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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/21 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Thanks for the kind words - y'all are too nice. 😊 Here you are, @Antony- I've colored you impressed πŸ˜‰ Almost exclusively with Clay->Dirt transmutation liquid - for both of the reasons you mention: as far as I know it's the most difficult thing to make in NS & gave the best skill ticks, plus I can bucket the output by quality to optimize for sub40 results (you should see the spreadsheet). And yes, it's monumentally resource intensive. I had a chance to chew on the logs for a little bit and here is the tale of woe: 17219 failed attempts 158442 successful attempts (which in modern terms is equivalent to three and a half tanker trucks worth of liquid, and represents 158442 pieces of zinc ore to smelt and 39610 lemons to juice) 43659 successful attempts to get from 1.0 to 97.0 51310 successful attempts to get from 97.0 to 99.995 63463 successful attempts to get from 99.995 to 100.0 A wise wurmian once said that "99.995 is halfway to 100" and it turns out that's not too far off. Bonuses in effect: sleep bonus, path of knowledge bonus, coc 95+ at all times, Vynora follower bonus, max nutrition bonus, and affinity meal bonus (no natural affinities). I really only started to optimize zinc ql, lemon juice ql, and amphroa ql from 97 onward - and that's the part that needs it most. I was able to sell about 30 batches of fluid along the way, but the vast majority went to converting deed tiles - 758 of them to be precise. On the bright side, this was enough to de-clay every part of the deed that needed it and I honestly don't have all that much left over. I was determined to de-clay the deed no matter what - making it to 100 was just extra incentive. This is a wise observation and wisdom I will heed. The climb to 100 requires nothing short of obsession and I am a bit burned out by it - time for a bit of a breather.
  2. 6 points
    A book similar to the almanac, but for mobs. Mob reports work a bit differently to alamanc reports; you need to study the corpse of one of each age variant, as well as each "type" (champion, greenish, raging etc where appropriate) to get a full report (writing on a report with that information already slightly improves its quality). Studying the corpse "butchers" it, giving no items. Studying the age variants unlocks more info with each step - Flavour text (1), picture (2), damage types (3), armour (4), modifiers for age (5). Examining the variants offers additional information on that variant (how it impacts their damage/armour/other) to the entry. Optional Extra - A complete beastiary entry can be used to give a QL-minute buff of 10% accuracy and damage against the creature in question (option to just use the beastiary to give all buffs).
  3. 6 points
    I feel like missions right now are not working that fairly in terms of rewards for contribution. Right now, we have an epidemic of people who will throw in 1 item out of 500, or 1 kill out of 50, and hope that the rest of the server will carry them to get their reward. And then the way the mission works, is the sleep bonus gets split EVENLY amongst everyone, regardless of how much work they did. This would be akin to people going to dinner and splitting the check evenly, when some people had steaks and drinks, and others had a side salad. You do get karma for doing individual portion, but karma has no value. I have tens of thousands of karma and I've never used any of it. At some point I may summon a corpse if I ever lose one, but karma is simply not useful. What I want, and what everyone wants, is the sleep bonus. What we need is a system where the mission incentive is flat rate for participation (doing something), but the sleep bonus pool or other benefits are given by participation. So if the bonus pool is 300 minutes and someone does 1% of the work, they should get no more than 1% of 300 minutes of sleep bonus. I am fine with the cap being 30 minutes or whatever is deemed acceptable. But I have been doing a lot of work on carrying missions, and it's not right to have to do 50%+ of a mission, and then get 24 minutes of sleep bonus, when the default is 20, because everyone did one item and then ignored it and waited for someone to do all the work. The alternative of course is to stop doing carries on missions, but then nobody gets anything. Why not instead incentivize people to do the actual work of the mission, by rewarding the sleep bonus appropriately by contribution?
