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  1. 17 points
  2. 7 points
    2 logs to start creating a bonfire on the ground. Additional 50-100 logs to finish. Bonfire is like 2-3 meters tall. Quality of the logs affect: - final quality, thus max light radius (should be much higher then standard source of light) - how long it last, without refueling (could be 1 full wurm day on good quality) Additionally, it can be seen from big distances (twice as tall banners or more). - maybe quality could also affect distance, from wich it can be spotted Used for: - marking landing spots for ships - fancy lightning in front of your deed gate or around your walls - generally marking spots, especially a night - you got the idea Why? Couse night is dark and full of terrors.
  3. 7 points
    I'm lazy and made this in 2 minutes
  4. 7 points
    I like it how many have the mentality of "them" vs. "us". There arent 2 sides of this game. There isn't a pvp vs pve side. You don't select a server upon character creation and get stuck in it forever. When you say "them" you are talking about players. Players like yourself who pay a prem, grind their skills, build their houses and breed their horses. These players don't stop being "them" when they cross the server border and become "us", nor do their way of thinking changes. That "them" is the same "us" that bought your dirt last week, or sold you a knarrful of bricks. Those bricks aren't branded with "Chaos" on them, nor does the dirt say "Xanadu". So if or when CCAB shuts down the pvp servers, it is not "them" that will quit the game. Its "us" because there will be less people around to participate in the Market, post on the forums and sail by your deed when they come from Chaos to their freedom deed. The game would loose players and those are less subscriptions going to fund the game and less people to socialize with. Many people have a mentality that PVP is not important, that it does not matter or they just don't care. You can't cover your eyes and pretend those people leaving are irrelevant because they play on epic/chaos. Its a silly argument. We are one single community, and we need the people. Our game is loosing enough as it is.
  5. 4 points
    The problem with ayes posts is the mist of pseudo-intellectual hogwash that permeate the very essence of the topic being described. They can manage to take a 1 sentence opinion and drag it on the length of a fantasy novel. It has been and always will be a tired act. How do you expect people to take anything you say seriously?
  6. 4 points
    I've been looking through some threads trying to get a list as well Plant herbs Mix Raise corner Destroy fence Call for help Taunt Smelt Discard Pick sprout on trellis Fillet Spy Use pendulum Bash
  7. 3 points
    Are they though? I may be mistaken, but I think I joined the largest main alliance on independence, I used to login and see a massive list of players. Now when I login during prime times I see on average like 2-4 people and their alts, I dunno how they're enjoying the game if they aren't playing.
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
    mount / unmount an animal, cart or ship please.
  10. 3 points
    Mordraug saying other people are triggered is the sweet nectar I needed directly into my veins. Please keep posting you magnificent creature.
  11. 3 points
    Second hand information isn’t reliable in a game like Wurm, especially PvP. If you want to get a complete view.... Join a kingdom on Chaos that: You like the PMK gear they designed or You like that one guy or gal who you bought something from (or sold to) or Whichever kingdom’s trolls you hate less or You want to join the winning side or You want to join the losing side Just don’t say people are toxic and wash your hands clean of PvP. Most guys on Chaos will drop what they want to do just to help you out. Imagine not helping out people in your kingdom and expect to win ? No kingdom would ever last like that. I’ve been apart of alliances on Freedom, nothing to this day has compared to kingdom comradery
  12. 3 points
    I don't understand this feeling. There have been countless threads on the forums from pvpers aimed at pvers to talk and understand why they don't play pvp, clear up misconceptions, and promote the pvp aspect of the game. They are -always- met by toxicity from the pve side saying how people may just not want to pvp and stop forcing it on everyone or they just want more brick slaves or whatever weird reason it was in whatever thread. Pvpers have supported pvp with a huge passion, yes there are some toxic pvpers the same way pve has them, but what you see going on lately is passion reaching a breaking point. Passion from the players meeting a lack of passion in return from those in charge. How can anyone in good conscience try to promote people to jump on a sinking ship just because it's a nice ship when it's not? We just want the ship fixed first so it can sail again. The problem is that those that can fix it are letting it sink further and further to the point we wonder when is it too far to be saved, and that's why we aren't happy with the answers finally given. Plain and simple, if pvpers did not support the pvp side of the game, none of these threads would exist.
