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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/14 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Musical Instruments and skills. It's been suggested before but here it is again - a thought out plan to how this could be added to wurm. Musical instruments and making music would be somewhat similar to how puppeteering and sermons function. A song would be composed of a number of lines, about 15 lines. Every instrument has their own lines but they can be played harmoniously together. The lines would be repeated a number of times before the song ends. Much like puppeteering, your skill in a certain instrument would determine whether you succeed or fail to play your line. The instrument QL helps in succeeding. Succeeding would result in the line being played, failing would produce no sound for that particular line. Much like sermoning, you may play your instrument and if it is within a certain radius of another player who is playing their instrument, the game will recognize this players presence. You will join in their song rather than starting your own. In example, X is playing the drum. He starts his action timer which lasts 3 minutes. He will play alone, so just the sound of his drum will be heard. He starts playing line 1, plays 2, 3, 4. When he starts to play line 5, Y stands next to him and starts playing the bagpipes. Instead of starting at line 1, he will start at line 5 and join the music of the drum player. Now both the drum and the bagpipes will be heard. His timer will be shorter than three minutes so both instruments end at the same time. An overall new skill tab "instruments" would be added. Each instrument would have their own subskill and possibly relevant titles. A variety of instruments could be used. A couple ideas that crossed my mind: Drum. A drum could be carved from a felled tree and attach an animal hide to it. Creating and improving the drum could use fine carpentry, or toymaking. Bagpipes. Traditionally bagpipes were made out of goatskins. We dont have these available in wurm, but the closest thing would be a calf hide. A calf hide and multiple reed pipes could be used. This instrument would use leatherworking to create and improve. Lute. A lute could be carved out of a log and finished up with iron wires to function as strings. This would be created and improved with fine carpentry or toymaking. Harp. A small hand-held harp. Created out of a log and iron wires for strings. Fine carpentry or toymaking. Shofar. A shofar is basically a flute made out of an animal horn. They could be made with unicorn or possibly, the longhorns we see on test (although they are not in the live game yet). Creating them would like use fine carpentry or toymaking. Bell. We already have these ingame, so that is easy enough It's a somewhat complex idea but I think it could add a lot of immersion to the game if done right. Perhaps even multiple melodies could be created just for wurm
  2. 5 points
    I don't get the hype... it's like a Justin Bieber fan club around here. Is there a secret prize for finding any and all info about this silly new server before it's even released??
  3. 3 points
    He's doing it again, trying to take Nathan out for dinner and getting rejected. Last scenario I assumed it was because of the source item on his tile and next to it, so he constantly tried going back there, now it's a new scenario and he's still trying to go to spiritgathers. It's pretty much effectively removing Magranon from the map when this happens, blocking out an entire kingdom and pmk from being able to win Anyone added to the map really just needs to be either centralized away from everything, or near their allied gods. Or.. just have gods avoid something unkillable that sits next to them. 12/22 edit: changed title as thread got a bit more than just mag and nathan's relationship
  4. 3 points
    Me getting ready for one of our Elitist MR meetings...
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    I have a smallish deed, but I really love breeding animals. I'm perfectly fine with the expense of paying for breeding slots, but I'm landlocked with my neighbours. I really love them, and don't want to move. If I'm fine with paying silver so I can have more animals, is there any reason why I have to take up more tiles of the game world that I don't intend to use? I'm actually deeding ocean right now just for that purpose. Far as I see it, I'm not circumventing the idea of having a form of upkeep per animal I own. I just don't want to deny other players land that I've no intention of using purely for the sake of breeding slots. I'd envision it as some cost/upkeep value per 15 "phantom" tiles that increase the ratio without changing anything else about the deed.
  8. 2 points
    When a whitelighter dies to blacklighter, the random skills he loses upon death, should go the the Blacklighter that will perform the eat action on the whitelighter's dead body. That is only if the eater has lower stats than the eaten. Yay for cannibalism.
