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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I figured I'd get this post started. I'm writing a mod that works with Ago's Mod Loader that will give you the ability to configure working portals from within the game. This will be the main thread for this mod when it's released, but for now I'm looking for some ideas and feedback to use during the initial development. What I have so far: A working override for the PortalQuestion code (as in, I can already hijack portal actions and hard-code working portals in the mod as it is). A data encoding scheme that stores all data for the mod in existing fields on the portal itself. TL;DR: Everything is done in-game and stored in your database. All changes will be live, nothing will need a reboot/reset of the server to make work (except for a few advanced things I'll get to later) Current feature list in design: *This may change in development!* Same-server point-to-point travel. (i.e. set an X/Y and go) Cross-server travel (set an X/Y and server ID) Kingdom features (Allow only XX Kingdom, Convert To XX Kingdom) Set specific kingdoms or prompt from a list. Epic-style "separate" player files (if possible in WU) Item limits (old style portals) Individual portal cool downs (still a WIP idea) List of spawn points instead of X/Y List of alliance spawn points (WIP idea) Server Listing (instead of just setting server ID) Advanced features will require the use of portalsmod.properties and a restart of the server to incorporate (though I might see about reloading this file in-game... I have to look into that) Specify a list of villages, spawn points, etc for a specific portal to show (this will be based on the portal's WurmID) These are all of the things I'm going to be working on implementing now that I have the data storage finished. Feel free to request features and I'll see what I can do.
  2. 4 points
    "I'm not skill dumping or any of that crap" ... "I'll take offers from serious people who know me." Maybe you should send the WTS text only to people you know and not post it on a public forum?
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    This is a new series of posts, mainly for my own benefit where I am going to record my progress on a new server that is using a map which I created, called Crater Lake. http://www.rheyansgaming.com/crater-lake-01-a-brief-tour-of-the-map/
  5. 3 points
    I have sorted the commands list a little bit, and i hope its usefull for you, if something is wrong pls let me know For your own textcolor that you can set with the command #chat <integer-number> you can use the following jar-file to convert rgb to integer color numbers. Thanks to GiuseppeP: https://www.dropbox....Colors.jar?dl=1 The Topic for working as GM and some good hints, you can find here If your server is busy, then you will soon need a good team. CA - Communitie Assistant People answer the questions for the game CM - Chatmoderator People who ensure compliance with your rules in the chatrooms GM - Game master People actively help your players, for example: bugs or stuckingm creating terrain and so on You have 5 tiers you can assign as GM´s (Level 1-5) with varying abillities, pls look at this post from MamaDarkness http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/131468-wu-gm-functions-discussion/#entry1350666 You can setup your GM team at the Server interface at the tab called "Players" At hostes servers please look at the depending configuration Ingame you can set the player power with your wand: The player have to be online Activate your ebony wand Rightclick the wand and go to "server" + "manage player powers" The new GM have now the given power but still no wand He/she can relog and should get the related wand (or after a server restart) you can spawn the wand with your ebony wand the new gm can use the give command (look below)...for other wands except the ebony, you have to find the correct item id, sorry i dont know it atm To toggle CA or CM staff members use this commands as GM 2 or above #toggleca playername #setmuter playername CM COMMANDS LIST right click a player in the chat to issue some comannds, you can also use the mutetool, best is to make a keybind bind <key> mutetool #chat <int color> - colors your chat so that players understand that it is formal. The color is optional and you'll get orange otherwise, also second parmeter can be r.g.b values. #mute <playername> <hours> <reason> - the player cannot communicate except with tell. #unmute <playername> - pardons a mute. #mutewarn <playername> (reason) - sends a warning that a player may be muted. The reason is optional. #showmuters - displays a list