  4. 5 points
    How do you call that thing when you do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result
  5. 4 points
    "Finally from so little sleeping and so much wurming, her brain dried up and she went completely out of her mind." - Don Quixote (paraphrased) [20:52:17] Natural substances increased by 0.000008 to 100.000000 It is my understanding that this might be a first and as such that I may be eligible for: - a complimentary mental health examination - to select a title for this skill Background: When I set the deed boundaries of Meerhaven back in 2012, I discovered that I'd deeded over hundreds of water tiles that were clay and effectively unusable. A sensible person would have adjusted their deed boundaries a bit and gotten on with life. Well ol' Auntie Sid's been accused of being many things, but 'sensible' is not one of them. I'd managed to get NS up to about 97 and discovered that I had some time off of work in December 2020 and said to myself: "Self, you are practically to 100 in this skill. You've got a few thousand zinc and ten barrels of lemon juice in stock - you should knock that out over the holidays." Anyone that has ever attempted the climb to 100 will be quietly laughsobbing at this point. A roadmap to take your Natural Substances skill to 100: A deed buried in clay tiles A few dozen zinc veins nearby Harvesting every single lemon tree on the server for four or five summers in a row A willful ignorance of the sunk cost fallacy Special thanks to: Efevee and the Drake Peak gang for letting me gnaw on all those zinc veins; @Goldfinchfor encouraging me to follow my dreams; @notstupidbobbfor the very best South Coast gossip sessions; @kgorski(Prospecting), @thorgot (Carpentry), and @Quostin(Bowery) for providing details of their journeys to 100. Y'all really helped. I have what I think is a decent title picked out, but am possibly open to suggestions. What would you like to see as the title for 100 NS? Exclusive interview with Wurmian Monthly:
  6. 4 points
    If people are leaving not long after a land rush, then does that not show that new servers/new land are not something that keeps players around for a long time. It is more like a repeating gimmick.
  7. 3 points
    Dear Releasians! It's my honour to be the new cartographer of the Release map. I will continue the great work of Pandalet and before her Akaryd. A great thanks to you guys! The method will be the same as before, so nothing much has changed. πŸ˜‡ Edit: Except we just added the Yaga Map as well πŸ₯³ Current Maps Original Map: https://www.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jnv65yd3ejnujaa/RELEASE%20MAP%20DUMP.png?dl=0 πŸ—ΊοΈ Updated Map Dump (Feb 2022) https://www.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jnv65yd3ejnujaa/RELEASE%20MAP%20DUMP.png?dl=0 πŸ—ΊοΈ Topographical Map: https://www.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hspxl1dj36l8ybe/RELEASE%20MAP%20TOPO.png?dl=0 πŸ—ΊοΈ YagaMap (NEW✨): https://release.yaga.host/ General Instructions Adding a Deed If you'd like your deed added, please post it here with your deed token coordinates (with an image of exactly where your deed is if you wish - using the maps above) or use the Yaga Map and send the coordinates that way. Just post the following information. Settlement name Location (x,y) / yaga map link And if you wish you can add: Has mailbox (yes/no) Has merchant (yes/no) etc... Please only post settlement locations that you own. And do not PM your update requests. Only requests made in this post will be added to the map. Thank you. Adding a Road, Tunnel or Canal If posting new roads, bridges or tunnels then please πŸ‘‰ include an image with your post. Use an image hosting service such as imgur.com and enclose the image link in [/img]. πŸ‘‰ If your canal or tunnel has a name; remember to write that too. πŸ‘‰ Please include if boats can use it / if there is a walkpath / both Disbanded Deeds Besides that I am gathering a list of abandoned deeds, so if you do archeology and find a lost deed please send me the yaga link and name of the deed so I can add it to my list. Likewise if you have a hard time finding an old abandoned deed on your map, please PM me to see if I can help you by searching the list Always feel free to send me updated and changes you notice such as moving epic structures or a deed disbands etc. Just remember a deed can only be added to the maps with the consent of the mayor of that deed.
