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  1. 9 points
  2. 7 points
    Okey dokey guys, it's FINALLY FINISHED! Thank you all SO MUCH for all your ideas and help!
  3. 6 points
    I'm creating this here, just to have a place to show early works in progress of my attempts to create a custom graphic pack for Wurm Unlimited, that will be using textures from the popular Minecraft texture pack: Sphax PureBDcraft. I've gotten the "ok" from the BDcraft team, that if I get the pack to a completed state, that I could have it posted on their forums for others to use it, (somewhat of a rule with their textures - others can use them for games, but they have to give credit, and they have to be distributed via their site). As of right now, I've only got fairly basic terrain textures (not even close to all of them) done so far, and then some other odds and ends here and there, mainly for experimenting with the complexity of how this will get... As I'm only working with textures as texture files, and not in a 3d editor to do it as it's seen in the game world or anything, some stuff that has complex models, like the furnace will take me much tinkering. Some of the stuff that you'd think is complex, really isn't, such as the log piles, I'm quite happy with how those turned out. I'll be posting more progress updates, and screenshots as I carry on with the project though - Credit to the Sphax PureBDcraft Team for the original textures Progress Updates and Screenshots: -Week prior of April 21, 2019: Latest post - Well it's about time that I did an alpha release of this graphic pack for people to give a try, and give feedback for. At present, I'm open to suggestions about all the textures, essentially consider everything to be a placeholder for now, as it's still an early alpha release. Just a heads up, that because this is an entire graphics.jar file, it is quite a hefty download, about 1.3gb. Also make sure that you backup your original graphics.jar file, unless you don't mind doing a reinstall of your game to replace it.
  4. 5 points
    Every improvement that makes game easier, could be taken as devaluating of people's previous work/effort. Not comparing to your effort, couse You started years earlier and put tremendously more effort into your account on worse conditions then when I started (besides I bought an account with decent stats already), but I also can recognize few examples: I grinded climbing to 60, before skilling system update. Now it goes like a blitz. Made houndreds of slate slabs, before they make it so easy. Surface mined huge amounts of rock before they make it much easier. Making tunnels of 20 slope, checking if I slide down and fixing each tile with 6-8 concretes, before they introduced mine borders and values of slopes in it. That's only few examples but list can go on and on. I think all those improvements are heavily needed, if we want to attend new players, but also if we want a game to be a joy, not only slow and boring duty. And if some of them devaluate our effort, let's be it.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
    Meet Wilczan: Wilczan is smart and knows that the game needs to improve, even if it makes things easier for new players than what he had it in his own time. Be more like Wilczan.
  7. 4 points
    Yeah dunno, I disliked the fishing update the moment it kicked in, because I wondered "Why would you take a simple skill and make it overly convoluted and complicated with 0 intuitive aspects about it and force it on us? The rewards for this new convoluted system aren't great. They are the same. FISH. Damn fish. Maybe...maybe the occasional pearl. The skillgain isn't better. It's slower." Why would you make a skill that was pretty slow to grind anyway even slower now? It's boring. It's not for newbies. It's barely even for veterans. What's the payoff for fishing now? In my mind, good game design relevant to wurm implies effort = reward. Well I put a lot of effort in imping and creating everything for fishing only to be sorely disappointed. The skillgain isn't better at all. Fishing nets decay like crazy. My old fishing rod didn't stay rare when I upgraded it. It simply feels like a bad system forced simply because Tich passed away and CC wanted to honour her. While I admire and respect the sentiment, I don't understand how implementing such a big update to one of the most "relaxed" skills in the game actually is a better experience for everyone. Every player I asked so far told me they will never pick up fishing again, not even for priests except for the fishing goals or queuing up fishing actions using nets only because that seems closer to the old system. Dunno, seems simply like one of the most unwise skill decisions ever, made even sadder by the fact the devs will never revert to the old system which was fine. Simply put, the update that was made to make a skill "look cool" now , turned out to be an update that made players totally discouraged to even attempt to skill fishing anymore. It's ironic.