of the people who can mute apart from the gms. #showmuted - displays a list of the people who are muted. #showcas - displays a list of the ca. #help - shows the command list GM COMMANDS LIST GM 1 - Hero and above dont forget to bind the gmtools -> bind <key> gmtool #chat <int color> - colors your chat so that players understand that it is formal. The color is optional and you'll get orange otherwise, also second parmeter can be r.g.b values. #invis - toggles invisibility The following GM commands are sorted by Topics GM 2 - Demigod or higher commands are blue, GM 3 . Highgod or higher commands are red. MESSAGES AND ALERTS #alerts - lets you change periodic messages from the server. If you type in a message at the fifth line (message 3), your message will be shown at all your connected maps. #announce - announces a blue system wide message. #broadcast - broadcasts a system wide message. #gm - send a GM message to login server. #sdown - displays a message that the server is shutting down and rejects new connections. Does not shut down (enters maintenance mode) GET GENERAL INFOS ABOUT... PLAYERS #getip <playername> - displays the players ip address and any other accounts from the same address. #getwarnings <playername> - displays info about the player's warnings. #who [J|H|M] - sends a list of players online from Jenn-kellon, HOTS, or Mol-Rehan respectively STAFFMEMBERS #showdevtalkers - displays a list of the people who can see the GM Tab. #showheros [power] - displays a list of the people with power (defaults to Hero). Power can be 1-5 #showmuters - displays a list of the people who can mute apart from the gms. #showcas - displays a list of the ca. SERVER #getips - displays the current players with ip addresses. #bannedips - displays kingdom IP addresses and time since last logout. TODO why is this called #bannedips? #showbans - displays current bans #offline - shows offline creatures with location. It seems that doesnt work now! #calcCreatures - Calculates number of creatires on surface, in caves, are visible, and offline, Use with care - lag prone. #showcreaturelist - will show all creatures with current number and percentage also with max percentage. #uniques Displays all uniques on the server including the exact coordinates #checkCreatures - error checks the positions of creatures. Will return dislocated guards for instance. May provide a name like 'templar' to check only those. Use with care - lag prone and may cause instant spawns. COMMANDS TO TEST SOME #soundspam - spams area around you with random sounds for testing. #testAffinity - test affinity for a random skill. TODO (for me its not working) #testcolors - test sending a coloured message. TODO for me its not working) WORKING ON PLAYERS EDIT PLAYER DATAS #changeemail <playername> <newemail> - changes the email of a single player character. (Not working in WU as i know) #changepassword <playername> <newpassword> - changes the password of a player. In WU the password is a steam-id #registermail - registers player email in list. (please check that out) #setserver <playername> <serverid> - tells this server that the player is on the server with the number specified. A very important command at my servers after a crash #setreputation <playername> <new reputation> - sets the reputation of a player. #rename <oldname> <newname> <password> - renames the player. The player must be LOGGED OFF. If this works, it would be a silent ban for a char #addtitle <name> [<title id>] - adds the default title Clairvoyant. title id is optional. Here you cant give a new created title, just titles from the system #removetitle <name> [<title id>] - removes the default title Community Assistant. title id is optional. Dont forget this after you remove a CA from your list #resetplayer <name> - resets the players skills and faith to max 20. Also removes champion/realdeath. I never found an option to activate premium on wu servers, if this is possible, it would be a good punish for bugusing players and so on, please let me know if this works here. BAD PLAYERS #warn <playername> - the player receives an official warning. #kick <playername> - kicks the player #ban <playername> <days> <reason> - bans the player and the ipaddress. You must provide the number of days and a reason. #banhere|#baniphere|#pardonhere|pardoniphere <playername> - bancontrol for the current server only #banip <ipaddress> <days> <reason> - bans the ipaddress and kicks anyone from it. You must provide the number of days and a reason. #bansteam <id/player> bans the steamaccount from your server #pardonsteam <id/player> unbans the steamaccount from your server #watch <playername> <description> - creates a 'watch' ticket. BE A GOOD