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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/13 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    Premium players have now received added premium time and sleep bonus as reimbursement for the issues we had this weekend with server downtime.
  2. 9 points
    Aflac Duck on the Elevation server has uploaded this clip to youtube. Great to see the v1.1 release in action, we do have some things to work on but things are starting to look rather good compared to a couple of years ago. * player made content and contains some strong language. Special thanks to Aflac Duck and all the brave warriors on Epic Edit: Topic title added "Clip"
  3. 7 points
    Lets see, approx 720 hrs a month so 3 hours is a loss to player time of 0.41% IF you were actually trying to play at that time and not, you know, sleep or work or whatever. One month of shop paid game time is 8 euro so your loss of paid time is 3.33 cents Now..................... how much sleep bonus can you buy with 3.33 cents The gift of sleep bonus is just that, a gift. Largesse provided by Rolf tl;dr? Scrub the entitlement attitude.
  4. 6 points
    That is logcally right! So, instead of dragging 100s of items at once, make the game check how much you can carry adnd allow you to drag over that amount from one container to another. Usually when you move stuff you dont dive down into your chest, put everything into your pockets first, only to take it back out the next second and put it in the next chest over.
  5. 5 points
    It would be more useful to provide sleep powder rather than sleep bonus, that way people can apply it when they need it, and those who already had 5 hours wouldn't lose out.
  6. 5 points
    That is how Epic Server scenarios should end... Also I hate you.
  7. 4 points
    Your problem. You don't know when a server crashes, it also also happen when you have no sleepbonus, there will always be someone with sleepbonus not used. -1 Against sleeppowder, because its tradable, people will have Alts and just buy prem before a big update and get several Powders for doing nothing. You should be happy already. Rolf today has given PREMIUM TIME and SLEEPBONUS, and yet I see people here complaining. How about you just logoff the forum, logoff wurm, and NEVER come back. If you are a greedy person that only wants adventages in their lives you' re gonna have a hard time and deal with it. I am VERY happy with what rolf has given us today, it is more then he used to, and he even ANNOUNCHED we were getting the premium time sleepbonus. +1 to ROLF & Devs People here are mistaken thinking they deserve something for a crash, but you don't.
  8. 4 points
  9. 4 points
    [21:56:51]<Wossoo>Wurm should have my face instead of Sol's image for apocalypse Challenge accepted.
  10. 3 points
    A slime imping chainmail in a gloomy smith house.. wonder who is this slime.. oh wait, isn't there the one so called 'master of chains' whom is known as BLOB? Met Blob.. the slime chainsmith. And here is video timelapse \o/ [media]http://youtu.be/eQYOq1KALO8 A part of the process where not recorded as I wander and fiddle around of how I want this looks like. At first I sketch a blob with many hands holding all the smith improving toolkitâ„¢ but I'm not so satisfied with it so I made three thumbnails and let people vote which is the best. There also a part that I colored this in detailed black and white and realize it took so slow and not even looks good so I remove that and decide to just go with color... Also check out Blob's smithing store! As he is awesome! http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/83475-blobs-smithing-store-im-back-chain-armourshields-and-pendulums/
  11. 3 points
    With all the recent upgrades the creature A/I and interaction with the terrain is becoming more jarring, at times they sort of seem "bolted onto" the landscape. As a minimum I'd like to see the following : - Creature movement follows the same rules as players, slowing doing on certain terrains, speeding up on others. - Creature wounds impact the creature in the same way as they impact players. - Line of sight is more properly affected by terrain, hills reduce LoS, forests reduce LoS - The more intelligent creatures when fighting should try to get behind the player, especially if more than one of them. - Self preservation, not every creature would fight to the death, some would try to escape. - Tool using, goblins and other humanoids should loot bodies and use the loot if possible Other behavioural ideas would be welcome.
  12. 3 points
    Honestly, if you already had full sb then you didn't need more. If you're not even using your current sb I don't see why you're complaining about losing out on it.
  13. 3 points
    ty:) and extra thx for the headsups so I had time to use up my sb
  14. 3 points
    Did you actually read the OP? They started by making some thanks for the SB and asking quite politely for consideration for those people who already had full SB. I really don't see why that warrants your response telling them to "logoff the forum, logoff wurm, and NEVER come back."