  13. 2 points
    quick keybind does not work with keybinds that don't exist. Missing keybinds Destroy Light (steel and flint) Clean forge please add your own suggestions https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/158964-missing-keybinds/ https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/151062-more-keybinds-required/ https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/137280-lack-of-certain-keybindings/ https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/109355-missing-keybinds-list-compilation/ https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/158964-missing-keybinds/
  14. 2 points
    Would be nice to be able to buy a priest faith transfer from the Wurm shop or other. Maybe it could be like 10-20e or something each time. Would generate some extra income and make a nice option for players.
  15. 2 points
    For those mentioning a new map, can I just input that one of the big problems people have with Chaos is the skill gap between players. I think everyone would be happy if we actually started completely fresh, in terms of stats and map, all of it; at the very least. It would be fun to fight each other low level again, before all the other garbage is tossed into account. Who doesn't want to build wood houses and throw carving knives again? (Keep in mind I would be making a sacrifice for that reset too, specifically items that I have had since epics start, and a character that crossed the portal on day 1.)
  16. 2 points
    okay but what does all of this have to do with deskjet dunking people inside the starter town
  17. 2 points
    Ok how can we put this in a way that makes sense... Lets say your plan is to work on fixing the problems with pvp 1.5 years from now. Thats when you plan to begin. That means we have to wait another 1.5 years before we can go to Epic or Chaos and START building deeds. It means players will quit because THEY CANT PLAY ON THEIR CHOSEN CLUSTER OR SERVER! Why? Because you will then release a new map 1.7 years from now, and all the work, all the investment, all their effort just went down the drain. But lets assume you decide to release the map now. Well, now we can put up with the waiting because we can concentrate on building an infrastructure and getting kingdoms up and running, getting excited people to come back for the new map and receiving a huge assurance pvp has not been forgotten. But most importantly, we know our effort will not be wasted 1.7 years down the line if and when you decide to release the new map. Saying "we will release a new map sometime in the future... maybe." Is the worst assurance you can give your players. Its like saying "go away and come back in 1.7 years" because we know for sure there wont be a point to anything we do right now. Absolutely none. So you either have no plans for a pvp map, or if you wait, by the time you release it there will be no one to play it. Why?
  18. 2 points
    i dont even know why this is turning into a discussion of this kind if a dev wants to work on a project he is passionate about, why not let him do that? period. its not like he gets paid right?
  19. 2 points
    You are assuming working on the pvp side pulls resources from pve development. That position is absurd, because as it has been mentioned before by Retro, devs work on projects they enjoy. Something as simple as allowing Ausimus to develop a new map on his own free time will do absolutely nothing to the pvp side, yet it will allow pvp to get a much needed injection. Why can't this be allowed? Why cant the devs work on both pvp AND pve at the same time? Is not a matter of time, its a matter of choice.
  20. 2 points
    I feel like the style of your posts are like the new intern a company took in trying to tell his superiors how everything should be done instead, while doing a whole lot of nothing to add anything new
  21. 2 points
    I've just spent about a week getting my skills high enough and will probably spend the next 2 weeks completing 32 marble braziers to go to top towers of this castle: The amount of work to make these has been utterly MADDENING. And I'm sure, by the time I've finished all of them, I will lost any last drops of sanity I might have, so I really don't want to lose them. You see, once the braziers have been placed at the tops of those towers (as can be seen above in my WU experiment), I will then be destroying all the temporary floors to get up to the towers, and thus will not be able to go up to repair them if they start to decay. So you might be saying: "Well Malena, decorative items on-deed don't take damage anymore". But I wonder if this is true in the case of marble braziers? See, I used to have one on my island and I've just realized it's not there anymore and must have decayed away, as no-one has permissions to load it other than myself. So I'd like to hear your guy's experiences with on-deed marble braziers: Have yours taken ANY decay after they made decorative items non-decaying? Do you have to check up on them from time to time to repair them?