PLAYER #pardon <playername> - pardons the player and the ipaddress #pardonip <ipaddress> - pardons the ipaddress #resetwarnings <playername> - resets the players warnings to 0. HELPING A PLAYER #reload <creatureId or playername> - reload a player or creature when bugged. #respawn <playername> - respawns a dead player at the start. #findboat <name> - lets you find a boat with part of the name in it. May be processor heavy so if you notice lag, use with care! #locatehorse <string> - return the location of horses whose name contains the supplied argument string. #worth <name> - helps debug royal level kills on pvp servers. #addmoney <name months days silvers detail> - adds prem or silver to a players account. Detail needs to be any unique string #devtalk <name> - toggles the ability to a normal player to hear the gm chat. WORKING ON THE SERVER #plimit <new number> - the number when the server no longer accepts free players. It will always let premiums in though. #toggleEpic - toggles epic portals #toggleglobal - toggles global chat. #tradecheat - Toggles trade cheats on this server. TODO. #sdown - displays a message that the server is shutting down. Does not shut down (enters maintenance mode) #allowall - opens the server for new connections. (leaves maintenance mode). #creaturepos - toggles creature position logging. #dumpxml - generates a new epic xml on the login server. #invuln - toggles invulnerability mode. #togglemounts - enables or disables riding, driving and horse spawning. #maxcreatures <newvalue> - sets the number of max creature to a new value. #startx <number> - sets the tile X where new players (Jenn-Kellon, or for home servers all players) start to the number given. #starty <number> - sets the tile Y where new players (Jenn-Kellon, or for home servers all players) start to the number given. #generateDeadVillage <number> - generates a number of dead villages for archaeology purposes. A number more than 5 will not return info about the villages, just if it was successful or not. PERSONAL COMMANDS #changemodel <model> - change character model (gmdark or gmnormal) To change your own model #chamgemodel modelname To change the model of someone else #changemodel (model) (player) (duration) For the full list of possible models #changemodel list Here is a list from some models, thanks to Zenity for this work Short list of models There is a new command to list all models: #changemodel list but it seems, its required to sort it out a little bit in a text editor, i believe modelnames should be write in lower cases, if i am wrong you can inform me #gmlight - togles personal light on/off when you are invisible. #invis - toggles invisibility #timemod <hours> - modifies your current time with the number of hours. Can be negative. ITEMS #loadItem <long id> - loads item with id, (removing from the owner). #redeem - functionality to retrieve items from banned players.. #itempos <id> - checks the position of an item. #give <id> [Ql] [Value] - spawn the given Item into your inventory. Example #give 176 99 1 will spawn a Ebony wand ql99 into your inv.. REST #onfire - toggles player fire. #newmission <deityname> - generates a new epic mission for the provided deity. #togglemission <missionname> - enables or disables the mission with the name supplied. #toggleqa <name> - toggles the QA status on or off for the account. I dont know what this is. #isqa <name> - Checks if account has QA status. #overrideshop <name> <true|false> - if set to true the player may use the shop even though he has had previous payment reversals. #addmoney name months days silvers detail - adds to a players account. Detail is the paypal transaction id. #xmaslights - turn on the xmaslight on your position NEW COMMANDS #changemodel fullmodelname - self-explanatory, GM tier 2+, you must use FULL model name or you will become "?" bag instead #changemodel fullmodelname playername time - GM tier 4+, sets any model for any player. Time up to 3600 (one hour), can be used only on PvE servers. Warlander: full model name with dots in a middle must be used ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher\packs\graphics.jar contains a file called mappings.txt. Contains all of the model names.
  6. 3 points
    Currently wine barrels are very nice decorative items, the trouble is that if you keep wine in a good QL barrel it does not age well at all. A bit of a contradiction really and thus the following two changes are proposed: 1. Allow material contained in wine barrels to decay as if offdeed. 2. Accelerate this decay based on wine barrel QL (QL% increase)
  7. 3 points
    I thought this made a nice screenshot... Mother horse and new foal with a baby lamb to boot.