  15. 3 points
    Now everyone gets to see me sit in the back while I watch my alliance fight as I fail with with my pet troll and hate bonus Oh well. Raiding and PvP since 1.1 is much improved. Tabards really helped us identify who was whom quickly and nobody crashed, and the zombie horde is pretty great to watch. Before 1.1 we would have a bunch of people crash whenever enemies entered local, and that seems to have all but disappeared. P.S. Join Horde of the Summoned on Elevation. We are the best
  16. 2 points
    Shipbuilding goods have had lately a very low demand. Then I started to think, what can we do with all our rotting ships? Then I got the best idea ever! Samool made it possible and crafted me 15rowboats. Setting the rowboats on 292slope took over 7hours in total [not counting the many hours of pushing inland] I tried many designs and only got frustrated, then I got a new idea to log in with my alt so I dont need to run back and forward constantly. Every push took rowboat to 1 meter forward, which made it very very hard, If I moved left even a bit, it changed the position a lot. I tamed the pushing system and made art! Masts to make | | on dollar were even more hard, I had to stand in middle of 292 slope which sucked stamina crazy, and if I missed the spot even a bit, id create a pile of items and mess it all up! After ~3hours struggle and placing, the masts got perfectly symmetrical. [rowboats will be painted green in the future] here some more pics: Ive seen people having some shipbuilding art already, but I thought that it really deservers a own thread! post what you got!
  17. 2 points
    Rock tiles turn as white as grass at winter, which makes it really hard to notice which tile is rock and which is grass. This makes deed planning very very hard and brings lots of confusion. If the rock tile could be half snow and half rock, then it would be a little more clear =) Winter comes once a year and I love to see things in different perspective, not just in too dull perspective. Dont make the rock tiles 100% covered in snow, even 80% is okay, as long as we see little of the rock =) Stretched tiles will make sure that they dont look too much like copies of eachother.
  18. 2 points
    Ok, first of all thank you for the SB that you gave everyone today for the down time, but my complaint is this, i had full SB on both my toons as i was saving for a grinding session, and have now missed out on this bonus. Wouldn't it be more fair to give people sleep powders or an "extended" sleep bonus for those with full 5hrs already, or even gave a heads up that this was going to happen?? ./rage mode off
  19. 2 points
    So i know this has been purposed many other times, however i feel the need to show that people still very much want this to happen. so here it is drag something from some cart or bin straight to a cart and or another bin...without ever putting it in your inventory... there we go that was simple. PLEASE MAKE THIS SO, feel free to link to other topics talking about this WE NEED AWARNESS... i love the recent updates but come on.. this one is easy and would save every one from arthritis .
  20. 2 points
    keep a dog in a pen nearby......taming the 'new' animal is skillgain so imho a + anyhow... tho an 'untame' option something like /stopcaring works would be very welcomed..
  21. 2 points
    Every time we get SB for a shutdown, we get someone that starts this same whining thread. No, you aren't going to get powders. Too bad you already had 5 hours SB, next time it will be someone else that gets shorted because they were full. It is given out as a gesture of goodwill by the Rolf and none of use should EVER try to tell him how to award it. And if I see one more thread like this even I will start demanding that Rolf drop the entire SB as compensation, because none of you can appreciate a gift, you seem to think you have the right to make demands about the gift.
  22. 2 points
    Because the suggestion has been up here before, and not just once. If you had full sleepbonus, your loss, then you gain nothing.. like I said *You don't deserve anything for a crash*, its just a nice gift from the DEVS after the server crashed by a software or hardware error. If you have sleepbonus, 5 hours of it, that simply means you don't care enough to use it on a regular basis and then you risk *losing* a 5h SB you were not supposed to get anyway.