  8. 3 points
    Yeah it's pretty lame, more sleep bonus for contributing more to the mission would be nice, or something like have a minimum of like 5% contributed to get put into the bonus sleep bonus pool
  9. 3 points
    Removal: Sojourn is gone, x7y9 Removal: Wyvern's Rest is gone, x8y9 Removal: Veritas Rex is gone, x23y20 Removal: Beachretreat is gone, x31y43 Removal: Blue Mountain Lake is gone, x30y5 Update: Freeport has no merchant (can't find mailbox either, not to say there isn't one), x17y15 Update: Huntsman has no merchant (locked off, no mailbox access), x15y14 Update: Gingerpolis is Gingeropolis, x15y22 Update: Templars Knight is Templars Knight Fortress, x10y26 Update: Bruce's Flying Circus has a merchant, x17y31 Update: Nightshade Hollow is on the north side of its lake, x22y28 Update: Frygenstig Landing is Fyrgenstig Landing, x14y44 Addition?: Greenwood Market isn't a deed but has merchants (SW sloping), might be worth some marking?, topleft x19y14 That's everything west of X31!
  10. 2 points
    Just curious, what is everyone's favorite update or updates from Wurm past? As trivial as it is among all updates, the appearance of fruits on trees and bushes is one of my favs. The enhanced graphics with light rays was also pretty great. What about everyone else?
  11. 2 points
    I like the idea of adding small islands to the old servers with their own unique biomes and creatures. Say tropical ones with palm trees or volcanic islands. Maybe even throw in a mythical/fantasy one with fairies and pixies or something or a fog covered island? Just something different from the same old thing. Maybe make one unique to each server?
  12. 2 points
    No more new servers. Instead, open up the North/South passage! Wurmians Without Borders!
  13. 1 point
    Its that time of the year again for the 4th (3rd) (2nd) (1st) annual Friend-A-Long! This event is brought to you by Dragon Beard Markets, the Academy Network Alliance of Pristine, and random donors like you! This years Event will be held July 20th to the 25th. Some of you may be asking what is an Imp-along? Well basically is a community event where everyone gets together to imp and cast for each other for free! Its basically a week long party, packed with all sorts of fun, games, booze, food, death, death, death, and other random events, Anyone can come, anyone can help imp. Often people just come to grind there skill for free. You don't have to be able to get to maximum quality imp, just do what you can and someone else will finish up the work! The only real restrictions is on channeling skill to help prevent shattered items. Please if you want to contribute please make a post including the skills that your want to work with so we can get a generally idea of skill coverage. Be sure to include your characters names as well if you want to register for a room/bed. We have collected a massive amount of materials, cotton, body bags, and prizes. As I always say, If you didn't die at the imp-along you did it wrong! As usual the deed has had some upgrades in terms of storage and prize display this year. The ever generous Ladygodiva produced the mats and built the whole thing! Please keep and eye on this thread as I will be updating it regularly with details of events, changes, whatever.... *NEW* Discord: https://discord.gg/Q2E46JmHqC Read the rules, use the reaction role (W) to get the Wurm Online role. DROP and PICKUP is now enabled on deed, that means DO NOT leave your stuff unattended outside, use the secure storage in your rooms etc... When: July 20th - 25th. Event Ends: Where: Pristine, T16, Friendship Bay deed. Map: https://prnt.sc/jdif1w - In game Map location. Map: http://prntscr.com/svwrts - Terrain View. You can also plot to Dragon Beard from any highway, then just follow the highway a few hundred tiles to the deed Interested in using maxed out deed bonus? Just need a place to spawn since your forgot your tent again? Ask VirusMD to join the village! Everyone will be kicked at end of event, and this will not allow access to anything that you would not have as a deed guest, its simply to share bonuses and spawning. Staff Members Lists AKA "Wurm Lords": Imping Materials: All materials provided will be stocked in the resource carts/wagons next to each station, the general public will not have access to the bulk of materials, please try to NOT COMBINE tiny lumps like silver, gold, electrum, and the like for imping larger items like weapons and shields. Material usage will be much higher, and we will get many less imps out of the total stock of that material, less used is more imps for everyone! If you need a refill on something please ask in local or a "Wurm Lord" for refill. This year we will be providing some higher then 70q Materials during the last few days as sort of a reward for those people who stick around and the work flow slows down a bit more. Expect