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  1. 4 points
    How about play the game and make suggestions with more than just pictures from all styles between sci-fi and steam punk? I haven't seen a single thing you post with any reasons or any connection to Wurm at all.
  2. 4 points
    There are two people working fulltime on improving performance to get these issues sorted as quickly as possible.
  3. 3 points
    I really like this new digging feature and the speed feels good, not to fast and not to slow. This comes from the point of view of somebody with 99+ digging, so if this has the same speed for people with much lower skills then that might need tweaking. At the moment I'm digging a moat and this has saved me thousands of action clicks for the digging action, it's great to see wurm going further in the right direction by adding features that are better for your health (RSI).
  4. 3 points
    No matter how many times you suggest it bob its still a -1 lol
  5. 3 points
    if rolf is making the game easier, then its the step in the right direction, finally.
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    With the new additions (which are great btw) to digging there is one thing I still want ... a one click command to dig out a tile completely to rock. Lets call it 'Excavate' and have it work just like the existing functions except that it keeps going once it hits rock on the other corners until the tile is rock or the action is stopped. This would make it a smidge easier to uncover rock since it wouldn't stop the action just due to hitting rock in one corner.
  8. 2 points
    what about pve server without any mobs and you need to dig 500slopes until you hit rock. Terraforming paradise?
  9. 2 points
    +1. Make it relatively smaller and maybe the whole map just like a steppe with the increased spawn rate. Make it not so hilly and flatter then most and just like a huge hunting ground but still have dragons and such. Would be a cool change of pace and would be fun for people who are premium and want a good kill.
  10. 2 points
    Ever since 1.0 two things have happened. The population has grown, and the game has become increasingly laggier for some in PvP battles. Not for everyone, but for a good majority there has been a noticeable hit to frames-per-second (FPS) and lag in PvP. The problem is most battles are fought in large numbers, a simple 4v4 will not cause many issues, but when you begin having real large battles of 10 vs 10 and 20 vs 20 you will see players losing link, crashing, and having issues. I never crash, but I do have a huge spike when players enter my local, I freeze up for a few seconds up to 20 seconds if there's 10+ people. Those 20 seconds I could easily be attacked and unable to defend, and have no chance. The game is loading in all these new wonderful features like custom models, and visible armor, but it's taking its toll for smooth playability. Yes, it looks great, but it's very hard to PvP for some people. You have to think 20+ people in local, that's 20 custom faces, armor, horses, pets, animals around you, trees, that's a lot to process. I know a few who just simply crash, the game locks up and exits, when they enter enemy locals. One the big selling points to Wurm, and this isn't meant to be rude, is that it's a Java game and most bad computers can run it. You don't need some amazing rig with water-cooling and Razer naga mouses. It's starting to get harder and harder though to play the game smoothly if you have a non-gaming computer though. So my question is.. is there any optimization coming around? I know the idea of returning an option for old player models (the ugly ones), but perhaps those could be updated and re-textured to look a bit better. You could have a "low poly" option, perhaps that enables lower quality models to help players struggling to play and PvP smoothly.
  11. 2 points
    Something people dont seem to realise is that when you log out, that *closes your support ticket*. You cant just ask for help and then leave and expect to have the GM do all the work. Next time, brand your animals and they tend to be returned, people are nice like that.
  12. 2 points
    Not sure if he wants the attention but at least I can publicly thank him. Zuuma travelled half way across the map to make me a gold altar, gold pendulum and improved my tools. He lives in New Brotopea (X 9m, Y 13). He made a rare out of one of my tools (see rare file auction) and could have made another without me knowing about it but he was honest and didn't do that. I also paid him first and he gave full service. Note: He doesn't have high mining so have ore ready.
  13. 2 points
    I still prefer Farmerbobs hammer idea more then the sparring one.
  14. 2 points
    One of my village mates suggested this, and I think it is a great idea. Make spiders charmable and then allow a spindle* to be used to harvest silk. From the spider silk, priest cloaks and other garments can be made. Since spider silk is so strong, maybe it could make the cloaks (only worn by priests) as protective as leather. from an article on spider silk: "In detail a dragline silks’ tensile strength is comparable to that of high-grade alloy steel (450 - 1970 MPa),[13][14] and about half as strong as aramid filaments, such as Twaron or Kevlar (3000 MPa)" * changed from using a grooming brush to using a spindle.
