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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/04/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Was suggested (and asked for) so many times before! Eventually, "Enchant grass" was moved in a sub-menu, but "Get info" wasn't; I'm wasting it on a daily basis while farming, on a not-so-laggy server (I'm not very fond of key bindings and "easy stuff", so I still right click a lot). (On the bright side, after so many "Get info", I know every single mob around and under my deed, including their relatives, friends, enemies, prefered music and colour of their socks.) A very big +1 from me!
  2. 4 points
    After spending a few days on this server, id have to say its basically my ideal version of this game. I've spent 3 years playing wurm online and after even that small amount of time.. kinda sick of the slow grind. Even though i have a lot of gear saved up over such a long time, i don't feel i have the incentive to actually go out and lose any of it. This server feels like the game should have been, or perhaps a version of this server should have been implemented on the main wurm servers for those that love fast paced action.
  3. 4 points
    Raise the minimum speeds and allow the option to lower sails for when you are pulling into the harbour.
  4. 3 points
    Precision Perimeter Control Allow us to control the size of our perimeter in each cardinal direction, much like we control the rest of the deed. Additionally, let us shrink our perimeter to a minimum of 1 while still allowing the first 5 to be free. This means that there would still be an absolute minimum of 2 tiles between deeds, instead of the current 10 tiles
  5. 3 points
    Just posting this to let everyone know that I have returned! Hope everyone has been good in my absence. I have many stories to tell, if you want to hear them let me know! If not, well. I hope you have gems to sell! Hope to see you all ingame.
  6. 3 points
    Investigations continue.
  7. 2 points
    So, I think I posted this before, but here goes again. We really need a separate menu for these big cooldown skills. It is way too easy to misclick and burn it, while disembarking, destroying pavement, examining, etc. PLEASE can we give these "once a day" skills a sub menu, or a "you sure you want to use this skill now?" popup. Something? I lose my Get Info almost every day, because menus are laggy and I think I'm clicking one thing and it turns out to be another.
  8. 2 points
    Bugfix – Changing the contents of the mailbox while sending will now abort the sending process. Bugfix – Corrected double period text with ‘Get Info’ Skill. Bugfix – You are no longer able to cast ‘Dirt’ on Bulk Storage Bins in your inventory.
  9. 2 points
    Want To Sell Rare strange bone and dragon skull Rare Bone 30s Skull 7s
  10. 2 points
    It seems to be stealing your hota, maybe they are all ninjas which is why we never see them
  11. 2 points
    If you need IRC client, I recommend HexChat. If you need voice comms, Team Speak 3 is a way to go.
  12. 2 points
    Depends on how it's implemented. If it's short range and only happens when not within sight of a player then it might as well be called Jumping. Considering their size it should certainly be a piece of cake for them to go over fences without having to break through them.
  13. 2 points
    So, I've been following the trades quite a bit and there is a trend lately, for people to accept hidden BO offers, before the auction ends. The person holding the auction simply lists: "Buyout - make me an offer" and now the entire auction is nothing more than a WTS thread. I would like to see some real structure to auctions, to try bringing back the original feel they had. What is the point of even bidding, when you know someone can secretly make an offer and the seller can simply accept and close the thread? This is not what an auction is supposed to be. I propose we set some hard rules for auctions and enforce them by giving issuing warnings to people that break policy. After a couple warnings, they simply are banned from using the auction area of forums. WTS can certainly have loose guidelines, like "I want 500e for my character and I'll decide in a week", but then not decide in a week. WTS is the wild west of sales. Auctions need to be a bit more regulated, to restore peoples confidence in the bidding process. If ebay operated like this, it would never have made a dime.
  14. 2 points
    It is indeed sad that such occurs on Freedom pve servers. Bring it to pvp servers, ya pansies
  15. 2 points
    As the seller is the owner of the item, he can ultimately do whatever he wants with it. As a buyer/bidder you can choose to participate in the auction or not to, depending on the conditions. If enough people stop participating in auctions with unreasonable terms (for some value of "unreasonable") - the sellers will have to adopt, as it would mean lost profits to them. I don't think this this needs any kind of external regulation. If you impose too much limits on the forums - they will just move elsewhere.
