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Has anyone noticed we lost 800 players since the start of the year?

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On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

Blatant problems like what? If you have issues you'd like addressed, it always pays to be specific.


It doesn't when commenting on some of those things is against the rules and/or censored. I'm not allowed to be specific, hence my generalities.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

The forum rules apply equally to all, if someone continues to violate them and toe the line, their posts will be removed, this is not harassment.


If they applied equally, then certain people in positions of power would have been removed a long time ago instead of being granted more power to harass others. I personally have a few stories myself of people in positions of power who broke the rules, and nothing was done. If I bothered to dig through my logs I could show you an example where a GM left me/my character locked inside something another player had purposely sealed me in, and they never sanctioned the player for breaking the rules (Which stated you were not allowed to seal another player inside something). Was it favoritism? Who knows. I have other stories the time a CA set me on KoS across a highway, and a GM was called in and his response was to tell me to walk 2 tiles off the highway to avoid the KoS. Rather than deal with the rule-breaker. I've heard from numerous others with similar stories during the time I've played this game. (Off and on for about 3+ years.) That's not counting the original reason I first left, when a person was griefing me for months and kept calling GM friends in to harass me, and when I reported that 'up the chain', the head GM also didn't do anything about it, and when I tried to report it to the game creator every single message I sent was literally blocked/shut off.

How is that equal treatment within said rules? What is the point in having rules that protect a certain class of people from ever facing the consequences of their actions?

I watched a player who'd left the game and went elsewhere for awhile who came back to the game talk/openly brag in public chat about having used his mod powers to 'make people cry' and how he loved those tears. The person was a huge EVE fan, and they were discussing the toxicity over there and how much 'fun' it was to act like that. Sure, it's 'fun' for one party. Not so 'fun' for the other.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

It's not hard to stick within the forum rules, they're quite simple. don't bash/insult the staff or dev team, and if a post is removed, shoot a PM to a mod, don't start rampaging in the thread about posts being removed, I actually wrote something before addressed at those who seem to not understand the "dont challenge moderation" rule. 

It's dead easy to raise issues and concerns without insulting, almost every person who posts on the forum manages it, it just requires not getting personal.


Why would someone want to be decent to people who may be complicit in their own version of being treated like how I was previously? You're telling people to 'play nice' with people who aren't 'playing nice'. This leads to bullying.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

You are confusing "broken" with "not ideal". As I've said before, we're checking out lag and how it impacts from that, even small WU servers were encountering noticeable lag from the recipe polling, there may be tweaking in how it runs now, but we need to see our server side reporting first. I've already raised this with the dev team as an issue to review in the next week.


That's because some of us remember being told things in the past and then watching it not happen/take ages to be addressed/never get done. I still remember them telling us we'd be given back our wood textures. I can't even remember how long ago that promise was made. So you're telling us this may just be a 'short term' thing, but remember Rolf's bridge promise they still show in the launcher...we're worried this will just become the new 'normal', the new 'SoonTM'.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

Winter has been short for years, 99ql snowballs aren't necessary either, but can continue to be tweaked. The aim of the larder is not to eliminate decay forever, but to simply slow decay, there are other decay free options for those who wish to keep their meals indefinitely.


So in effect, you're saying that people should just put up with a mechanic that was purely intended to waste their time?


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

Optimisation has worked, and will continue to work, it's not one fix, it's a lot of little things that add up, servers are doing dozens of things at any one time, and each one needs to be improved, we've improved how harvest timers worked (that was causing the time freezing on xanadu) and how many other things work, we will continue to do so.

If the fixes had worked, the southern section of Xanadu wouldn't be mostly barren of mobs, we wouldn't be dealing with minor regularly occuring lag spikes + one major spike (update lag?) every day. Yes, you located the harvest timer 'thing' (Which was something that happened AFTER a mini fix that was done somewhere along the line triggered something else. I get how tweaking one thing can break numerous others. I used to build Starcraft maps in my spare time, along with RPG-maker, I have worked with 'triggers' and setting up the behind the scenes stuff to make a functional story. I know they need multiple iterations/re-working/exploring/testing to flush out bugs. From my time doing that stuff, I have a general overview of what makes Wurm function even. We're not all code-monkeys, but we're all also not total incompetents like we're spoken to as, a majority of the time.)


