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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/09/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    From my recent trip to NZ, when out one day played my sword and startled some local sheep. Just Kiwi things.
  2. 6 points
    Limit casting power to something like (channelling / 10) - (current power / 10). I'm not great at maths but hopefully you can see where I'm heading and maybe suggest a better formula, the goal would be to reduce casting power as enchant power increases and all is relative to the channelling ability of the priest whom is capped by their channelling level. Failures incur a reduction in power not QL loss and never shatter. It would work kinda like improving items with crafting but with magic, less RNG and instead players are rewarded for effort invested not punished randomly. This would bring priests more inline with how non priests are played as mains and in conjunction with the other priest changes would make playing a priest as a main much more viable.
  3. 5 points
    And for Libila's sake, please fix queing sacrifice and cast actions, currently sac interupts cast which is very annoying as you can't optimize all your actions for grinding. This was reported so many times and I don't know why it has been ninja changed like that in a first place
  4. 4 points
    I'm not too worried due to the free swap for all priests, I myself have like 35-40 channeling, and stopped right at that point, because I don't have the will to enchant, because it looks horrible, tedious. 50-70 channeling is what a lot people give up at, I stopped my Nahjo priest right at 55 channeling, because enchanting doesn't look like fun, at least there will be more of a reason to grind channeling because there are higher difficulty damage spells but it's still not enough if you ask me. Channeling is a hellish grind. It's difficult to stay on 1 subject for too long, because that's how you burn out, and with all that grinding you go through or a huge payment for a new alt and to be rewarded with shattering a supreme item at 94QL... Gosh... that must be rough @kochinac shattering is a terrible mechanic, and it brings fear with every cast you make, and that's not fun!!! it makes you scared of enchanting! I would love it if they greatly reduced the sacrifice timer, it's way too long, as if it's rough enough burning through useful resources, you have to wait half a minute just so you can cast spells for like 20-40 seconds and gain so little with that time you cast too, in terms of both skill gain and enchanting success (usually) Priest life is extremely difficult, and it's why it's reserved for alts, the priest restriction lifts make me very very happy, and I welcome them, what you sacrifice is the loss of the ability to improve, however... if you look at what normal players use to grind their improving skills, it's not much, just a couple of high QL lumps and logs is enough to last you a month. As for priests? in order to improve your main skill you have to buy a crap load of gems, or chopped veggies, I've heard of someone who has spent 3 gold on grinding materials, holy cow! that's a lot of gems! being able to cast spells for like 20-40 seconds before having to wait another 30 seconds as you burn through a crap load of sometimes pricey resources without CoC (I do still believe CoC should not boost channeling gain) and to finally get to 94 channeling and to be rewarded with SHATTERING SUPREMES is bull! it's exhausting! and everyone I know who has a priest has complained about how annoying being a priest can be. If you seclude yourself from the world of improving, you should be in for another world of fun instead, but it's not fun! It's extremely exhausting on the wallet and brain... The most fun you can have with it is being a healer, and an animal tamer with charm and having damage bonuses. Those are the only fun things I can think of.. the passives mainly.
  5. 3 points
    Doing a bit of Re-enacting as a fur trader at last weekends camp.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    except bloodmaster still has affinities and fightskill
  8. 2 points
    +1 to adding names to fences. I'd just like it because it's fun to see who's built what (regardless of whether or not it has anything to do with griefing).
  9. 2 points
    Received and thank you very much for the quick service you guys have always been awesome
  10. 2 points
    As always thankyou for lurking around, I appreciate it and also the kind words of support and encouragement! Even if I do pronounce everyone names wrong...
  11. 2 points
    QL 100 Wild Cat Pelt c90 (90c) QL ~20 Oak Spindle c86 (55c) QL 85 pine rope tool w89 c69 (1s) QL ~15 Grindstone c97 (1.7s) QL ~23 Butchering Knife c69 (15c) QL ~18 oak Grooming Brush c73 (24c) QL 19 Knife c70 (20c) QL 8 Knife c68 (15c) QL ~10 Mortar And Pestle c71 (21c) QL ~10 Mortar And Pestle c64 (10c) QL 75 Oak Spindle w77 (50c) plz cod to Vonsanden thanks!
  12. 2 points
    Good Morning guys, long time no see... Please COD the below item to Burdok if its still available QL 6 Meditation rug c85 (50c) Thanks
  13. 2 points
    And most of us started without the mod loader. RIP the sanity.
  14. 2 points
    Yes yes yes please allow Fo to create reed and kelp! It does not really working on their own.