  16. 2 points
    My server isn't hosted by Citidel servers, it's hosted in our own data centre locally (We run a hosting company), I have direct access to walk up to it and rip it out of it's rack and throw it out of the nearest door. It's hosted on a dedicated Windows machine with remote desktop access, the other machine used to test is also a Windows dedicated machine and the 2 home computers used for more tests are Windows desktop PC's. All the settings are being set as standard via the usual launcher interface, I've also checked the databases to make sure the settings are sticking too in the wurmlogin.db. Friends and strangers using various Window's systems (7/10) are also reporting the same results on the standard installation of the Wurm Dedicated Server software. I 'could' edit it to add custom lairs, I could drop custom lairs around myself, however the litter of lairs is impractical and just makes for an extra special death when mauled together by a group of 6 spiders as they are often hunching up on the server, let alone one with lair traits such as champion, rather than the odd 1 or 2 you'd see every 10 tiles maybe in the forest that should be spawning. Treasure chests on the other hand, are entirely impractical if even possible to setup with a lair. Cave bugs and rats are also spawning on-deed in unusually high frequency. I have (with a completely reset map each time, no creatures at all to start with); Tried a raw-unedited newly installed version of Wurm Dedicated Server software; Stable and Beta. Disabled den's, to rule out den's causing it. Tweaked the non-aggressive hard cap right down. Tweaked the aggressive cap right up. Tweaked the non-aggressive down and aggressive up. Removed certain non-aggressives from the spawn table (very empty map). Tweaked the PERCENT_AGG_CREATURES amount, in all kinds of different directions (to no effect). Completely disabled all control for MAXCREATURES (endless spawning~). Tried setting the PERCENT_AGG_CREATURES to 180% (expected anything above 100 to crash, did not, why not, did in previous versions?). Tried 10k mobs vs 60k mobs. Tried changing the kingdom to 0. Tried changing the kingdom to 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 5 (expected 5 to crash, did not). Tried making it Epic. Tried alternate maps of various sizes. Tried adding various zone types. Tried setting up a fog zone to see if they spawn in that, it was terrifying, but again didn't work.
  17. 2 points
    Thank you for the warm welcome back everyone. Yep. Not sure I would expect anything less though!
  18. 2 points
    Thanks, this should be very useful for deliveries
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    Hello, and thank you for considering Pure Wurm as your next server. I will try to make this description brief. The vision of our server is that of the original Wurm Online: freedom. Freedom to make kingdoms, make war, and make babies (betweent two consenting animals, of course (forgive me for my bad humor, you will not have to put up with it much longer)).If you are interested, please leave a comment saying you are. Once 10-20 people have pledged to join.In addition, I invite you to take part in decision making process of the new server, so if you are interested, please answer the following question in your comment:-Are you interested in the server using the epic curve?-Are you intersted in allowing player Gods?-Are you intersted in scenarios?Lastly, I will end with a promise: GM powers will never be used to harm, or aid players, unless necessary to fix a glitch, and money will never be accepted for any reason, except as donations to keep the server running, and will grant no benefits.I hope this has convinced you to share in the genuine Wurm Online experience!Edit: The server will be opened as soon as enough people express interest, proboably 10-20. Additionally, the server will be hosted 24/7, so you can play any time!
  21. 1 point
    Sitting in a reinforced mine and mailing items in 10 seconds shouldn't be allowed if enemy are in your local. We spent an hour bringing in supplies/cata/s breaking down walls, 30 minutes disintergrating reinforced tiles just to be welcomed by naked people. Your sentence should be if the defence can't actually defend and the enemy break in then they shouldn't have a mechanic that let's them mail their items to saftey and should infact lose them. If the offense fails and we get killed/put into a bad spot, we ain't mailing items lol. I love how you're supporting such a broken mechanic, how many times you been raided this week to make you support. Do you play pvp servers? Gaurds stop working if you kill them. Locks open if you pick them. You can't stop somebody mailing items from a safe mine, only being in their local can stop that if this mechanic works. Defend your deed and keep your items. Simple.