  23. 2 points
    Devs and GM's are separate groups as far as knowledge of what happening to the code, and the policing of the game go Constructive criticism about either group is always welcomed, but it's when plain insults are hurled at the staff or comments like "This game is dying, it's pointless and stupid." that we tend to take action (sometimes there is constructive criticism hidden among the flaming, so if you do want it heard, try and turn down the heat ). Most of us have pretty thick skins, but it only snowballs if left unchecked and wears us all down. We volunteer because we want to help, and we do what we can, but if we're all miserable, we'd all quit and THEN where would the game be... As for the topic at hand, I'm all for more interaction between devs and everyone else. Lets just walk before we run though. Every time a change is made in this game (be it coding, graphics, rule changes etc etc), people clamor for the next step straight away. Lets let the videos develop a bit - tbh I could see the videos fulfilling the role of the thread the OP mentions and I prefer the video diaries to a faceless thread as far as interaction goes. As such, I would have to vote no to the poll at this point in time, because while I would like to see queries put forward, and answers afterwards, I don't think that as described in the OP is the best way to go about it. Man those threads would be long, and the same questions that didn't get answered the previous time would be repeated etc etc etc. It would be a bit of an unwieldy mess I suspect.
  24. 2 points
    Get: Relaxing at least to 50 Sipping ice-cold beverages 30 Beer consuming 60 Fondling 60 (works best in small doses on spouse or GF, skill raising exponentially) Napping 75 Sun tanning 50 ..at least! Wtf man, 2 weeks vacation from work! Get on it
  25. 2 points
    Everyone who was affected by the downtime(be it because he/she got kicked OR couldn't login) probably knew that sleepbonus is coming. If you were not affected at all(and thus didn't know that sleepbonus will be added), you shouldn't be complaining about not getting your sleepbonus. Just my personal opinion..
  26. 2 points
    People seriously whining over 5 hours sleep bonus? It's free, it's sleep bonus.. who cares. It's not like you missed anything that you could of put a price on and resold.
  27. 2 points
    Don't work on skills. Work on having fun and accomplishing something in-game. The skills then happen. I only really focus on a skill if I'm at say 49.xx/69.xx/89.xx or the output from that skill needs to be of high ql.
  28. 1 point
    Elephants for a stronger hide in the game that would be weaker than a dragon hide but stronger than a regular leather hide also for the tusks as a possible spear option, Rhinos for the hides but also for the horn for a "healing soup" and saber tooth tiger for a more powerful lion that also gives off tusks that can be used for weapons. Also Mammoths as an option. edit --->Also i think saber tooth tigers would be a pretty awesome pet to tame and use for hunting/combat, what about you guys? edit---> Possibility for mounts as well but only an idea
  29. 1 point
    I'm not sure if its been done but I had the idea of adding a deed setting kinda like a agro check box but this one is for trolls only. I like hunting and dont mind the other creatures roaming my deed but I would love for a guard to just protect the buildings from being bashed. I'd still keep the guard for trolls, no real need to adjust the price but more of a building / walls / fences protection setting. Anyways thoughts?
  30. 1 point
    Please add the following boat tunnel from Serenity Valley to Nightmare Lake.
  31. 1 point
    Rolf himself said it a while ago that it's part of the game, earning some real money on the side. He just isnt responsable if deals for real money go wrong between players. Lots of gold being sold by players for real life money, even some of the better chars are being sold bewteen 250-600 euros
  32. 1 point
    Hell of a bloodbath. I remember a time when people would laugh at you for using plate in pvp on foot hehe. How times have changed.
  33. 1 point
    If someone comes to your house and starts destroying it what are you gonna do? Sit back and watch? No your gonna try and stop them. But by way of the game mechanics if you do this you get penalized if your of the same kingdom. I doubt that this is an intended feature and i would love for any of the developers to explain to me why it would be.
  34. 1 point
    i dont hide anything i do. so don't acuse me of hiding something if it is other blers(that im unaware of) that r doing great for them but i rather just break my way into the deed and take it over(free deed) . Atm im on an account destroying jkh yes and i will always do it until i see jkh burn to the ground. easier than going on shank and you guys can do stuff about it but so many people are so stupid on how stop it.
  35. 1 point
    Yes, although it is 11 tiles, because the Flags can't be touching the tile a house is on because of the walls being on the tile border. So make sure the Yellow flag ( perimeter) is 1 tile away from the house and the deed should place ok.
  36. 1 point
    No to 24 hour hunted, if you accidently mistarget a friend during PVP you go hunted, and every pillar spell hits you, every bad move opens you up to allied attack.