  8. 3 points
    Look what I found in my world Not sure if its hard to code this in, but the texture is no problem as you can see
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
    This mod will add more creatures to your wurm game without replacing the original creatures I will add more creatures and features over time. Link to screenshots: Screenshots Newest version: CreatureMod 2.1.0 Includes: Animals: Zebra Ocelot Regular Bay Mangalarga Marchador Skewbald Piebald Knabstrupper Knabstrupper x Appaloosa Rocky Mountain Panda Bear Main Coon Australorp Rhode Island Red Silver campine Dalmatian Black Angus Belted Galloway Red Wattle Husky Patch Notes: Creaturemod 2.1.0 Added Foals,Husky,Black Angus, Dalmatian, Belted Galloway, Red Wattle, Silver Campine, Rhode Island Red, Australorp Creaturemod 2.0.0 Added horses to the creature demo that Ago put together Installation: Step 1: Install Ago's server modloader and client Modloader (make sure you got them working properly and that it's the newest version) Step 2: Copy both the creaturedemo folder and creaturedemo.properties strait into your mods folder on the server side Step 3: Start your server using ago's modloader Done Feel free to request more but I can't make any promises Enjoy credit: AbsolutelyNobody Ago Crowley And if anyone is interested in making a donation: http://www.dewitphotography.com/donate Will be this link for the time being until they fix this forum
  11. 2 points
    Welcome to what The Elder Scrolls Online Wasnt. Tamriel Online is a Sandbox persistent Hardcore server. it is player made and ONLY player made. It is based on a map of Tamriel from "The Elder Scrolls". Although no cities will be recreated, you are free to. you are dropped into a more brutal parallel universe of Tamriel, and you must survive. It is the ultimate sandbox server. Server Website: http://tamrielonline.wix.com/tamriel Server Name: [RU/EU] Tamriel Online [x3 skill, x2 timer, Free PVP] ( wait a bit for the servers to load in, then just type "[RU" in the search bar and it will come up.) Features ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) HISTORY SYSTEM :Here we Write down & record each & every settlement & kingdom that wants to be. We also have seperate records for Important & Influencial Settlements, Kingdoms. We even have History records about Important events that happened, like big battles & even important people. Will you be on this list? 2) Huge 8192x8192 map Here: http://cs625122.vk.me/v625122432/504f2/cdEeHClZkoE.jpg 3) Hardcore Survival Sandbox. You are on your own. (NOTE. PvP is not encouraged neither disencouraged, Freedom is encouraged.) 4) Skill is x3, x4 in special occasions. 5) x3 timers 6) 60,000 Mobs, 30% aggresive 7) Active GM & Supporters. any questions you can pm. The GM is Scadouge. 8) GLOBAL SERVER. the server is hosted in europe. there will be kingdoms & settlements of many RL nationalities. (my ping is 100-150 as an American.) 9) NO WIPES - Planned Features 1) Future Mods depending on GMs wishes for the server & future playerbase. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start out in the Middle little island surrounded by rivers ( Imperial Island) there is a WL starting token & BL starting token. the only safe zone (For now) is the WL starting token, which is the starting zone, outside there, its up to you to survive. some religions still yet to be discovered! go find the altars & race to become a god's champion!
  12. 2 points
    Every time I improve and item I want to see what the resulting quality is. [10:44:35] You must use a file to smooth out the "Dwarvenstone Keep" in order to improve it. When the action is completed the next action required to improve is sent to the client. But my compulsive nature forces me to examine the item again to see the quality reached. This request is sent to the server every time. My suggestion is to add a quality notice to the end of the result so I dont have to send that request to the server. [10:44:35] You must use a file to smooth out the "Dwarvenstone Keep" in order to improve it (Ql: 37.89035, Dam: 0.0) This will save the trouble of examining the item. It saves the server from processing the request. It saves time and will probably improve performance when you think of hundreds of players not having to send examine requests during crafting. While you are there, go ahead and add it to the repair result as well. [10:55:12] You repair the "Dwarvenstone Keep" (Ql: 37.0005, Dam: 0.0). Thoughts?