  15. 2 points
    Aren't they supposed to be putting in new skins / textures for champs soon? I'm willing to give that a chance before I start demanding the old huge ones back.
  16. 2 points
    This is starting to get ridiculous. We planned a raid with 25 people, eventually we had to abandon due to lag. We had 50 people in local, and were attacking a large deed, people were hiding in mines just to get their fps beyond 3, people were freezing up left right and centre leading to deaths, it took me a 2 minutes just to absorb a gem and cast through lag, hauling shards and ammo became a 5-10 job per round - ridiculous. This has ruined the siege aspect of wurm.
  17. 2 points
    I like this feature and hope it stays, but you cannot possible deny that the timer (digging 1-3 dirt every five seconds) being totally uneffected by stuff like digging skill, shovel ql and enchants is anywhere near balanced
  18. 2 points
    OP - You always seem to be calling for things to be more tedious. Are you some sort of masochist?
  19. 2 points
    I know this has been a problem for a long time. The only solution right now is keep a sickle with you to cut grass and tame your horse real quick before you logout. That has the limitations of only 1 horse, so a cart with horses is still a problem, and you still have the problem of untaming your horse afterward so it is less apt to be attacked while you ride. Somehow being able to lead animals and have them log out with you would seem the easiest solution to implement. Perhaps make it possible to have the horse logout with you while led if the horse has at least a bridle on it, so you are attaching your rope to the bridle to keep it with you.
  20. 1 point
    Hi folks, I thought I'd share the key binding setup I've been using for the last year. If you do not already use key bindings, hurry up and read the Key bindings article on Wurmpedia. You'll be glad you did! "Why go through the hassle of this"?, you ask, "I'm happy using my mouse". Well, spending hour upon hour on a laborious task can be hard on your hands and wrists, so why not make your Wurm experience a bit more comfortable? First, let us make some observation about key binding in Wurm: There are too many actions in Wurm to map them all to "convenient" keys. This means that some of the keys have to do different actions, depending on context. For instance, you don't need wood cutting bindings when mining, so they might as well share the same keys. In most cases, the Wurm interface still requires you to to use your mouse a lot. This means that much of the time you will only have your left hand on the keyboard. Hence, the most important bindings should be easily reachable from the left hand's home position. My setup is inspired by Miceless' Quickswitch hotkeys guide, which addresses our first observation by introducing something we can call modes. These modes are implemented as scripts that makes some of the keys (X, C, Shift-X and Shift-C) have different actions depending on the active mode. I have extended this scheme by making the modes fill out the toolbelt with the relevant tools upon activation. My setup is available as a Github repository. You can browse through the files to get inspiration, or download and install the complete setup. Click here to browse (or download) my setup: github.com/mntnoe/wurm-bindings Take especially a look at the file common/base.txt, which contains most of the key bindings: github.com/mntnoe/wurm-bindings/blob/master/common/base.txt I'll go through the different parts of the setup below. Movement Movement works much like in the default setup. I made it possible to move around using only the keyboard, or only the mouse respectively. Which is handy when you're holding a cup of coffee during a morning grind bind W MOVE_FORWARD bind S MOVE_BACK bind A MOVE_LEFT bind D MOVE_RIGHT bind Q TURN_LEFT bind E TURN_RIGHT bind Next TURN_DOWN bind Prior TURN_UP bind Alt+W CLIMB_UP bind Alt+S CLIMB_DOWN bind Mouse3 AUTORUN bind B AUTORUN Mouse3 is the button at the side of your mouse if you got one. Item handling Remember our observation about using mainly the left side of the keyboard for things we do often? These actions have "good" keys, as we use them all the time: bind R TAKE bind T DROP bind F EXAMINE bind V OPEN bind Shift+V CLOSE Modes Now for the modes. Modes are activated by running a script file containing the console commands to rebind X and C and fill out the toolbelt. I'm using the F-keys to switch modes, as the menu bar displays the actions these keys are bound