want your filthy money. At your play schedule, come back in 12 days and then we'll consider if you're worthy."
  37. 1 point
    Thanks to Nahi, azzy, and Kian for making this happen, we appreciate you guys!
  38. 1 point
    Change: Placing or resizing a deed is no longer possible within 40 tiles of a server border. Change: Boats should now only appear on water tiles after crossing a server border. Seems the latter makes the former redundant? It doesn't impact my bridge but seems odd to want to remove the possibility for anyone else to make a server bridge and be reassured that it wont decay, feats of engineering to be frowned upon?
  39. 1 point
    Wurm was designed as a PvP MMO, if I understand correctly, so minor PvP elements could exist on PvE servers. In such quantities, no one would complain about these PvP elements. As for reward, in my opinion, weapon would be enough, in this way, slowly, without flooding the market, new, better weapons would come into use, which seems to be a justified solution given many years of character development. As they were upgraded, they would become rare... which would make them unique weapons worth a fortune and different combinations of weapon type + active property + weapon spells cast by priests would give a bit more variety and fun. This wouldn't be a weapon you could order just like that. Addition: You could also try to add a 4th and 5th type of weapon, 1h/2h spear, which can be drawn from stone using polearms skill and 1h/2h khopesh, which would be equivalent of sickle next tier. Which would add 5 new weapons and 5 new skills as submenu in Ancient/Artifact Weapons skill.
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    That's undoubtedly the best thing for Wurm long-term. Would be very time consuming, but the alternative is a game that's slowly dying. Do we want to stick with the old forever or make a temporary sacrifice to merge the entire community together?
  42. 1 point
    The original gnomes (red hat ones, received years ago as Christmas presents) had a few unique abilities: they sang, they stole stuff, they "aged". First, their song has been muted. Then, several years ago, it was decided they needed to be nerfed even further, and their ability to steal things was *lowered* (in reality, they don't steal anything anymore). The problem is, nerfing their theft ability also removed their aging property. Gnomes kept off deed were losing ql. all the way to 1ql, but then, hidden in a container, their quality was slowly going back up to 90 or something like that. It is a pity their lost all their unique traits (and I mean unique for real, you won't find similar little people in other games), but while I understand singing and borrowing corn and gems can be annoying for certain people, the quality lost/improved had nothing that could be less pleasing to players. In fact, I do believe removing the ql. change ability was a bug, not intended to happen, so maybe someone has a minute to look at it? Pretty please with a grumpity on top!
  43. 1 point
    Love your positivity Brainzzo and I am so glad that you joined the discord when you did so we could all help you pick the right server and play the game. Bit of a backstory on this too, for any that seem to continuously question the community and might be wondering why a new player would even want to play PvP Brainzzo joined the Wurm discord during one of our many large 20+ player voice calls where the community just riffs and raffs, we had just finished watching a movie together.. Brainzo shows off his NFI character and starts talking about the game, shows the deed he was building and Defiance. Sadly, this was just after a lot of Defiance had quit. Jim privately decided to make an alt, come down and engaged Brainzo in PvP, as Brainzo was begging 'to be attacked, or die, anything' A crowd of 10 people all cheered on Brainzo and gave him advice in the fight and luckily, he managed to win it. Later on, he was convinced to come to Chaos where its more active. He was then later invited to Pandemonium. Brainzo has experienced solo roaming pvp, group pvp and has clearly absolutely enjoyed the ###### out of it, as the community in large has offered him advice for training his account and as he mentioned, returned his gear to him /Until He Stopped Them/. This is the community that is being absolutely attacked on a monthly basis, the people that are being referred to as 'recruiting victims'. I think I am going to start invoking the targeted abuse aspects of the Wurm Rules and start reporting these constant attacks now, its getting tired. Being called pathetic because we choose a game style over another is also just sad. Topkos specifically, Brainzo is a new player sharing his opinion, be a little nicer to him, the rules literally state don't be a ######.