  22. 2 points
    You wont get anywhere near 1200. I suggest selling the items separately and trying your luck with half ur start bid
  23. 2 points
    thanks, also to Sn00, did not know that
  24. 2 points
    Funny, 'cause you guys are all over the forums going on and on and on and on about that. Make your own thread: PvP Roadmap we'd all like to see. Discuss it, do your usual 50 pages of KvK, narrow it down to one or two pages, mail the .doc to your favorite dev. Oh and: try to be civilized when dev feedback about that roadmap comes back. Try, for once, to not give devs a reason to pull the plug on that damned headache and turn those servers into something more useful like a private GTA server. For clarification: It makes no difference to me whether PvP thrives or is permanently shut down. Luckily WU modders have coded in stuff that wouldn't see daylight here because "it would roon peeveeps" or "isn't oldskul enuff!" that keep the game highly enjoyable on my personal end of things. Hell, WO development could be frozen altogether and the modders would keep me from worrying too much about it. What I'm trying to say is: You want PvP fixed (whatever the HELL that's finally supposed to mean, write your own roadmap ffs), try starting by not being so openly and consistently antagonistic toward the developers AND the other 90% of the playerbase. Oh, and next time one of you is bored enough to post a "Why don't more people PvP?" thread, DON'T defeat the entire purpose of the thread by showing utter hostility and disdain toward anyone answering the actual question like y'all did last time. It's near impossible to take someone seriously when they can dish it out but can't take it back.
  25. 2 points
    I've read this thread, and many others, regarding PVP. Let me preface this by saying I have only stepped foot on Chaos once, and that was to intentionally die. Damn milking affinity... Anyway, I feel the need to put in my two cents, well, because I like attention? Or possibly to provide some different insight... I have played Wurm for three years now. Not long compared to others, but I have spent a lot of time and have some decent stats. I've been told repeatedly I *should* try pvp, but I haven't. Why? Why is an important question here, because without numbers there will be no real change to the PVP aspect of Wurm. As stated above (and yes, flamed for) it doesn't make a ton of business sense to invest in something that doesn't cater to the largest segment. In business, and games ARE business, you always want to hit the biggest target audience possible. So why won't I step into PVP? Simply put, player toxicity. I read the forums, and all I see are whining and complaining; against the devs, against players, against mechanics. Bitching about every aspect remotely related to pvp. Why would I want to invest time, and my own money, into something that clearly is toxic? I mean, all these forum posts about how horrible something is must be true right? RIGHT? Or wait, maybe it's a vocal few who are stepping up and representing the real player base. Maybe it is those representatives who are the toxic ones? The ones who are driving the ideal (said tongue in cheek) potential pvp player as far away from it as possible? How about instead of constantly bitching about the problems, you, the pvp community, actually step up and start letting those of us who have never tried it know the reasons we should care. How about instead of pushing me, and many others, away from pvp you start actively SUPPORTING the pvp aspect of the game? I promise you, if you did the numbers would increase. Would players all stay pvp? Probably not, but some will. But you have zero chance of growing the customer side when all I read are the negatives.. Just my two cents.
  26. 2 points
    As someone who started out on Epic, waay back in the day, I really want to be sympathetic to the folks agitating here. But I can't help feeling any dev who actually reads this is likely to be so discouraged by the level of vitriol, they'll just go find something else to do. We've already had people shouting for the devs to tell us anything at all, even something really nebulous. Then, when PR say they're getting a statement together, with plans etc., the demands change to "tell us something substantial or GTFO". Honestly, if you're not happy, please just go - find another game or community that pleases you, and be happy. It seems the folks complaining the loudest are the ones who left ages ago.
  27. 2 points
    Did you know that repeated behaviour like complaining, makes neurons in your brain reach out to each other and fuse together so that the next time you complain, you brain doesn’t have to work as hard to complain again. “Neurons that fire together, wire together” That means, over a prolonged period of time, you won’t even recognise it in yourself that you are complaining. Did you also know that prolonged complaining damages your hippocampus which is an area of your brain responsible for strategic thinking and intelligent thought? Furthermore did you know that prolonged exposure to other people complaining is also just as detrimental to yourself? Sort of like how second hand smoke is detrimental to those around it too. Food for thought. My advice, for what it’s worth, is to either enjoy the product you are choosing to purchase or choose not to purchase the product. Wasn’t it Einstein who was credited for the saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Side note: Let me know if you’re in the market for a Wand of the seas, a ton of mats to help your own island village (inc a heap of slate bricks and dirt), PVP toons (Chaos or Epic), Drake armour sets and a heap of other stuff inc a deed on Release once all that stuff is sold (if there is even a market left lol)
  28. 2 points
    If you keep coming back to post on the forums, you haven't quit
  29. 1 point
    Tar is great at preserving fossils, it's a travesty that we can't dig strange bones out of tar, please fix
  30. 1 point
    i mean, just look at these masterpieces...
