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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/22 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I noticed few people taming mission mobs , namely traitor ones. Since this stops the mission from being completed in a timely manor , could you ether make them none tamable or end the mission soon as it is tamed ? This is for champ traitor mob .
  2. 4 points
    Hello all, A few months ago we gave a retirement date to the Old UI. That date has come and passed, but it is now finally time to wish the Old UI a farewell. Please continue to give feedback with regards to the 4.2 version of the client so that we can make it better for everyone. I'll also have a development update post coming this week. We've had some changes to the team that I'd like to announce officially, plus maybe even some teasers of what's being worked on.
  3. 4 points
    Boy...if the crafting window is new to you, then its been a long time. So many things have been added/changed since then. I'll list some that come to mind Underground buildings and bridges Paving bridges and mine walls Rift events Animal husbandry got an overhaul Combat got an overhaul New UI Archaeology Treasure maps Priests can oversac to temporarily store lots more favor than their faith Being able to plant crops by activating the container that the seeds are in. Equiping horses by dragging gear on to them. Unequip all option. Volumetric lighting giving sunshafts Search bar in inventory and bulk bins There have been a lot more I am not remembering at the moment. We are also going to see some new updates around the corner that the devs are about to tease this week. Welcome back to wurm!
  4. 4 points
    I built this loghouse for my dog! Has he ever entered? NOPE! Does he care about it the slightest? NOPE! I’m good out on the fields!
  5. 4 points
    Posted a bit about my deed, Goldwyn Castle on this thread. Recently went back into work on it. I have been working on the outter areas of the deed. I terraformed a 1k tile farm on the west side of the deed. As I was working I was mesmerized by this view of the side of the deed. It looks beautiful in the background of the farm.
  6. 4 points
    The issue seems to have come down to how the group of players who are using faith swaps for sleep bonus(instead of any of the other ways to do so) are creating drama and trying to pressure people into not doing rites back to back because "I don't want to miss out on my free gains by exploiting a mechanic that was not intended to be used this way" these people would go and create drama when they don't get what they want and it seems to be affecting a lot of people out there. Can't say this ever has been an issue in SFI as most of us know why faith swap even became a thing that we could do but honestly the mentality of "I SHOULD RAGE AND BE UPSET BECAUSE MY EXPLOIT GOT TAKEN AWAY" is stupid be happy they don't go back to the 3 kingdom switch/3 faith swaps total idea's that used to be a thing way way back(Which we lost the cap on faith swaps when player religions came in and we got a faith swap purchasable added when PR's were taken out after everyone received 1 free faith swap) Faith swapping was never meant to be a mechanic for rites and if you refuse to play unless you have sleep bonus then please i suggest you go play a different game(I don't mean you the person who i quoted in here but in general) from what i see here and the other topic its like a small handful of people who are genuinely raging about a mechanic being partly fixed so that people wont abuse it. If we were to get angry over every such event the forums would look like a hot spot on the sun there have been so many mechanics that were okay but got destroyed because 1-5 people abused it and made to be way more annoying then before heck we have had skill changes because 1 person didn't like them and its silly yes but the idea that "oh it drives away 50% of players because we cant do x" as some people are making it out to be is just bs they will all keep playing wurm and in a week or 2 no one will care they will just miss it like we miss other "features"
  7. 3 points
    a floating horse Greetings from The Void
  8. 2 points
    It would be nice to have the middle post and maybe even the stairs themselves be of the different types of stone or wood, Marble,slate etc. it would look a lot better in buildings made of different materials.
  9. 2 points
    To curb switching faith for bonuses, you now must have 30 faith to claim rewards from a rite event. Religion is intended to be a long-term choice in Wurm. Bridge planning will now prevent illegal characters from being used in the bridge’s name. Transferring to Chaos from Freedom at a natural border crossing is no longer possible when PVP crossings are disabled for anyone on the boat. Added a new title for reaching 100 skill in Gardening. Congrats Richtje!
  10. 2 points
    There are multiple ways that spyglasses could be improved upon. In the literal sense, they could be made so that smiths can repair and improve them. The visuals are blurry and unclear. I would like this effect to be reduced for higher quality spyglasses. Higher quality spyglasses could have a slightly increased magnification, i.e. a narrower field of view. If possible, the render distance could be increased to correspond to the reduced field of view. This will mean that you can see things through the spyglass that you cannot see without it. In combination these changes would mean that a skilled smith could improve an existing spyglass so that it shows more objects, further away, with more clarity.
  11. 2 points
    Yes ofc ill understand it should be a challange, but if ur color blind....? or ur like me ill got Glucoma? ill cant see diffrent between shades of dark.... so any help how to do? Legend map dont help...something to about, dont think i am only with same problem...