  9. 2 points
    Just hopped on my Xanadu-ready GV character and saw this: The sign read "Wox - work in progress"
  10. 2 points
    Just as a courtesy to players who come after you: if you are moving permanently to another server when Xanadu opens, remember to not only disband any deed you won't be keeping, but also destroy any buildings you will be leaving behind unused. I know those of us who've moved to other servers often have a checklist of things to remember - just wanted to add this to it.
  11. 2 points
    This is the SECOND time this has happened to me and it should not be allowed since NOBODY would ever do this intentionally. I went up to fight a troll. there were two crocs in the grass as well. I went to position my horse for the attack and something targeted the horse, which immediately caused my horse to turn. The moment the horse turned, I also double-clicked to target the troll - only my horse's head swung around mere milliseconds before. I then realized I was attacking my horse! I tried to target the troll but couldn't because my horse's head was in the way because of the angle of the tile. I could not untarget my horse for anything! I finally jumped off the horse but not before he was nearly killed. If he did not have the chain barding on, I would have dropped him quick. I backed away, but because of getting hit my movement was slow. I kept choosing no target but the horse was mad and kept attacking me. Eventually, I got away from him. The troll followed me because I targeted the troll to lead him away from the horse. I eventually died. All in all it was a total mess and all because my horse's head got in the way of my targeting. I did manage to get my horse and heal him before he died. Simply put, a player should not be able to target his own mount. I can only imagine how this has played out in PVP in countless encounters where the enemy attacks the horse before the rider. PLEASE prevent targeting of your mount when mounted. Nobody would want to do this and it is a tragedy just waiting to happen (again). If someone tries to target their own mount, display the message: "You may not target your mount." or something like that.
  12. 2 points
    I got a newsletter today with an interesting thing seems deed forms are going to be obsolete on Xanadu?.. Edit Test: It is on the test server it is craftable using a carving knife and a shaft. Edit: Here is the whole newsletter..
  13. 2 points
    [04:37:06] You butcher the corpse of Red. [04:37:06] You produce a human meat. euh.. we already can eat them.. just no skill increase.. unlike some believes on old cultures (or some secluded areas of my country) But +1 ;p .
  14. 2 points
    +1 I'd also make it so deeds with good animal ratio have the following new benefits: autofeed animals, completely prevent disease, prevent animal terrain alteration actions. The ratio works to limit hording. It is the only thing that has worked after YEARS of trying different limitations. There are simply not enough resources to let people has as many animals as they want (at least with how animals are treated, if we had Barns you could have as many as you wanted). Get rid of all the old limitation that didn't work (excessive food-starvation, packed together animals-disease). Adding benefits to deeds will add player perceived value to a product that is a core element in Code Club's financial plan. Deeds are essential to Wurm's revenue, why not make them more attractive to players?
  15. 2 points
    Pictured above, Ravenholm mayor Reincarnation/Balmore having a quick "think on the rug" to calm his mind. Thinking about joining Ravenholm? Feel free to PM one of elders listed on the OP or post here, we'd be more than happy to answer any questions about our village or Chaos on a whole.
  16. 2 points
    Working on an update (rewrite) now that loads the needed files from a webserver instead of requiring you to have Wurm installed. Bit of a preview below, way the gui works means it leaves open the option for me to allow custom skinning of the program via CSS, different themes etc.
  17. 2 points
    I don't get why you find the need to be negative about people being excited for something new in a video game.
  18. 2 points
    This could be an interesting way of manufacturing clay, actually. Mud + some kind of churn/sifter device
  19. 2 points
    What I find amazing is that it is 3 days before the release of this "land rush" and there are still so many unanswered questions. The team has been doing well with pushing out some cool stuff as of late, but there is still a huge lack of communication. Talk to us plz, there are many things to consider when dealing with this new "land rush" we need to be able to make informed decisions!