to see up to 90q Logs, Iron, and maybe leather available for further imps towards the end of the event. At this time we have about 1.1 Million Favor worth of cordage ready to go! Thanks as usual goes to@ChampagneDragonshe handled all the farming and production of the cordage for the event, favor production is her bread and butter so if you need chopped veggies, just want yours chopped, or want to buy some cordage, look no further then her! Genesis - NEW: Having a hard time with breeding since the changes? got lots of negative traits slowing you down? Bring them by during the event to get some free genesis casts and remove those dirty traits! Rune Attachments: Had a few volunteers with good soul depth who are willing to attach runes for us as well, so feel free to bring them along if needed and we can get them attached! Materials Levels and Needs: Prize Donations: If your interested in making a donation of any kind feel free to make a post, pm me in game or on the forum. You are welcome to donate materials we are already stocked on, as always anything we don't use this year will roll over to next year. Friendship Inn and Lounge: Need a place to sleep off a hard days work? Hide from a GM (good luck), or just get out of the way? The Friendship inn and Lounge, has a pleasant little relaxation area on the room with a variety of booze for you discerning wurmian hooligans. The inn is capable of bedding 80 characters in 70 secure rooms with storage options. If you need a secure room for your stay please make a post requesting a room, be sure to include your character(s) names in the post. There is also a large piece of land set aside for "Tent City" Just outside the inn on the sandy beach area next to the docking (parking) slips on the East end of the event location. Room Reservations: What we still need: A few more Non ebony, same aged same stat horses for the races. A dragon egg if one still exists? please? please? Ill pay! Drake hide bits for the grand prize!, paying 40c/0.01, every little piece helps! Some various materials listed on the chart above. Long term reputable players willing to help administer the event. Mainly resource deployment, and fueling needs. Random donations for prizes, could be nearly anything. Rare items, tools, gear, Kingdom flags, rare decorations, hota's, etc... you get the idea! Fish..... a bunch of of largest fishes and sharks, so people can choose there weapons.... A cook interested in providing the food required for such an event! Thank you @Eveningand @brattygirl Probably some other things im to insane to remember right now. How to get your items imped, casted or bloods mixed: So these events work because people enjoy helping each other out, but a very important catch to that is that they do not want to feel abused or taken advantage of! Thoe it may seem like things are hard to track, that would be a mistake to assume. The veteran impers and caster keep a close eye on who is dropping what and taking advantage of peoples generosity. Every event I end up taking peoples items for taking advantage of others (after a fair warning, if its not obvious abuse). The veterans who help out and imp/cast at these things will not hesitate to report suspected abuse if they think there being taken advantage of and I totally encourage this. As soon as they feel taken advantage of these things are dead! NAME YOUR ITEMS WITH YOUR COMPLETE CHARACTER NAME! Nothing else is needed, just make sure you move it to the correct locations as work progresses. ANY items that are not properly named will be secured and probably forfeit since identification is difficult. Creators tag will NOT be relied on. To be clear this means bring your existing gear, not create 1 of everything for every alt and bring it for free work, this will almost certainly result in the loss of your items and possible ban from future events. LIMITATIONS: A couple of weapons, suits of armor, a set or two of horse shoes, a couple of hammers, 1 of most other items... You get the idea, just keep it reasonable. Do not create your items on site, particularly with the higher q imping mats. The only times items should be created is to replace shattered ones. So be sure you bring everything! Blood Mixing: We have a large supply of source salt for potion making, so feel free to bring your bloods for mixing. Hopefully well get a couple high skill volunteers who can do them for us! Got a nice NS and Alchemy? drop me a line here or PM me if your willing to help out with mixes and imbues. Please keep the number of bloods your having mixed to 10 or less more might be mixable on the last day if there is still salt. This should be enough to get a single tool completely imbued. If you have extra source salt we can mix additional bloods with that. Auntie@Siderealhas promised to mix the bloods for us this year, so if she doesn't ill show you all where she lives and