  12. 2 points
    I know you put a lot of effort into this, and I hope that the grand opening will be glamorous! You deserve it! 🎉
  13. 2 points
    A Very Enlightened Priest
  14. 2 points
    +1 to Taxidermy that would retain the Champion or Greenish size and colours.
  15. 2 points
    i proposed this some time ago. just not telling people that they can disband faster doesnt solve the issue, somethings need to change so people dont even need to ask.
  16. 2 points
    I'll (again) link to this post, which has an example of the harm it causes to non-swappers:
  17. 2 points
    Never understood the point of a disband timer on PvE. Sure it could have a timer. but an hour!! Maybe 30 minutes. Now PvP is completely different. I say change the disband timer all together on PvE and leave it for PvP.
  18. 2 points
    I agree that it needs to remain. From personal experience, I know I had to choose not to craft a knarr because my Body Strength was insufficient to drag one (and yes, I found this out by looking at the wurmpedia entry!) and my relevant character lives in deed that's on a very very shallow bay. Please don't remove this info. Sometimes when one gets skills and characteristics up to high levels as a veteran, they forget what's very relevant to newer or lower-statted characters. That stat requirement is very real ingame, why censor it out?
  19. 2 points
    Timezone is CST, but that is why it will run for 12 hours. After that opening, it will be open 24/7.
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
    When your ship gets stuck someplace when you're out sailing you very much still need to drag it
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
    Please make every element entirely resizibleleeeeee instead of having to scale it all through the UI!
  24. 2 points
    tfw you put a poll expecting everyone to support you and instead everyone just tells you to stop complaining about not being able to abuse a ###### mechanic
  25. 2 points
    Just curious what a set of Heterosexual banners be maybe add that too so all inclusive
  26. 2 points
  27. 1 point
    Looking for 1.8g for the set.
  28. 1 point
    Perhaps it's something like this https://xanadu.yaga.host/#5865,3576 I guess that because I see what looks like a diagonal northeast/southwest road on your map, maybe turning east to Ravensbrook. I might see some other details, but maybe not, the colors are not so clear. Perhaps it's more northeast, maybe like here https://xanadu.yaga.host/#5892,3565 . This matches a little more with topography lines, but in any case, both my guesses are near the same general area. I recommend saving your screenshots as something with less compression, like a .PNG, because a lot of color detail is fuzzed out or lost if you save it as JPEG I hope my guesses are good!
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    A seal inspecting the new deco in her pen
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I don't mind the change to be honest, but it's pretty lame they do it because NFI controversy that have nothing to do with SFI, while SFI issue with freedom to chaos remains and 7 days faith change don't make sense anymore
  33. 1 point
    If you look at the arguing in this thread, you see the arguing that takes place each and every time a rite is ready to be cast or cast without announcing. Plus add the additional arguing about WHEN it should be cast if announced. That toxicity is the reason for the change. They can minimize the frequency of it flaring up and polluting the pleasure of the game by just getting rid of the mechanic that is the root of these regular arguments. That is their motivation and reasoning for the change, not whether it 'should' or shouldn't be one way or the other.
  34. 1 point
    Hello This is not a bug but the Devs are going to make it clearer.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    [22:16:30] <Shamank> ca help needs to stop tellling people to resize small before disband, makes junk arch deeds He makes a great point. This has long been common practice to shrink deed before disbanding for faster disband. While most of Archeology is probably happening on abandoned needs, and not manually disbanded ones, these are two features that conflict and one should be changed.
  37. 1 point
    It holds 2.5kg water, and fully refills approximately once every RL hour. You can put other liquids inside but they do not refill (tested with source and alcohol). Haven't tested enchanting the water to say if it works or not, though with it only holding a regular water skin amount of water and refilling once an hour it doesn't seem like it would be a good candidate for using enchanted water in.
  38. 1 point
    Yes! +1000 to stares of stone, marble, sandstone, slate etc.! Love the sweeping staircase idea too.
  39. 1 point
    All orders filled, thank you everyone!
  40. 1 point
    I agree, would be easier to just put it in in one go, rather than clicking each one at a time. I'm sure it isn't to hard to change.
  41. 1 point
    As somebody who doesn't agree to the change that likely a large percentage of a rites total charge amount comes from people praying 5-6 times a day to achieve 20 faith again, without those people praying everybody is likely to see many less rites, even those who stayed on the same path. I encourage everybody who enjoys benefitting from rites (The sb and characteristics) to please continue praying a few times a day to help keep the rituals at a decent pace and to spread the word to others as well to keep praying even once you reach 30 faith for the good of everybody.