  20. 2 points
    I hope it's going to insist on some sort of minimum upkeep. Don't want someone with 5s in the bank spending it all on tiles, only to have it disband the next day. (Deed forms force 3s into the upkeep currently)
  21. 2 points
    Stargate? Maybe that's where the glimmersteel comes from......
  22. 2 points
    I want meat pie, I'd make them from rotting meat while singing
  23. 2 points
    There are many things I like about Wurm. I don't think I can just chose one, so here we go: 1. Owning land. Yes, I know it's digital. Yes, I know it only exists on the Internet. But it's mine! All mine! I have my trees there, my bushes, my roads, my chests, my animals, my shack, my coastline... everything. 2. Flora. I love the trees, bushes, flowers and all other aspects of flora in Wurm. This is the only game I know where all those things are alive. They grow, they spread, they can be planted, cut down, etc. 3. Terraforming. I own land and I can shape it how I like. 4. Landscapes. There are so many beautiful places in Wurm and they all look different in different seasons. Right now, the winterscape near my deed looks so great. 5. Time required to make projects happen. In the era of instant gratification, it's cool to see how long it's taking me to do just one project on my deed. It makes the result more epic. 6. Living, breathing world and the freedom. I log in, I can go hunting, I can sail or swim, I can visit my neighbors, I can travel, I can make things, etc. In other games, you spend many hours braving impossible dungeons with 40 other people for that next level of pants. Here, you just log in and... live. Something charming about that
  24. 1 point
    You seek the powers of the whisperer? Come, sons and daughters of Libila. Worshippers of the darkness and children of chaos. Now is the time to stand together against the forces of light. Now is the time to stand together as her Black Legion! Once, the Horde was feared. Once, the Horde demanded respect. After long years of fighting, of being oppressed by the forces of light, the Horde of the Summoned was but a shadow of its former self. Magranon’s power waxed while Vynora and Fo took a step back from human affairs. Libila was all but beaten down. She whispered to her children, demanding that someone answer her call. Calling loudly, she drew her most faithful towards her. Some had answered, but not enough. Enraged at this, Libila screamed with all her strength; breaking through mental barriers and driving people crazy far and wide. Her voice infected the world. People who’d never had an ill thought felt drawn to the dark lands. As her power grew, Libila whispered plans for a new way forward. Through the tools of order; chaos and destruction would be more easily spread. While Black Legion can trace some of it’s roots through most of Horde of the Summoned history, as a newly formed kingdom and the first HotS template PMK we are in the process of constructing an inclusive government to allow all a part, no matter your experience level. Black Legion has a host of excellent crafters and enchanters in house and continue to welcome people of all professions joining our kingdom. We may be ‘evil’, but barbarians we are not. Whether you wish to apply to join an existing settlement or build your own, we will endeavor to assist you as much as reasonably possible through the process. As mentioned above, our government is still under construction, however our village Senate has been convened and other offices are in the process of being filled. Both the Chief and Senator positions are held by elected officials with a round of nominations followed by a short campaign and of course a universal vote. Elected officials are subject to term limits so that all can have the opportunity to run for office. Join Black Legion today and help bring together an orchestra of death upon the lands of Chaos.
  25. 1 point
    Has anyone suggested in the past to add lockable saddle bags to the game for horses? I think it would be a nice feature as you could carry some extra inventory from place to place without having to do the cart thing all the time. Like carrying items back and forth from merchants.
  26. 1 point
    Same here. I'm having the same amounts of crashes too, it's really annoying now.
  27. 1 point
    Technically incorrect as every epic starter deed has a portal to/from Elevation.
  28. 1 point
    I'm torn on this... My gut reaction is to of course agree with the OP because basically - it's just a good idea. So - yes, I agree... it should be corrected. However, having been on a recent unique hunt with some teammates on Pristine, I ended up killing 5 speed horse due to some mis-targeting of my own and have to admit that while frustrating, it created a great deal of laughter for not only myself, but the entire group. Yes, it was a pain and frustrating... but melted away in light of the hilarity.