  8. 2 points
    Some bridge - Yaga Greetings Wurmians! That's right, I'm back with another edition of the valrei international. We've been rather busy this week with the launch of wurm unlimited 1.9 to catch it up to wurm online, but there's still plenty to talk about, so let's get to it Wu live This week saw the launch of (and quickly, pesky bugs) and it's been huge. There's already been a few mods for the new content and seeing the servers buzzing with activity is awesome. I was playing on a server on Monday, and playing again today after the update made me realise just how big our visuals have come in the past six months, so a huge personal shout out to both Samool and Saroman, their continued work to see wurm look and feel better than ever has really impacted the game, and it's awesome to see. Far far away Speaking of visual improvements, samool has been doing some amazing things with distant rendering. Gone will be the days of bland green land, and instead, we will have this! Does anyone else like beavers? Cos dam! (seriously, who doesn't like beavers, otters or ferrets, they're the adorablest!) Coming soon One thing I have been working towards and talked about in many places is the start of our very own wurm dev streams! From general discussion, answering questions and playing the game, to specific streams about upcoming features I'm excited to say we're getting near the point we can start with this and see where it goes. If you have ideas for things you'd like to see, whether from how we play to segments we handle let us know below and we'll see about whether we can include it. We have no firm date to the start of this yet, but our goal is to start in the next month or two with weekend streams That’s it from us this week, we’re doing some behind the scenes changes to how we handle things approaching the switch to AWS, once we are closer to those changes we’ll lay out our plans for future works . There’s a lot going into it and some pretty awesome things, so stay tuned for that! Until then though, Keep on Wurming! Retrograde & the wurm team
  9. 2 points
    I'm not a gamer. That nails me to wurm full time it seems...
  10. 2 points
    I am 100% committed to Wurm and never stray. You could say it was love at first sight when I fell down a hill and twisted my ankle looking at her beautiful scenery...and it has remained that way ever since. For me the honeymoon period is still not over. The Dev team is constantly working with the players on new ways to keep that 'loving feeling' very much alive, it's a partnership! ...and so whether we'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary or even our 20th together, I am very content with the prospect of a long and happy future.
  11. 2 points
    [22:31:36] You try to cut Zaj. [22:31:40] You miss with the pickaxe.
  12. 2 points
    Star Wars ceased when Disney took ownership of it.
  13. 2 points
    1.7 release is out Includes a fix for 1.9 version of Wurm Unlimited and a bunch of bugfixes
  14. 2 points
    Bulk separated updated again - v1.2 Crates can now sort by QL Sorting for crates and/or other bulk containers can be disabled from config if needed Sorting status will be show in name for bulk containers that can sort by ql (sorted/unsorted) Most code rewritten for better compatibility with other mods and future vanilla updates Special thanks for @TheThingG for code and ideas contribution https://github.com/bdew-wurm/bulkseparated/releases/tag/1.2
  15. 2 points
    Fishy Tweaks updated to v1.1.0 Added alwaysAllowTileGathering option - Always allow tile based gathering of fishing resources (grubs, wurms, bark, twigs) https://github.com/bdew-wurm/fishytweaks/releases/tag/v1.1.0 Waxed Food update to v1.1 Added extraItems option - allows adding (non-food) items that can be waxed to preserve https://github.com/bdew-wurm/waxed/releases/tag/v1.1
  16. 2 points
    Server Update – 12/04/2019 Healing resistance will now expire much more quickly and stack up to significantly lower times Crates can now sort by QL (thanks TheThing for contributing some code and ideas) All existing crates will have sort toggled off, but new crates will have it on by default Can be toggled just like BSBs All bulk containers that can sort by QL will now show sorted/unsorted status in the name Fishing: Grubs, wurms, twigs and bark can be now always gathered from all tiles of the correct type and without having to wait for the tile to repopulate Caravel base speed increased to be more similar to knarrs The following items can now be waxed to preserve like food: All flower bouquets Rose flower Lavender flower Camellia leaves Wemp plants and fibre
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    [07:20:20] The water is slightly salty but still cools you down. Bump, and imma give this an honorable mention. Drinking seawater, we are one step closer to peak wogic.