to. Handy if you have trouble remembering which key activated which mode. The actions bound to the F-keys in Wurm's vanilla configuration have been moved to Shift-F1..F12, as I do not use them as often as I switch modes. Also, each mode binds F12 to a comment containing the name of the mode. Pressing F12 will do nothing, but you can then see the active mode at all times by looking at the top right entry in the menu bar. Here are the modes I currently use: bind F1 "exec mine.txt" bind F2 "exec dig.txt" bind F3 "exec wood.txt" bind F4 "exec crops.txt" bind F5 "exec animals.txt" bind F6 "exec forage.txt" bind F7 "exec mount.txt" bind F8 "exec move.txt" bind F9 "exec loot.txt" bind Ctrl+F1 "exec smith.txt" bind Ctrl+F2 "exec carp.txt" bind Ctrl+F3 "exec leather.txt" bind Ctrl+F4 "exec cloth.txt" bind Ctrl+F5 "exec pottery.txt" What happens when a mode is activated? Lets have a look at wood.txt: bind F12 "// wood" bind Ctrl+F12 "// wood" bind X CUT_DOWN bind Shift-X PRUNE bind C CHOP_UP bind Shift-C PICK_SPROUT settoolbelt 12345678 1 // hatchet (grind) settoolbelt 23456789 2 // hatchet (high QL) settoolbelt 34567890 3 // sickle In addition to binding the X and C keys, the script also loads the relevant tools into the toolbelt. You need the item ids of your items to do so. There is no way to determine an item's unique id from the console at the moment, but fortunately there is a workaround: Place the items which you want to know the id in the toolbelt and quit Wurm. You need to quit Wurm for the ids to be saved on your hard drive. In your Wurm installation folder, open the file players/player_name/playerdata.txt where player_name is the name of your character. The ids are the numbers on the lines starting with toolSlot1 to toolSlot10. It's a laborious task to fill in the ids of your tools in each of the script files, but quite worth it! Items in the toolbelt are activated by pressing the keys 1 to 7. I let the modes replace tools in slot 1 to 4, and use the last three slots for items like steel and flint and a statuette. Quick options If you have multiple characters logged in at once, you probably have muted the sound for all but your main character. I find it convenient to have only work sounds enabled on my alt. I can then mute and unmute these sounds depending on the distance between my characters to avoid hearing an echo, but still be able to hear if my alt is working or not: bind Ctrl+Shift+F8 "setoption sound_al_gain 0" bind Ctrl+Shift+F9 "setoption sound_al_gain 20" Also, if you like to have a good render distance, but your FPS drops when visiting the major towns, you can create scripts to load different render distance presets: bind Ctrl+Shift+F10 "exec distance_short.txt" bind Ctrl+Shift+F11 "exec distance_long.txt" distance_short.txt: setoption trees 1 setoption structure_render_distance 3 setoption item_creature_render_distance 4 distance_long.txt: setoption trees 2 setoption structure_render_distance 4 setoption item_creature_render_distance 4 Sharing between configuration profiles When you browse through the files at github, you'll notice that the script files in the configs/Daray directory executes a file from the common directory. This way you can share part of the setup between the Wurm Launcher's configuration profiles. Most importantly, it makes it possible for different characters to have their respective tools mapped into the toolbelt while keeping the key bindings in sync. Believe me, you need to sync your key bindings between your characters; otherwise you will get confused very fast... The static key bindings (e.g. those that does not get changed when switching modes) are also located in the common directory in the file base.txt, and can be reloaded by pressing Shift-F11. This way, these bindings will also get synced across characters. Further, Wurm replaces the content of the default keybindings.txt file on exit. Having your static keybindings defined as a loadable scripts will let you retain comments and sorting, making it easier to keep track of your bindings. Final note As you can see, Wurm's keybinding mechanism is quite flexible. Go ahead and create a setup that works for you. I hope you can get inspiration from my setup Also, feel free to give feedback and suggestions. -- Daray, keyboard addict
  21. 1 point
    OH EM GEE! I now know Rolf is friends with Dwight and hates rabbits... and that he needs a new job.. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIafgYvrRwY P.S Rolf's name means Rolling On the Laughing Floor! Is this an Alias... or his TRUE name?