  13. 2 points
    No idea who you are so.. .not gonna even bother...
  14. 2 points
    Any fellow Wurmians out there participating in NaNoWriMo this month? Have your novel ideas already lined up? Going to just wing it? Interested in being buddies? Was just curious if anyone else was going to be partaking this year.
  15. 2 points
    Hi Everyone, I'd like to say thank you for all the input you've given us over the week of this discussion, There has certainly been a lot of input and there is a lot to go over, I'll be locking this thread now while we look at possible options. We will let you know of any changes prior to them going live. Regards, Retrograde
  16. 2 points
    dumb idea the better suggestion would be to remove converting from WL to BL.
  17. 2 points
    I consider gaining skill in windows of opportunity to be cheating and unbalanced but that won't prompt me to quit, ie changing meditation paths over and over to reset your meditation cool-down allowing you to get more skillbearing meditation chances per day and then get rewarded for exposing this to staff after your friends have all profited. Those who threaten to quit over an item they can obtain if they really want to by using legal means should really question why they play this game. Not every squeaky wheel needs grease, some just need to be replaced. Leave the fountain containers the way they are and let natural decay and account attrition/deed disbands do their jobs. High value items that have been in the game for years do more for the economy than they hurt the game. Fixing something that is not broken is a complete waste of development time. You could be changing the 0 to a 1 so kingdom chiefs can change their titles, we can see the code now there are no more excuses for ineptitude.
  18. 1 point
    Hey all! It's the week after! Wurm Unlimited happened and we're really happy with the feedback we've had. You, the players, have played, built and enjoyed the latest chapter in Wurm as a game. For those of you new around here, this is the Weekly News. Every week, we talk about what the devs have been working on, round up patch notes and talk about some community things too. Since both Unlimited and Online are very similar and will share the same updates, we're going to cover both ga,es in the weekly news from now on. There's not much to talk about this week as dev effort went towards bugfixing (which isn't entertaining or pretty.) A little birdy told me that birdcages went live in WO though (see what I did there?!*) *I don't always try to be funny. I should avoid it really.. The Week in Patch Notes Some things were added to WO including birdcages along with some fixes, while WU received a number of fixes (not all are listed here.) Wurm Online 29/1015 Fixed a minor issue with using tomes (for the first time), where it would check if you’re outside a mine, instead of inside. Kings now have two titles: their normal king title followed by their normal title. This normal title can be changed. Fix so kiln can be made indoors as not restricted them being used only outside. Added display of signature for ‘fire’ items, and added creator for kiln. Added sig for crates (as they were already on bsbs). Increased depth that tiles can be paved. Fixes for pvp (epic) permissions. Fix for some minedoors not being able to be remotely managed. Added birdcage. (PvE) Auto-add some permissions when an animal is branded. Added 1st tile of perimeter to Deed Planner map export. Fixed bug in Deed Planner related to deeds being shifted one tile horizontally while exporting. Wurm Unlimited 23/1015: Game Client Settings should now be saved correctly. The "Cancel Refresh" button will now be enabled on start. The Quit keybind will now unbind itself if bound to the F12 key. The Quit keybind will no longer default to the F12 key, uses F11 instead. Screenshot binding now defaults to F12. Server Missions should no longer be generated with the objective of slaying 0 creatures. Logs will now be created in the current server folder, for instance in Creative/Logs. Removed some logging that is no longer used. You can now change which steam query port to use, enabling multiple server instances on the same machine. NPCs should no longer stay in local chat when they die or are too far away. You should no longer start with the hatchet and carving knife equipped. Kilns should now be movable. Amphorae are now turn-able. Screenshot of the Week This week's cave dwelling was built by Caellon and pictured by Cayce. It's dark and evil, especially with the HotS flag! That concludes this week's news. Welcome to our weekly posts for anyone who's new!