  42. 1 point
    How about we let people voice how they feel about changes to the game that will effect they way that they play the game. Rest assured, just because the change may not bother you, there are more then one person who is bothered by these changes. I agree that faith changing should not be a thing for the sake of sleep bonus...but then there is the valid thought that this will probably have an impact on people who play the game and how active they are...people who start being less active in games often times find themselves moving onto other games that they can be more active in because it suits their play style. Regardless of if this was an intended style of play, it was one that the devs left in the game long enough that there are many people who have adapted to playing it and it will effect those players. Time will tell if those players stick around with their money or move onto something else. I also feel that this change could have been done in a manner that did not effect preaching. Anytime you have a game mechanic that has been working as intended, such as preaching, and then a change is made that limits that mechanic, you hurt your player base. The goal should always be to improve and add to the game, not include nerfs that don't feel to be fully thought out as to how that nerf would effect other long term skills. The ability to change faiths and gain SB from rites has been in the game long enough, that leaving it in longer with the goal of coming to a better thought out solution would have had no effect to the current situation. The ongoing changes and testing being done to archeology, even as this thread is posted, is a great example of consulting the player base, getting feedback and then making the desired changes. Neither archeology nor the faith switching was something that I feel was something that "NEEDED" to be changed, but I do feel that the process that is being taken with archeology is the correct method, while making the changes to faith without doing some form of rework or revisit to preaching, making it into a more involved skill of the game, was a less then desired approach. Happy Wurming
  43. 1 point
    That's what the patch notes say. It's the position of the Wurm developers. If you want to argue with Lisimba's characterization of that statement, based on your beliefs of what the devs' intentions were a decade ago... sure. Knock yourself out. But nobody is forcing you to stay with a religion. All this patch did is remove an incentive for min/maxers to change religion frequently.
  44. 1 point
    Sorta like a player made kingdom, but on PvE and role played? Yeah, go for it. I already have my own village elsewhere on Xanadu so I won't join, but I always like to see this sort of thing.
  45. 1 point
    I understand wanting the population to grow to keep the game up and running but really don't relate to these concerns that people are too spread out and that the world feels "lonely". The world is quiet because many (if not most) of the players are introverted and enjoy being on their own. We like to do our own thing without having to negotiate with neighbours etc. We spread out by choice. I do feel for those who are more social, but it seems that most of the population prefers to have good space from each other and to keep socializing optional. Forcing people to be closer together would not create a thriving social community the way many people seem to imagine it would. You'd see more issues with deed related drama and fighting over resources like hunting grounds, and probably lose a lot of players who feel claustrophobic with people around all the time.
  46. 1 point
    Steam brought in a new crowd as well, but how many of them stuck around 1 year later? Bringing in new people doesn't seem to be the core issue. The main problem is player retention, which has from what I've seen so far, zero plan of anything concrete in the works. Even if the VR release brings in 5000 players, if only 500 players stick around 1 year later, is that really a win? And 2 years later when those 500 become 250 ? There's precedent in Wurm for such things.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    I did experiment with interdimensional travel as well last year. A GM did have to come and save me when I got too close to the warpgate. It was very unstable back then.
  49. 1 point
    Wurm scientists discovered the first interdimensional gate:
  50. 1 point
    Open World, Full Loot PVP (OWFL) is always a selfish, gank-fest no matter which game you look at that offers it. In my opinion, OWFL does not belong in the MMORPG genre. It should remain in the FPS and FPS hybrid realms. With respect to Wurm, the problem with pvp is that nothing, and I mean nothing, can prevent someone with an attitude or agenda from demolishing months of your invested time and energy building a "safe" haven - which can never be made safe or never be made defensible. And this is a catch-22 because if the devs make deeds safer, the raiders get mad. If they make them less safe, the defenders get mad. Personally, I think pvp should not be about loot. It should be about faction warfare and control, with acquired bonuses as a result of your success. Plus, and I think more importantly, there should be some level of enforced chivalry. When you make pvp all about loot, people are going to get frustrated and quit. Especially since the gear they are wearing likely cost them real-life money. Forget that. I am not paying hundreds of dollars for good gear only to have a couple of gankers with an attitude killing it off me. Who wants that? This brings me to my final point that OWFL breeds toxicity. It is amazing how greedy and brutal human beings can be when they play in a game where anything goes. In that environment, the trend is ALWAYS negative, NEVER positive. The attitudes get pathetic and there is no sense of morality or any such thing. You can feel this attitude of, "I have a right to kill you and take everything you care about, and level your home to the ground. Why? Oh, because its a game, and you are the enemy, and I don't give a hoot." If you read this and think, " Boy, this guy is an idiot," well, that's fine. You probably never will understand what I am trying to describe, so it doesn't matter to me. But probably some of you know what I am talking about and recognize this as a problem. Cooperative, group (kingdom) survival against an equally passionate enemy is what pvp should be about. Not this personal agenda of greed and self-absorption that we see all too often. Remove the game mechanics that foster greed and Wurm pvp might become more interesting to the players. My 2c.
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