you can camp out on here lawn. Don't worry its not far from the event deed! Ship Parking and Imps: If your getting your ship improved PLEASE enable passenger for "Everyone" to help out the impers and prevent accidental drownings. Don't expect your ship to be imped without it. The WEST end of the deed is for people who would like there ships imped as well. Please move your ship once it has been imped help keep congestion down in the area for the Impers. The EAST end of the deed on the beach side near tent city is for general parking. Please do not park in the lane adjacent to the Arena on the east side, it is for prize ships. What is expected of you as a patron: Be polite and be respectful! Don't forget to put your characters NAME ON ALL YOUR ITEMS! Cant stress this enough. Anything not properly named is likely to be lost or stuffed in an overflow bin, and once moved with no name, there is basically no way to identify it as yours. Please try and remove your items promptly once imped/casted to avoid having your items secured in overflow. You do NOT need to label them with what cast/imp you want, just your name. Just make sure you place them in the correct container. Do NOT abuse people's generosity! Don't bring 10 or even 5 of the same item for imping/casting. The only real exception to this might be horse shoes. Anyone caught taking advantage will forfeit there items and be asked to leave. And the veteran impers do know what to look for, i removed almost 100 items last year due to abuse, and it was veterans who tipped me off. Do NOT sell items that were done for you at the impalong. Its about helping people out, not taking advantage of someone else's work to put coin in your pocket. If caught you will be banned from future events. Getting items casted is at your own risk! Thoe the priest will be required to have at least 70 channeling and demonstrate so with there 70+ title. Shatters can and will happen at an event like this. Item quality plays a big in this so if your going to get something casted, consider imping it first. If an item is shattered, and its reproducible on site, feel free to ask someone with skill to re craft it for you. You should not need to pick any items up that are not your (nor will you be able to inside a building) If your items are moved to overflow please contact a "Wurm Lord" Items are only returned to the character named on it! Also feel free to help imp items even if you don't have that skill to 70. The only real restriction is channeling. Everyone is welcome to help out! Consider this an opportunity to grind your skills and no expense to you other then time. Mats and favor are provided so go crazy imp or cast all the things! When you complete and imp or cast please call it out in local to the owner something like "/me VirusMD your pickaxe imp is done!" This should help keep things flowing particularly for items waiting to receive multiple casts. Please check on your items frequently when possible to avoid having them moved into overflow storage. What is expected as an Imper or Caster at the Friend-A-Long: Please do NOT improve items that are not correctly labeled! Instead report them to an admin to be secured. This is considered abuse since we cannot tell whos item is being imped. All of the above + PLEASE name your lumps/materials if you have to put them back in the forge etc 70+ in your imping skills of choice is recommended but feel free to chip in with whatever skills you have for imping. The final 2 days or so there will be higher q mats available for higher q imps, assuming the workflow is going smoothly. 70+ Channeling skill is required to be permitted to cast on other people's items. You should be sure to wear your 70+ channeling title. The Deed: The imping hall itself it a 5 floor (3 double floors) pottery building with slate/marble decor. Broken into 3 floors dedicated to various tasks. The First floor is the casting/sermon area, I've broken all the spells into 4 main groups, based on the spell/priests that cast it. each group has at least 2-4 dedicated altars PER priest for that category. So no worries about tripping over each other at the altar! All organized into corners, In the center of it all is another ring of altars, surrounding a rare altar for the sermon goers, and the building is designed in such a way, that everyone above you should be counted as listeners for HUGE faith ticks! In the corners you will find some relaxing area's to afk/get out of the way in along with stairwells to the other floors. The second floor is for Non smithing related imps, broken into 4 main area's depending on the skill used. The 3rd is the forge area, equppied with 24x forges broken into sections for organization. Drop AND Take are enabled on deed outside of buildings again this year for the purposes of butchering and looting during arena events. Please keep this in mind and do not leave your