  22. 1 point
    I think I can understand how the situation might have happened. You have multiple accounts and they all use an email. You change your password from time to time, because it is just smart security to do so. If you sell an account and the buyer doesn't change the email, then suddenly the buyer gets locked out and the seller has no clue what they just did. I personally give detailed instructions to all my buyers, then make sure they complete a full transition with new email and password, before sending them on their way. Another thing I do is make up a bogus email address and assign it to the account, right before I hand it over. It protects both the seller and the buyer.
  23. 1 point
    Some people like being the underdogs, like a challenge, like to have to earn what's they want, other like you take the easy way out. Part of the fun in this game is working hard to achieve a goal, be it conquer all of chaos or hit 90 PAS or make your own drake set instead of buying one. MR took a while to get to the point they are in, wasn't to long ago they were losing hard and I remember all the emo pep talks to keep people going. Can't take the credit away from them, but what's the fun in joining someone so far ahead of the competition what's your real goal ? Is it fun raiding a deed with 30ppl just because you can? Not for me. I rather have a challenge then have some one hand me it. That's why all the older MR can talk, because they were part of that struggle and kept going to get to where they are. All these new guys who joined after it had been dominating the server can't say much. As someone who has came from nothing in life to where I am now, I can tell you there's a lot more pleasure in hard fought well earned battle then just taking the easy way out. we went completely off topic here my bad. Back to topic: good fixes but what was the issue with dirt spell and bsb in inventory ?
  24. 1 point
    This is so not true and you guys are just trying to screw the little Indian fellas sale. It's the account its the person behind it, yes the name has a bad reputation but if people will understand it's a new owner and the names rep won't transfer to the owner just because he bought it. I owned a account previously that was KoS at almost all deli deeds due to previous owner stealing a unique, however I had no problem at all joining a kingdom with it or doing multiple transactions. Not everyone are jerks like the people trying to ruin his sale, people are reasonable and will understand it's a new buyer and you won't get the same treatment hashi would. Good luck with sale hashi boy, see you at WSOP 2017 ? (:
  25. 1 point
    Why is even trolls brought up? This was a catapult job, was numerous piles of cata ammo at all the missing walls, come over to chaos sometimes and look at a deed that was raided, it is very easy to spot.
  26. 1 point
    I would like to see ship speed possibly affected by it's overall quality but even better would be an option tolower sails.
  27. 1 point
    Can they even kill a troll in less than 4 respawns? LOL
  28. 1 point
    The best solution for Trolls is to remove their ability to bash any walls anywhere. Some years ago they were never able to bash walls at all. Then it became some big problem that they were penned up on or off deeds, so the god of Wurm decided it would be a good idea for them to bash walls down. Now under various situations they can even bash walls (house walls too) that are on deed tiles. Not the best idea to grief players with a game mechanic like this. I am reminded of a few years prior to this Troll bashing "escape mechanism" when another "good" idea was to have cave bugs mining down cave floors. They then created huge drop shafts all around Independence, this was before any other servers were added, and then due to player complaints this ability was finally removed. I still know a few mines on Indy that have some of these shafts remaining, since if players did not take the time to contact GM's they were never repaired by them. Even then you sort of had to prove that those devils made 'em do it. Yes, in the OP's instance seems Trolls were not the cause, so this might be going off topic but them Trolls do continue to grief players in this manner. Really another poor choice that has little if any positive benefits. =Ayes=
  29. 1 point
    I +1 to being able to voluntarily reduce your perimeter to 2. (I feel like 2 is the better number. 1 means that you and your neighbor might have different ideas on the height of your 1st off deed tile. 2 means you can each have 1 tile how you want it. I have mixed feelings on e/w/n/s having different sizes. So this is a +1/-1
  30. 1 point
    Damn you! Now I'm gonna have a nightmare.
  31. 1 point
    I got conmcb26 banned for the same reason a while back.
  32. 1 point
    My mother said "if you do not have something nice to say then do not say anything at all" guess I have nothing to say.
  33. 1 point
    Back when we had the terrifying baby calves.
  34. 1 point
    We don't need to remove it. But the minimal sailing speed does need to be raised.
