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Items Decay Too Fast If Not Full Weight

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2 days ago i cut a large area of wood, then i took all tree's inside a mine and droped 3-4 felled tree's on the floor to cut them the next day,

last night i cut all of them leaving them in piles on the ground .

today when i started makin charcoal piles out of them i noticed that logs that were not full weight had 40 dmg, i cheked trough all piles and replaced where damaged but still had some in some piles , those left there like 3 h later were 80 damage.

is it a bug or intended that used logs decay that fast?

PS: i just realized what happends:/

the class object that makes the tree is transformed into the log object keeping all the values from the felled tree, like ql, rare value , name and decay counter, so when i made the small logs i never picked them up thus the decay counter for them started counting from 2 days ago when i droped the felled tree's:)

i guess a fix to this is to reset the decay counter when turning the last piece of the felled tree into log.

is not such a important bug but i assume is preety easy fix if devs know the code well enough to easly find ,and add a line of code ,in the function that turns felled tree into log:)

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