possessions outside un-attended, if you move more then a few tiles away your items could be taken by anyone. Treat is as in the wild! If Trash becomes a problem I may reconsider this policy and disallow looting. Trash should be burned in a forge or sacrificed in an altar, or placed in one of the trash heaps around deed. If your a visitor of the server and want to take advantage of a maxed out enchanting and rarity window bonus you can join the village, this is also a good option of you forgot to bring a tent! If you would like to join just PM VirusMD to get an invite. Secured/Overflow Item Recovery: If one of your items has been moved to overflow please ask a "Wurm Lord" to retrieve it for you. Be sure to tell the the precise name of the shelf its on so they can find it quickly! For example "Casting Overflow SW3" will tell them what floor, what corner and what shelf your item is on. To avoid having your items secured try and make sure your checking on them and moving them as needed so that other peoples work can be processed. Be patient if you need something returned, everyone is a volunteer, and there may not always be someone around to retrieve your item. Any items left over anywhere that are properly named will be mailed back to there owner shortly after the close of the event. Sermons: Sermons are volunteer led, if you wish to participate in the sermon group please ask for a sermon team invite in local, and get further information for slotting inside that channel. Common Item Sorting Mistakes and Casting Info Help: Games and Events: General Gratz:
  14. 1 point
    Ekino's magic chest Currently sold: Trowel File c105 Sickle MS104 fantastic recipe snowman head DR - Damage reduction rune GR - Gathering quality rune TR - tending and harvesting rune Not-runed items can have non-moonmetal rune of choice attached for 50c extra
  15. 1 point
    Is there a reason we can't haul items up stairs with a rope like we can with ladders? This would be a massive quality of life improvement. I just built some furniture on the second floor, knowing it's best to build in place because bringing them up is always a headache. When I tried to place a bench across the room, it accidentally went over the tile with the stairs and fell down. I tried all kinds of things to get it back upstairs with no success. I've battled this several times now and it seems like I need to use a different tactic for every item. In some cases it works to jam the cart in the stairs and stand in a very specific spot to unload the item, but this doesn't work in some house designs or with some items. Sometimes it works but then the cart gets stuck so the horses need to be unhitched, cart dragged out and horses hitched again. I try many different things each time, fighting through "the wall is in the way" "you can't reach" "you are too far away" "the staircase is in the way" etc. until it randomly works, and then use the exact same strategy for the next item and it doesn't work. In some cases it works to unload the item under the stairs, stand in a very specific spot on the stairs and place the item in a very specific spot on the tile next to it but again that doesn't always work. I managed to bring a wardrobe up by standing on the very edge of the stair tile facing away from the stairs, and unloading it on the next tile. I tried to do the same thing with the bench, but no luck. After many attempts I somehow accidentally glitched my cart up to the second floor and that's how I managed to put the bench back. It would have been easier to tear up a floor and build a ladder, then tear up the ladder and rebuild the floor. I've asked people how they do this and usually the answer is some variation of unloading from a cart while standing in a specific place. If there is a different way this is meant to work, someone please fill me in cause I can't figure it out Please let us use a rope to haul large items up stairs.
  16. 1 point
    Deed in question was founded 3 months and 2 weeks ago or so, only ever had 1i put into it, and it's still got 35 days left. Posted this in discord yesterday at 4:38am my time with 35d22h12m left Screenshot at 7:45am the next day, 27 hours after previous image, Remaining time on deed has only gone down by 14h3m, so about half of what it should be going down. Server is Cele.
  17. 1 point
    Yeah wurm's horrible for that, connection times out after about 3 seconds of not receiving packets, and no way to change it. i had to get around it by leaving wurm running on a pc with a better connection and rdp'ing in with my mobile connection, at least then when it dropped i'd stay logged in on wurm and not have to mess around with all my windows again. Maybe one day they'll let you change the timeout manually finn's weird just ignore him
  18. 1 point
    Yup looks good. And if I can be of any help. Gingeropolis just needs to be moved north a bit.