  19. 1 point
    Not sure if you knew this or not but there's a much newer heightmap: Here And heightmap to actual in-game heights data: Here
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    New Event for Dawn Reach Characters only: Name: Dawn Reach Fishing Tournament Time: Starting today (Sunday, Nov 1st) until Next Sunday at Noon. Description: Characters of Dawn Reach will have a week to catch the 3 biggest fish they can. They must bring their 3 biggest to a GM by next Sunday. The most total weight will win the prize. Prize: Rare Fishing Pole (70 qual) How to Enroll: Must be a Kingdom Member of Dawn Reach and respond to the forum post with your characters name at http://www.moorwurm.com
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    DeedPlanner 2.4.1 is released! Changes: Added selected tile highlight in bridges modeFixed rendering of bridges (bridges will always have max brightness now)Fixed some broken bridgesFixed bug related to bridges at higher levels not being rendered correctly (should work with 2.4.0 saves)Fixed few stability related bugsThis version should be stable enough for general use already.
  25. 1 point
    If you want the scale in meters, then 1 dirt is .10 meters high, so 10 dirt is 1 meter, 100 dirt is 10 meters, and so on, which means a height of 4096 would become 409.6 meters. As far as the min and max altitudes of the map, I suppose it would depend on if you were going from the very bottom for your scale, or from the water level. If you go from the lowest point, then the minimum altitude would probably be 0 and the max would be whatever your max height on the heightmap is set to (divided by 10 to get the meters). If it's going from the water level, then subtract whatever value you have as water height from those numbers (and again divide by 10 for the measurement in meters). I hope you find this information helpful.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Ah really i just want more to fight. The Wurm version of PvE (Player vs Entropy) gets a little tiresome without something to kill. I do not care if the recent redistribution of mobs worked it will not be enough. I live near the southern coast, i made a trip up to north Xan and it took about a week to get to 70 FS, but it really was still not enough mobs for me. I would love to see underpopulated areas brimming with mobs so that i cannot literally afk kill half the things in the area in the while go take ****. I remember having to worry about finding a safe place to hide or to log out, now as long as there is nothing higher than a troll and i am on horseback i can simply wander off in RL leave my character in middle of the woods (of course good asop and lt large axe) go make and eat lunch and when i get back repair my equipment, butcher the tiny-small pile of wolves, cats, hellhounds, ...essentially trash mobs now. I have screenshots where i kited 9-10 wolves together and then hands-off killed. I have *ok* gear, not even remotely impressive. On WU i tried some of the gear on different mobs and compared to top-tier drake and sick enchants,...well my stuff is not comparable, and yet I can basically faceroll anything lower than a troll, my answer was more of the bigger and badder stuff. A forest giant is too much, it is in fact one the most insane mobs i have seen, it cannot be fought 1v1 as all it does it throw you every time you do any damage (or at least i could not figure out a way right off). With an avatar i figured out if i put myself between the avatar and a steep mountain every time it threw me i ended up in the same place and could actually kill the avatar, but that did not work with forest giant. Point is...we need more of something to fight; something challenging, but not pointless (forest giant fits the pointless). Reskin some of the mobs, give them more hits or more blocks or special attacks, something that forces me to use focus and watch the combat spam more (i would also suggest adding some on-screen ques as reading combat spam for that "shields X Y parts" or "targets your X Y" really breaks any form of immersion. Send some Valeri to Xan (without the PvP crap metals so dont have to hear QQ, just so we can have something else to kill), would love to see a champ hell hound . There is of course the tiny detail of if it is change for 70fs, then it will be painful for lower levels...maybe make better mobs drawn to high level players, some sort of aura that draws mobs, it would be a cool fight if instead of one or two hell hounds maybe if 70fs merely fighting a mob caused a couple other mobs near to become interested. Gets a little exciting when, for example, go to fight a croc, but suddenly find 2 crocs, then a troll, and a hellhound at same time.