  15. 2 points
  16. 1 point
    Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. What We Offer ➽ Community Essentials: Forum, Website, Discord, IRC ➽ Active, chatty people in Alliance Chat ➽ Regular Events for Members only (treasure hunts, jousting & other fun stuff) ➽ Regular Giveaways (Public & Private) ➽ Guides & Support ➽ Alliance Trading Post (deed & people dedicated to trading with and for members) ➽ Alliance Capital (giant deed with only rare+ furnishing) ➽ Public & Private Slayings ➽ A community that stretches all across the server ➽ Multiple Alliance Managers to ensure survival of the community Forum: https://forum.uncanny-legion.net/ Website: http://uncanny-legion.net/ We are an alliance, not a village. As such, the requirements to join are few and simple. You can join if: ✔ You are mayor of a deed on Xanadu. OR ✔ You are member of a deed on Xanadu with politics rights and permission of the mayor to join the alliance. ✔ You are not part of another Xanadu alliance or willing to leave the one you are in. ✔ Alternatively you can join one of our recruiting deeds. OR ✔ You are mayor of a deed on Deliverance. OR ✔ You are member of a deed on Deliverance with politics rights and permission of the mayor to join the alliance. ✔ You are not part of another Deliverance alliance or willing to leave the one you are in. ✔ Alternatively you can join one of our recruiting deeds. OR ✔ You are mayor of a deed on Independence. OR ✔ You are member of a deed on Independence with politics rights and permission of the mayor to join the alliance. ✔ You are not part of another Independence alliance or willing to leave the one you are in. ✔ Alternatively you can join one of our recruiting deeds. OR ✔ You are mayor of a deed on Celebration. OR ✔ You are member of a deed on Celebration with politics rights and permission of the mayor to join the alliance. ✔ You are not part of another Celebration alliance or willing to leave the one you are in. ✔ Alternatively you can join one of our recruiting deeds. ? We do not restrict you or your village's activities in any way. ? ? We do not require participation in any events or giveaways. ? ? We do not ask you to leave other alliances on other servers, or your PvP kingdoms. ? ? We do not ask you to maintain permanent activity. ? ??? The #1 way to be removed from the alliance is to lose your deed. In this case you automatically lose membership of the alliance. ??? ??? The #2 way to be removed is if you break the few rules we have and cause damage to our community. ??? It is important to us to emphasize that PvP players are allowed to join our group, but any PvP grudges held against other players are not to be brought into our community environment. We exist to unite players to create a unique group of people, not to fuel wars between kingdoms on PvE servers. ?Current Deed Count Xanadu: 70 ?Current Deed Count Deliverance: 32 ?Current Deed Count Independence: 7 ?Current Deed Count Celebration: 7 ?Alliance Managers: 9 If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact us in one of the following ways: ✎ Comment Here For XANADU ✉ Send a private message to me, @Yldrania, @Dracaa For DELIVERANCE ✉ Send a private message to @VelvetSun For INDEPENDENCE ✉ Send a private message to @LumpyGravy or @Shrimpiie For CELEBRATION ✉ Send a private message to @Yldrania ☭ Pass me a PM in-game on AJBlack ? Sign up on our forums & contact us there ?????????? Alliance History
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Maybe 150e reminds me of Bilbopk
  19. 1 point
    +1 even if it was just inside the same server. question is, how to implement this to game... because wagooners use highways which requires catseyes. maybe buoys that is required to anchor with concrete barrels or something to make trade routes?
  20. 1 point
    Full agree on it! I strongly hope (I had no guts to watch a 3h video to see if it is covered or not) that spell lists of linked gods will not be the same as the old gods they are linked to - no reason to have a player god anymore that way. I'm quite worried about the restrictions aligned fully to the main god too, the other main benefit to have a priest of player gods that the restrictions / statics are varied.
  21. 1 point
    Thanks Deri ❤️ Bad at everything mate but atleast I'm out here doin my thang right?
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Would it be possible to add a timer to the spell window to show how long we are under the effect of all beverages and its intensity? And maybe add food effects and other effects to the spell window as well
  24. 1 point
    After a while, the past missions completed gets a bit ridiculous, should be a way to clear it out.
  25. 1 point
    As one of my teammembers found out yesterday this is a bug. The destroy action (number 180) will call destroyItem(...) twice, which is not how this method should be used.
  26. 1 point
    With all the alts in this game, how do you really tell who the structure belongs to? If I build a shrine and fence, is that ok? If my alt builds a shrine, but I fence it with main, is that ok? What if I sell the alt, can I keep the fences up? If I deed over a shrine I had not built, is it ok to fence off my deed and the shrine within? Point being, the griefing rule is in place and if you find yourself in a "I'm being griefed!" situation, then each case should be reviewed separately. You can't generalize it like "This fence is not allowed because I want to get to the other side, now!" Besides, if someone really wants to grief you like that, then the name on the fence is really not helping to solve the issue. Off the top of my head, build the fence 99% and add last piece with trash alt. What would the name label say?