  29. 1 point
    I'm looking forward to the unexpected, I'm going to be dropping my tools at whichever spawn I find myself at and wandering in a direction until I feel like settling there
  30. 1 point
    5-15s depending on premium 21bc might be the best thing it has
  31. 1 point
    So, now we have these massive colossi can we get a smaller version like the size of the nymph/troll statues, would add more options to deed decór What do you guys think?
  32. 1 point
    +1 me no like the avatars...
  33. 1 point
    New map of the Plaza.. Hope this helps people find the merchants they are looking for!
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Ok, well the money was sent over an hour ago did you sent the coin?
  36. 1 point
    Happy Memorial Day! Thank all of you, the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines serving at home and abroad. My heart is with your all daily. You are all remembered and respected very much. Thanks for being the one to step up and do what is best. !THANKS! ~Gum
  37. 1 point
    Oh ye of little faith.What if all the decisions have been made and set, all the implementations done and every thing else placed ready, the only thing they have not done is cater to the mass hype and hysteria of the community so as to keep things from boiling out of their control? We know not and perhaps it's time the community went quiet and waited for a change. All will be revealed in it's due course.
  38. 1 point
    This whole topic has just been full of good giggles. I don't even know wtf a chei is but can I join so I can vote for Emoo?
  39. 1 point
    Please remove locks from gates you're intending to abandon, it sucks when spawns end up inside old enclosures.
  40. 1 point
    chaos to xanadu would still be less distance than xanadu to celebration..just saying. And how is the chaos community under represented,,, half the new content added every single damn patch is chaos and epic only.
  41. 1 point
    So I took my alt(Iezabel) to Xsamuraizx's deed Vicus Arboria and got some pretty amazing shots. I think he's deed has to be the best looking deed I've come across- ever. Some things still need work imo, like the entrance area but other than that, this deed was awesome. Here are some of the pictures I took and edited. Considering it just hit autumn, its not too bad ​ ​ ​ If anyone else is interested in me stopping by and snapping up shots of your grand deed then feel free to PM me here or in-game
  42. 1 point
    Because a minor weight change would be far less troublesome to fix than adding a log to anvils, or changing up the amount of materials required for various walls. It's a .05 weight change.
  43. 1 point
    I dont like the colossus myself they are to big and break immersion for me but a small statue version would be nice to have in garden areas. Maybe have them use marble or slate and be white/black and not just another rock statue.
  44. 1 point
    Chaos isn't actually moving, it's staying in the exact same location as it's always been. The addition of Xanadu doesn't change how the existing connections work, or marginalize Chaos. It may make it difficult for people from Release or Pristine to get to Chaos, but they haven't had any access to Chaos up to this point, so the fact that it's a bit difficult doesn't mean it won't happen.... I really don't see what the uproar is about.
  45. 1 point
    A lot of suggestions are supported by the vague "...and it's realistic" comment. I think people confuse realism with something they feel is immersive (makes them feel within the world). Pooping might be realistic, but it certainly wouldn't increase your engagement with Wurm as a virtual world. Immersion is always good (things that are bad detach you from the game world experience), realism not always.
  46. 1 point
    I finally found out why models with multiple meshes are loaded incorrectly, so... How about opening with ladder? This change will also allow me to load another "complex" models like flags, banners and forges. ETA to the first public alpha - about 2, in worst case 3 weeks. Everything should go smoothly now. Resizing in version 2 shouldn't cause any crashes - earlier versions were resizing map while updating and rendering was still in progress, currently program must wait until all operations are done before replacing the old map with a new/resized one.
  47. 1 point
    You seriously don't know how hard I laughed at this . You should become a writer of... fanfiction... for wurm. Felt like reading something lord of the rings like XD. If that gets inplemented into wurm and the dwarves talk like you I am satisfied.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
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