  19. 2 points
    Do I like the new fishing system? In short, yes, very much. Speaking as someone who rarely bothered fishing the old way, I can't comment on what has been lost, but this system feels just about perfect. It provides a straightforward low-investment method of getting risk-free meat (net fishing), but also a rich, complex system with many variables (rod fishing), where you have to pay attention and learn to get the maximum benefit. Dare I say it? If you're getting bad results under the new system, you're doing it wrong. There, I said it. My experience I've been at it for a few weeks now and have gone from 10ish to 78 fishing skill. With a CoC rod, it took no more time to raise fishing than most other skills – digging would be comparable. Having continually refined my methods, I can now easily harvest 1,000 kg of fish in 90 minutes — that's more than 3,000 fillets! No exaggeration, this was today's result, putting fishing miles ahead of hunting as a reliable, risk-free, semi-afk source of meat for, say, pan-filling. And even at lower skill you can get very impressive yields from catfish. My gear: mainly 70–80ish ql, except for hooks, which I don't usually imp (so 20ish ql). To anyone frustrated about losing gear: (1) watch for damage and repair it periodically, replace lines when necessary; (2) use lower-tier reels until you skill up; and (3) pay attention to which kinds of fish snap your line — you don't have to try to hook/catch every nibbling fishy. Unless you have the requisite skill, hit ESC when the feistier fish bite in order to save your gear. In short, the new system has enough depth that there are pay-offs for players who take the time and effort to thoroughly suss it out, and also lesser rewards for less interested players. And to me, that seems a great fit with the overall Wurm ethos. NB A lot of the info you need to tweak your set-up is now available on the wiki (the table of fish properties is especially useful).
  20. 2 points
    know, I dud knot.
  21. 2 points
    Hey Loinkydoinky, why bother with cool threads when we all have the same faces?
  22. 2 points
    Better Tooltips mod updated ... again ... to v0.9 Fixed chestnut foals Download: https://github.com/bdew-wurm/tooltips/releases/tag/v0.9
  23. 1 point
    Loink Thoughts #1: Today I realized that a lot of the graphics updates go to houses and and armurs and stuff. BUt never character, I wondered why that was and couldn't come up with anything. Anyways id really like it if they made option to toggle the old graphics would be pretty fun, or maybe for a holiday event make an update that returns wurm to beta graphics for everyone for just that day or someting. Ya know? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I always see people sayin, "HEy mein, you know what would be cool if I could wear [insert cool armor from a MMORPG here]." And all I can say is, "Hey mein, you're right that's pretty baller." Since drake and scale basically useless now unless wanted for appearance wise, I think new clothing should be introduced like hoods and cloaks and capes and new pair of pants maybe denim who knows. But yeh in conclusion all that stuff been suggested but I wanna see it implemented in the game already. What u guys thinking about?
  24. 1 point
    For those of us seeking a more natural design. The wood plank "curbing" could be used to design lovely public parks, trails, outdoor gardening and farming beds (1x1, 2x8, etc) set off by the woodchip or log crosssection "paving" Will look lovely once we get those handhewn log housing options, which I am sure will be out sometime after the LEATHER & FUR Wurm Spring Fashion Show 2018
  25. 1 point
    During my time in Wurm, I have met a lot of people. I have lived on deeds and founded many. I've met very memorable people, such as my dear friend Ayuna, who moved on a while ago. She brought a smile to my face with her antics and her cheery attitude. People like Browndog who was my first neighbor ever, who thaught me how to fight in game and used to take me on his cart excursions to go and get food. People like Sandokhan who would drop by and check up on the new noobie on the block to make sure I was all set. Or more recently, people like Evarya who would spend countless hours digging away with me to create that dumb deed we fumbled our way into. No matter where you go, there is always someone you meet that works tirelessly to help others, or gives their heart out to help you achieve your goals. Selfless people who just want to have a great time and share it with someone else. But many times these people are already "taken", whereas they already have their own deed, or belong to another much larger community they may not be willing to let go. If you had the power to pick someone from this game and make them your eternal villager, who would that person be? Select a person and post them below. Keep in mind it has to be someone that is not already a member of your deed or alliance. If you could poach someone, who would you poach? Please post below and explain why.