  44. 1 point
    I am bringing this here instead. I am the weakest player in chaos 100% Im not looking for players to make "victims" even though its a harsh word. I didnt feel like a victim ppl helped me i had unlimited resources. For the first month ppl were returning my stuff when i died. Until i didnt want that. i had hella fun i found my first drag my first big fight. Almost got a kill yesterday i been having so much fun u just need to get rid of the fear of death. You will enjoy yourself. I love looking at old deeds seeing what i can take. Training feels like a anime " i need to cut a whole forest in order to get stroonger! type stuff idk i think Its very chill. But your attitude does not make the pve community seem fun. You guys attack each other to the point it hurts some people and i think that's kind of weak you guys create friend groups leaving certain ppl out of the loop all kind of stuff. idk I also went to Xan and joined one of the most popular villages. It started fine but i wanted to create a deed of my own and it went all bad. I also witnessed some of the worst toxicity i have ever seen in any game. Lots of bully's and people complaining about literally everything it was wild. to me this game isnt ment for pve and it shows. Lets start with locks ql is there a reason for higher quality lock on pve? I wish for the pve servers to take ur problems to chaos and go back to pve with peace of mind. I complete it get it man. Like your genration call it, toxicity is everywhere. I got it. I just hate when the PVP people get on the podium, and tell me, I’m playing the game the wrong way. It should not bother you even a little bit how I play Wurm. Why do you even care? I certainly have no idea who you were 1 hour ago. I play solo. I do not join villages, or alliances because I KNOW, I will offend people with my second sentence in chat. I belong to a completely different generation. The whole thing can go to 2 players left, and one of them would be me. And still don’t give 2 irons on how the other player Wurms. So, please, stop pestering the forums on why people do not PVP. I did PVP a lot in EVE Online, I had a blast. lots of Adrenaline in 30 seconds costly battles. The vast majority of the Wurm community answered this, time, and time again: PVP sucks.
  45. 1 point
    Hey everyone! Big thanks to Red for doing such a great job for quiet a while! As of today I will be editing the Cadence Community Map. So hopefully things should keep running just fine.
  46. 1 point
    Bring back the original gnome abilities!
  47. 1 point
    I'll provide as many filter tools as is possible but the primary issue is just scale. Polling the entire database of auctions joined with items joined with the table that keeps the enchantments and other tables of extra data and doing a text comparison or regex is extremely expensive as far as database operations go. It would potentially lock the database for seconds at a time where potentially hundreds of people are trying to use it at once. So it's just not performant to our requirements. We have to use a UI that narrows the searches considerably to tackle that. Additionally we can't really inform the game client of all of the auctions and let it do the work. For the same reason we limit item stacks to 100. It's not that we can't do any single data transfer of more than 100, it's that we shouldn't do it all the time. The data transfer size isn't huge to you or me but would be too large to do at scale with larger numbers of players given the limited server infrastructure we have. Filters and what you can view has to be specific and pagination needs to be used so we don't cause server lag by IO locking ourselves.
  48. 1 point
    About 2 years ago I showed the game to my dad (@Gerbold). Dad got really hooked into the game and has since playing it. Together with me! Thats my biggest brag and proud, so we can spend more time together.
  49. 1 point
    There are players that do not wear their armor constantly in game, opting to instead enjoy wearing different outfits daily and also for special occasions. For those of us in this catagory, there are very limited options available. Please consider adding even just 1 simple dress as a clothing option. If it was dyeable such as the white cloth jacket is, that would be amazing! Thanks for reading and have a great day!
  50. 1 point
    ======== Dyeworks ======== Thrilled to announce that the dyeworks is officially open! Splash a little color around the old deed, spruce up the sails of your ship, or just (literally) paint the town red. Standard Shades Catalog Our agents scour the South Freedom Isles in order to source the finest small-batch reagents for brewing the brightest colors possible. Custom Colors Catalog See an exotic shade that you fancy? Custom colors are cooked up on request and generally range from 20-50c per kg depending on the difficulty of the shade and the quantities needed. Dyes can look very different than expected depending on the surface - so we're happy to test dye a small barrel, small statue, or potter object for you before you commit to a larger purchase. Custom dyes not listed below are also possible! If you can provide us with the RGB target of the color you're looking for, we'll be happy to cook up that special order just for you. Wondering how much dye you'll need for your project? The dye entry on Wurmpedia has you covered, but here are some common requests: kg of dye required to paint Ship Hull Sail Vehicle Frame Sailboat 5.0 1.5 Large Cart 15.0 Rowboat 5.0 n/a Ship transporter 10.0 Cog 36.5 10.9 Small Cart 5.0 Corbita 62.6 18.8 Caravel 220.0 66.0 Knarr 169.6 50.9 ============== Bulk Discounts! ============== To encourage the dying of ships and sails, the following discounts are now available for colors without an asterisk(*) after their name: 16% discount on orders of 45kg or more 25% discount on orders of 90kg or more 33% discount on orders of 180kg or more! Please note: the very popular Midnight Black and Raider Black are not eligible for bulk discount due to both demand and the shocking difficulty of making such dark shades.
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