  37. 1 point
    advance notice WAS on the launcher also...3 days ago..
  38. 1 point
    This SB could not have come at a better time for me, I'd burned though all mine and was out in the boondocks, clearning land at a new settlement. No access to beds and it looks like I won't have it setup for a day or two. My point is, that it's swings and roundabouts, perhaps next time you'll be in my poisition and I'll be in the OPs, difference is, I will curse my "luck" and carry on, not start a /rant thread. +1 Devs. Very generous.
  39. 1 point
    Was requested in the past that a warning or notice be given as to when SB would be provided for such instances....THIS time there was 2 days warning and still are complainers http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/83542-downtime-issues-have-been-resolved/ Face it...OP was nice. some others have not been...but, it is always a case of 'never enough' no matter what one does. I vote NO more free SB EVER.
  40. 1 point
    You did very good with the update, i like it. Nice video....I miss those grand battles! We need more people on chaos!
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    to be honest id just like to see them begin to even act like they hear us the only way I know im heard is when im warned for not sayng nice things or for telling truths I watched SWG die and no one listened I called it even before it happened they started banning people for just saying things they didn't like in forums Until I saw Doctorchese I didn't even think public relations existed in wurm I have two premium accounts and bought allot of silver and helped allot newbies become premium so I have paid my dues I don't know how I can be a better customer I guess I could just pay up and shut up as been suggested by the chat moderators but I just cant! the stupid American in me refuses to just be quite please don't ban me ......
  43. 1 point
    Sandyar as a reply to you because i forgot to add quote And what about those that play a lot, don't get much SB, and thus save what they do have for a big grind they want to do...
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    due to a 800 pumpkin loss I had to lock my (I say my because I farmed them all) FSB at the forge with the new farming nerf that kind of loss is rather epic Food in form of meals will always be available unless someone took all ten meals or more I make sure stay available. Many farm seeds still available. Going to be focusing on making beds so going to get a good needle soon and make sheets. Dear shankiest you were a great friend and my house is always open to you on celebration. However PVP just isn't for me I do miss making 70 ql cc piles
  46. 1 point
    Great video in many ways. I always get a feeling of 'being part of' from Wurm. Its as they say. I feel I have found a home. Like the paper doll. You build faster then I can play. I will forever be catching up. Thank you
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Rath, lighten up bro. I'm a carebear myself, and am famous for it. Anyone who knows how much of a wine fanatic I am can vouch for that. Most players that know my history know that I've always harped on about Freedom players, its nothing personal, its just my viewpoint, and I'm not trying to pretend anything else. Chaos has it's own unique culture, and so do the freedom isles. Its all part of the game, I like chaos, but I do know its not for everyone, you guys can do your own thing I don't think less of freedomers I just don't understand you guys much since I've never really been one. One of the reasons I've come here is to learn your viewpoints, but mostly its to have fun and meet new people.
  49. 1 point
    Major selling point here which some may miss: It has 10 months premium left, which is worth around 80e itself. If you're just starting out and plan to play wurm for the next year, this is a great deal. 70 fighting and a deed for free pretty much.
  50. 1 point
    Hello. I love the game but I find the religious aspect to be a little underplayed. If w elive in a society with many gods why is there not a pantheon to worship instead of just being a follower of one? Maybe even sub-deities would be a good idea, or a kind of hero worship. I feel that priests should be the only ones who really have to choose a particular god to follow. I think that praying to the gods should give different bonuses instead. My favourite religion model in a game was the one in an old sandbox mmo called Roma Victor. Given that it was lacking in many subjects of the game, religion is something i liked the most. You could pray to the gods, and the word was that it might do something, but the reality of it was almost purely based on the players and how they viewed it. It created a whole religious culture in the games that included sacrifices and justifications for other actions. I was reminded when I first saw in my event box that "I feel the presence of ____" of sacred groves. I wish I could see more religious significance in these areas. Unfortunately with the current build of religion in the game, I don't see a lot of ways to achieve this, which is partly why I would love to see what you all have to say! EDIT: Also I'm not sure if there are religious centers besides the white/black light... but there should be one for each god, no?
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