  22. 1 point
    So.. like the premium hunting server people have been suggesting?
  23. 1 point
    I only see your trolling here. If taken as a single post, yes people are very harsh, but when you look at the now 14 suggestion topics made by the OP, all similar with pictures posted ranging from sci-fi to steam punk, and most completely out of context to Wurm, without explanation or any reply, this is getting very tiring. There is no point in just spamming the suggestions forum with threads with pretty pictures in it, all it does is bury all the great well-thought out suggestions deeper.
  24. 1 point
    No Orcs, No Elves, No Dwarfs......
  25. 1 point
    If you want a protected area for your house then buy a deed. If it was up to me I would not allow anything but roads to be built off deed but it is not my game. That's my take on it let the paying customer have the land rights deed it or lose it.
  26. 1 point
    None of that does anything. Related and also annoying, fishing for a long period. Your fish start to decay unless you drop them in a pile on the ground.
  27. 1 point
    Like other people have said, stop posting screenshots from some other game and GO PLAY IT.
  28. 1 point
    Rolf should shift his focus from implementing new features to optimizing his code for half a year.
  29. 1 point
    Make manually digging faster then. I don't really feel like commenting further until Rolf makes up his mind about whether he's gonna tweak the timer or something else
  30. 1 point
    Brilliant. Another thread with images that any dev could Google. Absolute genius work there.
  31. 1 point
    I get a better idea, lets get ride of this, and also in the same spirit get ride of all new features that botter so much to the olders players. lets go again to the green dresed people, no animations, no multistory, no new models, no bsbs. Lets get ride of all that funny stuff that only noobs seems to like, and lets get ride of noobs too. Lets go to the older times, progressing and evolution are allmost as bad as a disease, lets figth against! Act now!
  32. 1 point
    People who keep trying to press realism on Wurm, or claim anything in it is meant to be "realistic". Obviously have not played it long enough.
  33. 1 point
    What Xaloram showed is a nogump Spawn of Uttacha, not the Wurm.
  34. 1 point
    Update 9th March: Suddenly, it is available, woot! New suggested cast time: 9 pm CET, 16th March (Saturday) Location: Three Moons, Coordinates: 60x, 21y Countdown timer: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/party?iso=20130316T21&p0=1003&msg=Rite+Of+Spring+%28Independence%29
  35. 1 point
    That can sound like some paid ad, but was true...lol. Thanks for the nice post Jen. Dont answered before because i am too shy.To tell the truth i dont focus IN BS/enchanted business like Zerobyte (used him before and can recommend) and others. I just craft/enchant some stuff and put to sell/auction. But sometimes i see someone (new players) asking for people to do the work and leave my regular way of playing to help. Online gaming without one nice community is not cool or fun. And the travel inside Esert mountain was worth the job, never knew was like that. And got my first gem mining some iron/gold for the imping. Btw, congrats for the great auction, i hope you can enjoy your prem time.
  36. 1 point
    Guys there's no animals to kill anywhere we have to stop the breeders... From the center of my deed: [18:18:02] The Venerable starving huge spider is quite some distance away to the right of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old huge spider is quite some distance away ahead of you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Mature starving hell hound is quite some distance away in front of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away ahead of you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old scared huge spider is quite some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Adolescent starving huge spider is quite some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old starving lava spider is quite some distance away ahead of you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Adolescent scared huge spider is quite some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable black wolf is quite some distance away ahead of you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable starving huge spider is quite some distance away ahead of you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old starving troll is quite some distance away ahead of you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged huge spider is some distance away ahead of you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged scared huge spider is quite some distance away to the right of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away in front of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving scared huge spider is quite some distance away behind you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged black wolf is some distance away behind you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable starving huge spider is some distance away to the left of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable crocodile is quite some distance away behind you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away ahead of you to the left. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving hell hound is quite some distance away to the left of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away in front of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Adolescent scared huge spider is quite some distance away behind you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving huge spider is quite some distance away behind you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old scared huge spider is some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable starving scared huge spider is some distance away to the right of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Venerable starving huge spider is some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old huge spider is quite some distance away to the right of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged huge spider is quite some distance away in front of you. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Old brown bear is quite some distance away behind you to the right. Above ground. [18:18:02] The Aged starving hell hound is quite some distance away to the right of you. Above ground. No animals anywhere at all.