  31. 1 point
    No is not, because as it has been stated before devs are volunteers and can work on whatever they want. Sindusk working on the priest rework was his choice, something he wanted to do, and he spent inmense personal time doing it. Ausimus is well known for making maps. He can sit down and whip a map up for us and help develop the pvp side of the game while still working on his original dev responsabilities I. I mean, look at him, he is also a WU dev... Devs are smart resourceful people, not one trick ponies.
  32. 1 point
    maybe he hoping some sucker whale like me comes along .. aside does it have tomes on epic, and karma levels for epic and freedom please. Lastly how recent is this skill dump? any priest transfer available on it as well?
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    I take it Xan is down for longer as well? noticing pristine Pop rising on the server status and yet poor old Xan is 0/0
  35. 1 point
    I was thinking about this today and when I originally joined wurm to play on epic it was with a clan that I played with on M&B.Our group of new players was about 30 people. Just our group. I cant even imagine 30 active players in one fight anymore I mean our group would have doubled most of the player pops on the freedom servers today. Imagine if pvp got the love it needs and the right advertising. I truly doubt wurm would have any player population issues. I really cant think of another game quite as unique as wurm when it comes to pvp experience and was the sole reason why I started playing. It makes me really sad to see the way things are. I truly believe Code Club have an awesome opportunity and I cant believe how they are squandering it. Feels bad knowing that new players don't get to experience the same new player environment that I had when I first played. Its probably the only reason why I still play today.
  36. 1 point
    all you are basically saying is how PvE won the attention of the devs shortly after the game was created, proven by numbers, yadda yadda by your logic though, why would people come back just for some new amphoras? why would they want to build a 10th deed that is just gonna sit there, while you are away tending your 5000 tile farm? on the other hand you have motives on the pvp side that go way further than just the above... i am not trying to imply any group of those 2 is the superior, simply put though, what the hell are you even talking about? you do realize that at some point (before valrei and everything that came with it, hence why we want it to go back to that game state in PvP) it was the same amount of players on both of those sides, right? the point that there arent enough players on the PvP side to pursue fixing shortcomings of that area is just ######, just like i and many others said 3 years ago, our friendlist on steam / discord says otherwise if it goes in the right direction, pvp players would be back in a heart beat, but it doesnt go in the right direction.....far from it in fact retro might come by and say "Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns in areas pvp needs attention." but thats been done at least 100 times and the dev team sure knows about it, ausimus and darklords being in one of the chaos kingdoms and coming from epic initially so the problem that nothing has gone in that direction, rather going back to the roots of pvp, has to be somewhere within the decisions made by budda some might think i would lean too far out the window by saying the current focus isnt getting us anywhere (you can see the impact in premium numbers, could see it 2 years ago aswell), but who knows maybe i am wrong
  37. 1 point
    I'm not really sure, probably for the code structure I'd look at the hitching post mod. It would have the recipe creation and methods to utilize serverpack. But yeah, gonna have to learn it, otherwise best you could do is replace your own models just for yourself by changing the textures in client.jar but would not affect anyone else on the server. I believe this is what a lot of people do when they take such screenshots. Not so much in this video, but in the ones where you see modded textures for terrain/building textures.
  38. 1 point
    Yeah there's a bridge option in the miscchanges module. I haven't personally checked to see if it works. I was moreso replying to Batta's post about whether or not it conflicts with other mods. There are some things I know do not work and confirmed by sindusk like not being able to hitch or ride wyverns, and not being able to ride bison even though the options are there. So could be the bridge issue might be one of them as well.
  39. 1 point
    I've temporarily set the maximum number of files in one upload to 300 (was: 1000). I'll set it back after fixing a few things. If your skill uploads failed because they were larger, please try them again. Thanks!
  40. 1 point
    To quote a now hidden post remember to keep this on track. Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns in areas pvp needs attention.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    If they took damage, my Supereme one would had been gone aeons ago. No, they don't take damage.