  26. 1 point
    Don't have much hope for it to be a satisfying conclusion, especially after 8; but I'll go to see it nonetheless. Not like they could possibly ruin it even more, right?
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Just added a techaffliction mega shifter to my american and euro truck simulators. Really bumps up the game another notch! (grin)
  30. 1 point
    This is very true..for the past two months my lady in red has been Project gorgon,I have played it before and now it was just a comeback... but wurm is still calling me back. It is one of the things I love wurm for.. you can go do other things and wurm is still there for you.. and it feels like you never left,same feelings and enjoyment.
  31. 1 point
    There's a difference between game improvements and straight out shafting players, just like there is a difference between what is acceptable to force onto people who play epic vs people who play freedom. Its fine to devalue time and effort on epic, screw with everything, bend it, break it, ignore it - but don't you dare do it to freedom and don't dare let those low life second rate players have anything they worked for on the stable version of the game after breaking assurances time and again that things were stable for them too. Be more like the hypocrites that believe what is good for the neighbour isn't welcome at home
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    This look nice altough I would aim for something between "realistic" wurm look and World of Warcraft style. Your screenshots present more towards World of Warcraft style (kinda cartoonish).
  37. 1 point
    Awesome, this is a game changer! Could be a whole new style how wurm could look to compete with modern games.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    It looks really good so far, keep up the awesome work!
  41. 1 point
    Retro already confirmed that shutting down an Epic is not an option, and won't happen. So it gonna last either someone's like it or not. On a side note, I find it amusing, like people that used to play here, explain that they play on freedom couse skills transfers only in one way. Thing is, if someone wants to play on Epic and is not interested in freedom environment, why he should care that skills do not transfer to freedom? You have nice curve here, faster timers and only real one sandbox, without artificial restrictions. In my opinion, transfer of skills from freedom to Epic should be ended. People could focus on one cluster, and would have their "backup" of skills on other cluster they don't play.
  42. 1 point
    As someone who grew up in rural Scotland, can I just say, Otters, Ferrets and Beavers might be a nice addition, purely for looks and feels, but I'm unsure about their utility, I mean, what will they be used for, what would be their drawbacks? Ferrets are generally used for hunting rabbits, Wurm has only the annual Easter Bunny .... Otters are prodigious fish eaters, but other than being kinda cute they don't actually 'do' anything. Beavers, well, we don't have Beavers in Scotland, at least not as an indigenous species, and they are not exactly known for much other than dam building on rivers and streams, which, yes, we don't have (yet) in Wurm. I'll be interested to see where, if anywhere, this goes, I have a vague feeling I'm reading too much into a single sentence, but, it's Wurm, strange things have happened before ...
  43. 1 point
    Ayyy there's my name! How old is that screenshot @HexD? @wipeout
  44. 1 point
    Really is amazing in difference between graphics Now and way back when, great job! Here's a bit of contrast;
  45. 1 point
    Just noticed the xray part of this mod does not work with the modern renderer introduced with 1.9 - can you look at it and see if it can be fixed on your end please? ?
  46. 1 point
    Not quite as much as they used to, E.g. stealing actual bulk items from bsb's leaving a gnome with a single bulk item in its pocket called "Rock Shards (700x)" weighing in at 14,000kg. Or stealing the condenser or boiler from stills.
  47. 1 point
    Because a game where it takes YEARS to actually get meaningful skills implies that it's a good idea to start again from nothing? Man 99% of people would quit wurm if they were forced to start again from 0. This isn't WoW where you can power level a character from level 1 to level 100 in 4-5 days. This is Wurm, where everything, even building a house is a chore and can take real life hours. While Epic has been a huge dissapointment for me, mainly due to neglect, I don't see how starting from 0 actually helps anyone?
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Freedom would still have many things over Epic that would invite players to it. Also, it's not like Epic adds much income to the game in its current state, anyways. To my knowledge, at least.
  50. 1 point
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