  27. 1 point
    Fencing off mission objects and then hiding is the act of an ###### and coward. If you're going to be an ###### at least embrace it. Put their names on the fences.
  28. 1 point
    Theres gonna be a free swap for all priests
  29. 1 point
    Here is a scriptrunner tool I used expand what can go inside bulk containers. The numbers are from the ItemList class and are just an example. Change it to whatever you like. To use it: copy the code, paste it into a text editor, save the file as whatever but with .js extension, finally put the js file in the onServerStarted folder (mods\scriptrunner\scripts\onServerStarted). //**************************** // logHuge,pelt,saddle,stoneKeystone,marbleKeystone,fishingHookWood,fishingHookIron,fishingHookWoodAndString, // fishingHookIronAndString, // butter,tomato ketchup,snowball,cocoa,pineapple, // emerald,emeraldStar,ruby,rubyStar,opal,opalBlack,diamond,diamondStar,sapphire,sapphireStar,candle,yoke,source crystal // Leave blank to make no change. var makeTheseItemsBulk = [385,313,621,905,906,96,95,151,150,1186,1211,1276,1152,1235,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,133,632,765]; //**************************** var logger = Packages.java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.joedobo27.scriptRunnerMods.make-item-bulk"); function onServerStarted() { var fieldBulk = Packages.org.gotti.wurmunlimited.modloader.ReflectionUtil.getField(Packages.java.lang.Class.forName("com.wurmonline.server.items.ItemTemplate"), "bulk"); var templates = Packages.com.wurmonline.server.items.ItemTemplateFactory.getInstance().getTemplates(); for (i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { if (arrayContains(makeTheseItemsBulk, templates[i].getTemplateId())) { Packages.org.gotti.wurmunlimited.modloader.ReflectionUtil.setPrivateField(templates[i], fieldBulk, true); } } logger.info("Templates listed in option makeTheseItemsBulk are now bulk items"); } function arrayContains(array, value) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < array.length; i1++) { if (array[i1] == value) { return true } } return false }
  30. 1 point
    There is a place in the sandbox for open douchery, it's called PvP servers where, if you go out of your way to antagonize other players, they can go out of their way to antagonize you. On PvE, that kind of stuff is hiding behind mechanics to take away from other players' experience, hurting the game as a whole. Furthermore, allow me to enlighten you: Play Nice Or We Will Rip Your Heart Out (griefing)Definition: Activities that are not constructive and with deliberate intent to do harm to others.A ) You may not block access to deeds, merchants, or structures not belonging to you.
  31. 1 point
    if someone wants to build a fence, they can build a fence. If someone else wants to bash it, they can. Can we stop limiting the sandbox? this is the oak trees on deli all over.
  32. 1 point
    Use case: crafting tons of shafts in case you have a lot of wood and want to convert it to shafts here are instructions how to do it: 1) Prepare enough storage space. You can fill with shafts 1 bulk storage bin from 2 large crates of wood. 2) Open containers with wood(for example large crates) and output container(for example bulk storage bin). 3) Now we will configure the BulkItemGetter bot to get the logs from source containers into your inventory. Type into the console next command: bot big on 4) The default timeout of getting logs is 15 seconds. If you think that your character will process logs faster you can change this value. Type into the console bot big t 5000 and the timeout will be 5 seconds(we use milliseconds in configuration command) 5) Now point your mouse on the root item inside your inventory(it is called "inventory") and execute: bot big at 6) The target was set, now we should set the source. Point your mouse over the logs inside the first source container and execute: bot big as 7) The source was set too. Now bot will transfer logs from the source container into your inventory with the configured timeout. If you have more than 1 source container(you should have more than 1 large crate because it will be empty pretty soon) you can configure the BulkItemGetter bot to use them too by repeating 5) and 6) steps 8 ) Put your carving knife to the left slot of crafting window and logs to the right side. Select shafts from the list of available crafting products 9) Start a CrafterBot by executing: bot c on 10) Turn on the repairing of the instrument by executing: bot c r The carving knife will break soon if you won't do that. As soon as the damage on the carving knife becomes greater than 10% the CrafterBot will repair it 11) As logs will be processed the CrafterBot should insert new logs to the right slot of crafting window. You should configure that by executing: bot c st log 12) The bot will not initiate any crafting operations if the character has low stamina. The default threshold for stamina is 96%. If your character can craft at lower stamina without a significant loss is crafting speed, execute next command: bot c s 0.8 And the stamina threshold will be set to 80%(in this case) 13) The crafting was configured. Now we have the last thing to do: move the products to the output container. The ItemMoverBot comes to the rescue. bot im on 14) Point your mouse over the open output container and execute: bot im str 15) The target container was set but ItemMover