  28. 1 point
    It changes the heightmap. That way you can erode multiple times in different ways to the same map. If you want to keep the original heightmap, you can export it before eroding. I'll just make it stay on the current view instead of reverting . That way you don't have to fiddle with too many checkboxes.
  29. 1 point
    chaos pvp permissions still not fixed
  30. 1 point
    yes, i know i can put a lock on each and every BSB in the workshop, but there are over 10 of them and i do NOT want to fix the permissions on each and every one of them !
  31. 1 point
    Hammerfall - Youth Gone Wild >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDZ7diiZwj0 And the original song, Skid Row - Youth Gone Wild >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jpf-eC-Xlk
  32. 1 point
    "open" containers on exposed surfaces should be fillable when it rains. Not that I'm entirely against barrels filling up when on water tiles... granted its easer work than building a well or fountain. Maybe a hand pump?
  33. 1 point
    First steps on new affli, more then one year ago - but not the last Join the Horde - we are not a pmk only for months!
  34. 1 point
    Found a way to add the feature without using more tile types.
  35. 1 point
    Was a really great hunt, thank ya for hosting the event. Them catacombs, wheeewww, had nightmares after it was all over, still shaking this morning. Six thumbs up (collected from zombies).
  36. 1 point
    I play Wurm online, not Wurm unlimited. Last I checked these were Wurm online forums. Why am I hearing about a different game in the Wurm online weekly update?
  37. 1 point
    Why post a news update without news? Behind the scenes info? Telling us what is already on the client isn't news. clickbaited the crap out of me.
  38. 1 point
    I feel as if Retrograde is pushing an agenda and making up a lot of stuff...
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    You forgot ostrich and a very very large cage! But you have to mine all the zinc!! Then we can ride them like this
  41. 1 point
    Could be worse. My grandfather used to keep a teapot in a bird cage. True story. Very sad.
  42. 1 point
    another one -----> https://gyazo.com/edcf24fcbab7a8c6b3ec61254536d484
  43. 1 point
    +1, mentally filtering out the WU stuff from the WO stuff when viewing new content is a pain.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    This is the part of the top post that I'm concerned about: "Removing them would be a good idea because they are the cause of a bug..." If these containers are causing a problem in the code then they need to be removed. No doubt in my mind. I don't want to touch the compensation issue; I don't have one and I'm not jealous of those who do. If MamaDarkness meant ".. because they were created by exploiting a bug..." instead of what was written, then I agree that they should be allowed to remain in the game.
  46. 1 point
    Pottery has that part covered luckily
  47. 1 point
    Eh we'll see once things stabilize long term. Something shiny and new tends to jump high initially.
  48. 1 point
    making them immovable would mean: if a magic chest or a container has one in it, you can't move or load that item etc. cannot put them into a new container, only drop on ground. Once taken out, won't go back in but we do not expect to force them out with a change. you would be able to move them, load them etc. if empty.
  49. 1 point
    Explain how 'bending the rules' was because of a developer error? I'm assuming you've given your silly post absolutely no thought, considering you fall under my previous post of "they have more!! that's unfair!! take everything away!! i have no reason for anything!!! duurrrr!". I can only hope someday soon i see some epic childlike whining come from you, or others like you, because of something completely irrelevant like this fix. Of course an aspergers-quality post just makes me laugh anyways. Getting rid of this item serves absolutely no business purpose, and seeks only to have negative impact on consumers. If it was used primarily for something that's not implemented, who cares if a few are lying around? Does it take away the game's immersion, does it affect server stability or performance, does it stop people from subscribing?
  50. 1 point
    Join us and become Immortalized!!! >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Auuqlcom6tM Official song made for Ebonaura by Disturbed
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