  19. 1 point
    Map maintenance has been taken over by Fraskesa - please see https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/184079-release-community-map/
  20. 1 point
    You can see the founding date of a server on the wiki: https://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Server_types As you can see, 2011 and 2012 saw a lot of new servers, then finally Xanadu on 2014 and after that nothing for 7 years. So they did stop adding new servers long ago, with the exception of a temporary one (Jackal). After many years they broke that streak with the Steam launch, probably because they figured it would help increase the initial boost to the player count. Since then they've once again stopped adding new servers. It's become pretty clear over the years that new servers don't help. You get a temporary rush of new and (mostly) returning players to check out the new server. Most of them fall away pretty soon after again as the new server simply proves to be more of the same and in the end you simply have a player base spread even more thinly over more servers, which just worsens player retention even more as everything starts to look more and more abandoned. They stopped adding new servers because it didn't work, otherwise they'd obviously have continued to add new servers to the Freedom cluster between 2014 and 2021.
  21. 1 point
    If you want to see some of the reasons why people don't stick around then check out the Steam reviews for Wurm Online. Just filter out the reviews about people being banned first though. Here are Three Reviews - One Positive Two Negative: If I did not have someone who was at the Newbie Spawn Point recruiting for villagers, then I would of joined the game solo. Without joining a village. When I do that and have done that in other sandbox type games, I soon get confused or fed up pretty fast. It was more so the community of the village that I joined that made me stay. Helping me out. showing me what to do. Otherwise, I would of seen all of the mass loads of reading as a chore. I mean, when people join a game, they are normally joining to "Play" and not to "Read a guide book on how to play" I've got to say that making things more easy such as adding a mini map, speeding things up, more interactivity, more NPCs that actually talk and more tips for Newbies when they join would help. You know though, I just thought that if wurm was a Mobile Game then it might actually get alot of people playing it. This is because there are ###### loads of AFK/Clicker....etc type games. Even sandbox type games that are Clicker and Timers by Design do very very well on Mobile Phones. Since you can go on it wherever you are. Take Wurm anywhere.
  22. 1 point
    Pink highway needs to be added.
  23. 1 point
    10 May 2021 Let's talk about the south/west side: the market place A part of it had several slopes going down so we had to fill it with dirt. You can see the camellia edges around it and that corner is the very south/west corner of our deed. On the other side of this quadrant it was all rock, so after we exposed it we made a lot of surface mining, It is almost finished, I think only about 1k slopes to level remaining *-* Our deed is large and I am fencing it with camellia edges, but we wanted to left some entrance in case of need (woodcutting, running away from some mobs :P) and we decided from sandstone iron gates, they look better than the wooden ones used in the highway, and probably we will change the one we made in the highway with this same kind We finally fixed the tar problem: we had a 3x2 pool of tar next to us and 2 tiles were part of our deed, so we weren't able to exope the rock and flatten this 2 tiles for a long time. Thanks to transmutation liquid we turned them into dirt, expose the rock, flattening them and also flattened the 4 tar tiles remaining :3 We started the construction of the first inn, just the first floor; at the moment inside there are only useless horses that we use to skill fighting and collect meat and stuff We completed other three market houses but ther is not yet furniture inside of them, it will be easier to craft all of it in the end We added other market stalls, we are making with all the wood type, also archaeology, in alphabetical order... if the GM will add a new woodtype I will have to kill myself And we are making the same thing on the opposite side *w* A general overview of the market side. Another general view We are also working on our main building: the second floor is almost completed, just 2 walls remaining and this will be made in the end because I forgot to leave an opening to haul up the crates The third floor is at half way :3 This is an overview of the second floor, it will be a large room and there are 2 lateral rooms, these will be 2 bedrooms, one for Davihh and all the furniture will be in thorn and one for the priest, all with rose furniture. An overview of the third floor room: this is the largest bedroom, will be decorated with just blueberry furniture and of course... it will be my bedroom We added a second shrine in the highway, while imping the old one it turned rare :3 And in the end, we are also going on with the terraforming of the north/east side, so much much much rock Γ§_Γ§
  24. 1 point
    I will take 43 large crates out of cedar for 3s delivered to release c23
  25. 1 point
    I have probably built like 100 bridges so far (don't know if I can check that somwhere) from which like 50% were just short ramps or bridges used to make walls and the other 50% mostly very long bridges. Don't have a pictures of all bigger ones so just gonna post what I have:
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    battle royale with glocks new server every 7 days where you have to prem up a new toon each time
  28. 1 point
    but why... aren't new servers killing population from old ones and eventually as you make new friends.. you also lose some new and old ones because of the clusters and breaks/burnouts/irl-reasons/etc.. unless you're a constant and remaining to play around, you'll turn into 1 of the 'problems' above
  29. 1 point
    just one server? dont be silly! we need at least 50 more new servers, they all could be small tho, and each server tailored specifically to the needs of the player who will reside there. Ofc they all linked to each other, as we do not wanna feel too lonely and have the ability to sail over to our neighbouring server time to time. items do transfer too, as whats the point of the visit if you cant bring your neighbour any shining gifts or a barrel of wine. Each server to have only one random colour dragon and hatchling belonging to the owner of said server so he/she could groom the beast slowly gathering hide/scale without the need to kill them. Gain rates should be something like 1kg hide/scale per groom action, but you can only groom once a week. Same for every server/player so literally every player is equal and there is no whining about it. That's just the few ideas to kick off, i have the endless list, so if anyone's interested let me know so we can arrange a zoom call to discuss it further.