doesn't know what items to move. Execute next commands: bot im a shaft bot im a wood scrap 16) Now the ItemMover will transfer shafts and wood scrap to the output container with a configured timeout which can be set in a similar way: bot im t 5000 And crafting products will be transferred to output container every 5 seconds(in this case) 17) The basic configuration is complete. But I would recommend configuring the AssistantBot to drink the water from available source as soon as the character becomes thirsty. bot a on Point your mouse over the water source near the character and execute: bot a w 18) The game window can be minimized and you can go watch TV or play another game. The bot will do its job. In the case something goes wrong you can configure the GuardBot to inform you about the issue. bot g on bot g a You create Now if your character won't do any successful crafting operation over 5 minutes the special sound will be played, you will probably maximize the game window and fix the problem That is probably all. Have a good game. Bye! P.S. Every executed command should produce some meaningful message. In case of any error don't ignore it, maybe you are doing something wrong, fix it and proceed to the next step. P.P.S You can read the info about every bot configuration key by using "info" key. For example: bot c info r bot im info a bot g info cs
  33. 1 point
    From my experience, 80 enchanting and 90ql tools, and 97 channeling and 90ql tools have the exact same shatter chance, just slightly better cast averages on 97. not worth the 5 gold or so i spent grinding it lol. i just buy enchants nowadays, haven't premmed my priest in like 4 months. enchanting is trash
  34. 1 point
    Not true. When the possibility of shattering exists, that thought and fear is with you every time you cast. It completely overshadows the enchanting process, and is a constant, ceaseless discouragement against playing the game. In short, it isn't fun, and it hurts Wurm. Again, I don't understand why this isn't understood.
  35. 1 point
    If you punish an activity, you will get less of it. Shattering discourages players from playing, and I can't understand why the developers defend it.
  36. 1 point
    I do think that there should be a lot less chance of shattering high level items. What really concerns me is that the chance of shattering rares, supremes and fantastics seems to be the same as normal items. I think that the chance of shattering these treasured rare+ possessions should be a lot lot less. Fantastics should never shatter at all. I have a supreme loom with no casts. At the moment I don't dare get it casted with WoA - the cost of replacing it just doesn't bear thinking about. A normal loom if it shattered could be replaced easily, even though imping would cost a few silvers, but a rare? a supreme? How do you replace a rare+ item with the player's sig? We have to think of the intrinsic value as well as the sentimental and hope value in these items before deciding to wipe them irrevocably from the database. We want to encourage more people to get their most special items casted successfully. It's good for priests and it's good for the player concerned. We have an opportunity to give players that 'feel good factor' of getting a rare item with good casts, not shatter their hopes and dreams with a lost supreme.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    With a 95 channeling vyn priest in vyn influence with a 90ql altar and 100 alignment and maxed enchanting bonus, a normal casting session can EASILY see 20+ failed casts which is statistically only 1/5th the way towards a full run of a shattered item. No I clearly remember every single one that does not shatter because they still exist and I'm reminded of this fact every time I use them As an account reaches towards 100 channeling, they should reach towards never shattering an item, otherwise 70 skill or 100, it has literally the same effect
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Cheers again for the stream Emoo, once again was very entertaining, and always good to see the dev's coming and having a laugh and a chat, and divulging their secrets to us, except the secret on how to pronounce their names ofc! Keep up the good work, always looking forward to wurm wednesday shenanigans!
  41. 1 point
    @DragonsGateWUThey will be able to craft all of the tabards, but, they will see them as normal tabards if they do not use the client server pack mod. No issues will occur on clients or servers.
  42. 1 point
    yea I tend to die a lot since my body control isn't 21 and I don't have my horse yet.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    [removed Photobucket link] Here's an awkward floor selfie to let the five people that remember me know that I'm still alive
  45. 1 point
    Finally got around to some interior designing off my inn/tavern (complete with a library if you get bored):
  46. 1 point
    (C) Sklojohn from Sklotopolis
  47. 1 point
    A couple of knarrs, for which I made the dye:
  48. 1 point
    check this out for steam servers, works on windows and linux platforms, ubuntu anyone? https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD And this also works for WU.
  49. 1 point
    Blizzard, gale, from crow's nest of cog, in lightning storm
  50. 1 point
    found it: http://forum.wurmonl...ll-new-players/
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