  35. 1 point
    A developer - should - be able to check the game database to see where some of the items ended up. If you have specific logs of such items being examined, with stuff like quality, enchants, and creator tags, I am sure they can look through the database and attempt to locate them, leading possibly to the culprit and perhaps leading to more info about how this may have happened. I have heard of this being done before for missing items; namely, for myself when I lost a large chunk of valuable stuff on a server crossing. My items were returned to me while I was logged off at night. Most of them were put into chests in my house, except some of the no-drop items. The next day when I logged on Rolf was standing next to my bed, ready to trade me my bag of keeping and some other goodies back that he had retrieved. This came after I personally sent an email to him. This is not the same situation obviously but it does show that the database can be looked into for such issues and they can be investigated. For something like a flawed deed permission or some other workaround that permits peopel to make foot with large amounts of valuables and cause people to quit, I would definitely think it is worth the effort for a dev to investigate what happened, even if the conclusion is a forgotten deed settings - The worst that could come from an investigation is a bug found & fixed. Thing is, it might be a lot of work, and you need to talk to the right person to get it done. GMs just follow a protocol and they're probably not lying when they say they have no tools to track this stuff down. Perhaps it is time to look at the standard procedure and agree that if a GM feels they cannot handle something, to forward it to the development team instead of just saying "tough luck, your problem to fix it".
  36. 1 point
    I have had three new players join.... and then quit due to the winds.... +1
  37. 1 point
    Checked in Global Market for anyone selling silver in game. Patrycja Pm'd me and we agreed 38 euros for 40s ingame. Went ahead with the transaction and funds were sent. I COD an item for the amount but 5 minutes said player had logged off and I have not been able to catch them since. So currently at this time this post is here to serve as a reminder to people who make purchases via paypal to just be a bit more careful. I have put Patrycja on my ###### list, and would advise others to be aware of it/him/her in future. Ref: pati541@op.pl paypal addy.
  38. 1 point
    It usually happens when the creator of the tool was a never-premium character and the toon was deleted, then the tag will be of the next one examining it. Also, some items didn not have a creator tag, when they got one, the player having them in inventory and examining them was set as 'creator" (horseshoes, for example). And, of course, the old database issue, when some items lost their creators tags.
  39. 1 point
    Release has some beautiful scenic areas: on the east side, sheer cliffs full of mobs, and the north and west have some beautiful deeds with colossi and creative use of bridges. There's also an island on southeastern Pristine that has a HUGE castle on it, thought I'm not sure of the location.
  40. 1 point
    On Independence I would definitely visit the Samling monument on the north coast, which was the original spawn point on that server in 2009. If it can still be found. And Kinoss tunnel in the southwest which was a miraculous building project. Grand Steppe which I believe is still the largest in the game. Also go to the top tier of Dragonfang Mountain for the view from there. There are volcanos on Inde too. For Xanadu, it is the sheer size of the place that is incredible. You won't see anything in particular that is different from other servers, except for the enormous forests of linden and walnut, which were not native trees on other servers. If you cross the island on the east-west going trail from Rome to Linton, you can travel for an hour and only pass two deeds. I can give directions in PMs if interested.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    There are very few things do I agree with Cameron on, but remaining as part of the EU is one of them. Obama interfering on the other hand is just rude. Was the same crap during the scottish independence referendum.
  43. 1 point
    It might be nice to have the permanent mission sites marked, like Symbol of Strength with their own icon.
  44. 1 point
    True, but it's not widely advertised, and the anonymity is offered through that map's obscurity. I already foresee this map either overtaking or finding parity with the other community map. The anonymity is lost.
  45. 1 point
    Even if it becomes outdated this very minute, it will still be the most accurate for 2 years to come. Besides I live so far east, so remove, don't think much can change unless I change it
  46. 1 point
    woooo sounds fun. even coming in last would still net you the brass horseshoes
  47. 1 point
    Wow, good job guys. Yea, I remember Skyefox lurking in my local when I was dropping my deed. This map is awesome!
  48. 1 point
    Brilliant work out there you guys! Thank you,make Indie more safe with such things)
  49. 1 point
    Very nice map, easier to guess where you are at and get where you are going. Great job.
  50. 1 point
    Since you've already done some messing around with tooltips, could you say whether or not it would be possible to extend the tooltip functionality to display an item's enchantment data? Would be a godsend to no longer have to sit there manually naming everything.
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