  30. 1 point
    +1 Please add x4 starter town's, one in each quadrant, NE, SE, SW and NW Would offer more choices to start from, considering how crowded it quickly gets around single starter towns. Also someone does not have to walk for hours to get back their body if they die without a home village. Indy size is the perfect balance between too large and too small. Smaller then Indy and a new server will fill up on the 1st day. Larger then Indy and you get Xanadu sized lag issues. I like the idea of a inner sea or lakes Not connected to outside perimeter ocean, but I would not go for circular world would. A square world would have more land for folks to explore and find a place to live. Food for thought, Cheers, Hughmongus Cartographer of Indy
  31. 1 point
    Idea: The wurm begins to consume older/lower populated servers Servers in danger could receive periodic ominous messages similar to the messages you see when you sail close to the edge of a server. These messages could become more frequent/ominous as the wurm narrows its sight on a particular server and that final server begins to receive the most ominous messages until it is consumed by the wurm.
  32. 1 point
    You crazy son. I like it.
  33. 1 point
    Congratulations!!! That's quite the "mountain" to climb.
  34. 1 point
    Many congratulations! Outstanding achievement.
  35. 1 point
    Congratulations! You crazy lady πŸ€ͺ Colour me impressed at 256, 24, 123
  36. 1 point
    Wow gratz Sid! Having very minimal experience recently with trans liquid I'd have to agree you are due a free mental health check up now Hopefully you will get to pick the title at least as a reward.
  37. 1 point
    Would really like a textbox to put in the quantity of items we're looking to make.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    Outstanding Sidereal! Love the interview
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    Congrats, what an epic story!
  42. 1 point
    Congrats thats tough one to grind out! Atleast I know who to call when I need transmutation fluids!
  43. 1 point
    If only the donkeys came earlier before the steam release day, it would have helped out the potential 1000+ new players which is now lost. This was way overdue. Why is the dev team suddenly changing their ways and releasing very late changes to help out new players?
  44. 1 point
    Would definitely love to see the non-premium rideable animal be able to be hitched to a small cart, so non-premiums can have a much better transportation/storage experience. Could have it be really slow for balance reasons, but allow them to live a life that isn't just dragging a cart. The current transition from non-prem to prem with transportation/storage is a huge jump and I think this would turn it into a much more comfortable transition.
  45. 1 point
    Looks awesome, so cute!!! Is there a est time on the animal update and more details on the new traits, will this info be available before the update goes live? Thanks again, keep up the great work!
  46. 1 point
    It is especially annoying on furniture, for example cedar low bookshelf has a nice "gold" colour, while cedar tables, benches etc. looks completely different.
  47. 1 point
    I have noticed this too, I feel as tho the great move to shaders for wood color was abandoned because it seems like they just stopped converting stuff half way through. I really wish devs would finish them all and then do it going forward for new items.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    would you add my deed Shadow Veil Sanctum to it (marked here by a smiley face) and could you also remove the canal I've outlined -no longer there.
  50. 1 point
    Every time new league starts, I cease to exist for the entire world for a few days.
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