  43. 1 point
    -1 to removing home servers I would agree to this only if the players suggesting to remove home servers will agree to have their skills reset, lose all of their inventory (including merchants), lose alts, and lose their PvE deeds. It's easy to tell someone else to give up their hard work and effort, but hard to sacrifice your own, eh? +1 on new Elevation map only
  44. 1 point
    Just reading up on answers here and it is the same vague responses as before where nothing is really explained or any hints given on where the game is headed. Maybe time to switch whoever is in charge of what the dev team is to work on? This game needs some serious changes like the one Platinum and Mclovin said, new Elevation map/the old one back and most likely something the same way on Chaos and it is needed now not in a year..... Remove the playergods and tomes and bring the game back to when you didn't have to spend tons of money on toons/materials and whatever to be able to have some fun in pvp. Bring back the old way to get shieldskill up instead of having it the way it is now, only one i seen defend it is Retro...rest of the people i played with hates that change, same with the archery nerf. There has been so many suggestions from players on things to do/fix to attract more players but it is all being ignored, mostly with the "we are working on something right now but we cant tell you anything" answers.... It really is time for the people in charge to get down from their imaginary thrones and talk to the people that buy your product....if i'd do the same thing as you guys do working as a chef my restaurant would not have a single customer....
  45. 1 point
    just a warning to travelers, there is a venerable blue dragon at this location, he has a HUGE aggro range, and he likes to eat people:
  46. 1 point
    One more thing to consider: Why would Devs invest time to cater for 6 people? Obviously it's more than 6 people but the number, compared to the numbers on PvE servers, doesn't really justify a huge time investment. This leads to the "there are only 6 players BECAUSE of no investment" which in turn leads back to "can't justify the investment" and it's another one of those vicious circles. People are very actively discussing the state of Epic and PvP in general while sitting on PvE servers because there is no information about Epic's future but maybe there isn't any information coming because bulk of customers have no interest or already lost it and moved to PvE? What if the decisions are made based on graphs? What if someone looks at them and thinks "new map, re-balancing, months of testing to cater for "6" people? Get a grip on reality guys". I have zero to do with PvP so i speak as an expert ? To be perfectly honest, if i was running this joint, i would focus on the crowd that brings in the numbers and monies before trying to fix problems of the minority who scream the loudest (purely because of business, not because i have anything against Epic or players who enjoy it). In a perfect world we would have thousands of players online (excluding alts) and enough revenue to support a dedicated team of developers who would have their own areas of work. "if you play on Epic on your player toon, you won't be involved in any development for it" and the other way around comes to mind. Remove the bias accusations to make the devs more comfortable with pushing out updates and throwing in ideas without having the "they will think it's because my player toon is a member of X kingdom" in the back of their head. If i was an Epic player before, by now i would have followed the majority and migrated to Freedom, just like many others did. Granted, it's not nice leaving years of work behind but i could rebuild and recover most of the gear within few months instead of waiting another 6 months to hear "hold on, in 2020 we might get some time to discuss this issue". Bottom line is: It's a very important subject for a few dozen players and while no professional would ever say "we care very little about that problem", actions say that perfectly clear. Dozens is not enough to turn that wheel. It would be interesting to hear how many former Epic players who moved to Freedom would move back after a significant amount of time invested on the other side. No need to respond, obviously only people who would actually consider returning to Epic would reply to this question but it would be something interesting to see in actual numbers.
  47. 1 point
    What I've been waiting for is for WO to be using WU as a sort of testing ground for things to implement in WO and then doing it, (like I thought they were going to). Seeing what works & what doesn't, seeing which things really do debunk commonly held WO myths of "that-would-kill-the-game", taking the best & most popular features and putting them in WO. Things that actually do debunk the tired old WO myths are things like teleports, everyone-can-be-a-priest, faster timers, cosmetic micro-transactions, hunting islands/servers, (or maybe even *gasp* instanced dungeons) etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. A little more carrot and a little less stick. I've been waiting for them to lighten up a little and stop with the "anything-potentially-cool-added-must-also-be-made-an-uncool-PITA-somehow" attitude.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    The fact that OR knows scares me..
  50. 1 point
    A new arrival! A brand new baby shipped over today from Tilda's 'A Zen Moment Stables' on Pristine! - well worth the trip! Little "OsioWest" is the cutest little buckskin colt - desperately needed here on Deliverance! Here we see him being introduced to his new skewbald buddy 'RunCoffee'.
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