  37. 1 point
    Might want to get your facts straight bud. We had with the champs, essentially 6 Mag priests to cast once each, while everyone was linked up. When linked up with six priests total, it hit roughly a 10x10 area, hardly the "entire deed". And one hour, really? [00:58:30] A horn sounds and the gates are locked. Niflheim is put on alert! [01:27:26] Orthanas left the world. [01:39:56] Varanus left the world. [01:50:04] Queens left the world. [01:50:42] Kings left the world. <- one hour later they all logged off [03:31:48] Savagescholz casts 'Wrath of Magranon'. <- last cast I have recorded in events, may not be the last but we can go by this. So pretty much 3 hours give or take a bit from starting to finishing with nonstop casting by six priests. Not including time taken to prepare, such as making the hundreds upon hundreds of locks used for this. Yes, it was fast compared to catapulting each tile, but it's seriously not as easy as you make it out to be. It's not walk up with a champ, and an hour later a whole entire deed disappeared... Maybe it could have used a max size, like 5x5 regardless of link, or an increased cooldown, but for now we may as well rename it to 'Minor Inconvenience of Magranon'.
  38. 1 point
    Unfortunately, those options like the new leveling system are a must if we want to bring new players in. Makes the game easier in ways that don't turn the newbies down.
  39. 1 point
    Fantastic feature!! Great job, Tich. Can we get this for surface mining too??
  40. 1 point
    Get woa on your shovel and you can easily dig 2-3 dirt in 5 seconds, personally I like it. I've had to flat raise a good portion of my deed and I'm glad it's now easier because before it was a real pain. Just because someone put months of work into something that now only takes a week or so doesn't mean the changes should be reverted. It's just a dumb reason to take a nice feature out of the game.
  41. 1 point
    Ha! I have an already large flat area that needs to be dug down 38 dirt to the main level of a deed I am currently working on. Looks like I will have to devote all my time to doing that now before the *too easy* patrol gets this nerfed bck to the point of uselessness. No time can be spared to type further here now. Laters. *waves a cheerful bye bye* =Ayes=
  42. 1 point
    Ahh, thanks, but of course the blog is NOT where patch notes go They should definitely be in the launcher, since everyone sees that, and then probably in the forums or a web page.
  43. 1 point
    Using a bow was deemed OP, you will have to stab mobs with the arrow instead to bring archery on line with melee
  44. 1 point
    If this means no more breeding champs or greenish creatures i see a big crapstorm brewing.
  45. 1 point
    I was also spending a lot of money in the game when I started, mainly because it happened to be at the same time I got a job and had my own money. When you start wurm and have the money you feel you wanna buy everything instead of crafting them. But after you get the feel of it and start making things on your own, you don't wanna pay for items. You pay for gems
  46. 1 point
    Again wasn't a criticism just a point, we all play in different ways its a sandbox
  47. 1 point
    dont know what you speak i have spend near 3000 euros in 2 year but is ok i go work better i spend money in wurm before i spend money in drugs and drink
  48. 1 point
    Aha, I see what you're getting at, the OP con was describing the event, I just didn't pick out the conclusion properly from that. I've not played Eve, so won't try and draw comparisons between them. In my mind the same systems wouldn't quite work, but of course there's the potential to learn and develop our own systems from looking at them. With the risk of derailing the thread slightly - would someone be able to give me a run down of resources in Eve - where they are (in vague terms), do they regenerate? what happens to the resources?
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    I'd rather see a way to stake my horse to the ground real quick when there's downtime coming up than telling the developper to wait an hour before he can start updating the servers or fixing bugs...
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