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

Mob AI is another planned work with complete overhauls, the focus will be on better mob dispersal as well as better combat mechanics


See, the problem is, this was already said many moons ago in real life in one of the news articles (Before they changed them). They put together a mob dispersal map and showed it to us. Then nothing was heard about it ever again. It should've shown whole areas with barely anything in them, or huge clusters in certain areas (Figure deeds, and/or places where the mobs have herded to a coast.) They tried a few 'fixes' (I witnessed a few of them.) I had to save some people when they came back to the game and logged into one of those mob herds and promptly died. I had to help them kill enough/kite enough out to get their corpses. I've been around for some of this stuff. This was stuff that was said over 2 years ago. That's how long we've been waiting for these fixes. Yes, there's a 'small team'. Ignoring blaring problems like this for years? Not so cool.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

I'm not sure what your aim is here, what glaring problems are you referring to? 


My aim? I want the betterment of Wurm. I want it to not frustrate players to the point they decide they'd leave instead of 'deal'. We get there's a lot of work to be done, a small team, and it's an old platform (JAVA *shudders*). Telling the players of your game to just 'suck it up buttercup' is definitely the wrong attitude. Like both Thorakkanath and Greyfox have both said, there's a bit of a customer service problem lately. The 'You'll deal with it and like it' attitude actually makes people rebel even more. Because they won't. Many, if they read those types of comments from a dev/person in power, would abruptly say 'I'm leaving, I don't like your attitude.'. Another big game company (The owner of WoW) has that same attitude of 'We know what is best for you gamers..' I've personally been boycotting the whole company/it's games after being a fanboi for years (I own all their games up to a point.). You lose your loyal people that way.

I've pointed out numerous 'glaring problems' in my posts.


On 6/3/2017 at 7:37 AM, Retrograde said:

Again, I'm not sure what disrespect you're referring to here, we work intensively with the suggestions board and also provide large amounts of feedback as well as take ideas on in upcoming projects. Most suggestions aren't bad, but given dev limitations aren't always able to be taken on at the current time. Our list of projects both in the works and desired is never ending, but our goal is to focus on what we can implement in a reasonable tiimeframe and get those out. I also aim to tailor the weekly news to features coming in the near future as well to ensure that what we do work on is not left feeling drawn out before it even arrives.

I wasn't referencing the suggestion board here except in parting. (I don't even look in this forum's/game's suggestion section unless I happen to click over there when I see a 'recent' article that leads me over there.)


On 6/3/2017 at 9:40 AM, Reylaark said:


No, I had not noticed.

Are you having fun in game?

Off and on. This game seems like more 'work' than fun some days. I'm 81+ farming. That skill seems to be purposely intended to make one login, spend hours dealing with your field, and logoff. But after doing that, I spend another half an hour milking my whole herd (I'm just under getting 53 milking for the +3 milking!), then I spend another half hour'ish turning that all into cheese (almost 43 Dairy Food Making skill) and I HAD been doing a lot of cooking to boost up the overall cooking skill, which the polling just messed up. I was able to sip a lemon juice and get 1 minute and 30ish seconds of cooking food affinity. With the instant polling, it would all tick over with that up. Now I have to start using a different one...(Which means finding another.) because it doesn't give me any timer on that and the meals take upwards of 3-4 minutes to finish all of them. I had made it to 63+ cooking skill and 82+ HFC. Otherwise I do whatever catches my fancy that day. (I have a tendency to become distracted and wander off and do whatever unless I'm focusing on a certain task.)

I'm obviously someone who's 'played' a bunch. I must 'enjoy' it or have enough 'fun' around here to play this much of it. That's not counting all the other skills I have at decent levels. I usually participate in the missions on my server too, when there's one you can actually do. (A lot of them end up sitting there never completing until they fail.)

There seems to be a lot of people who read my comments and think I'm just 'bad-mouthing' or 'trashing' the game. But I'm really not. I am overly verbose when I do speak on a subject, and some of the things I say may come off wrong due to mis-perceptions/lack of tone/inflections.

Do I think the game is currently on a trajectory to ruin? I'm not sure. It's been chugging along at a steady pace, with at least a certain amount of people still around. Maybe it'll continue at that. Or maybe they'll make some decision which may wipe out their remaining p(l)ayer-base. Or maybe they'll do something that'll bring in a bunch of fresh people. Who knows. Time will tell. Nothing is ever set in stone. (Except Excalibur. :P)

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18 hours ago, Angelklaine said:

I have played many mmos: Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XIV, WoW, Guild Wars II, EVE Online, Everquest, ESO, SWTOR, and more. All of them brand names. Most of them with huge fan bases, huge communities, their own culture, extensive budgets and so on. 


However, it was in Wurm the first time I had a one on one conversation with a GM, and a one on one conversation with a developer. Over 20 years gaming and this is the only place I have ever seen a dev hold a public and intelligent discussion with a player. I dont know what world you guys came from, but few if any games out there have devs involved in the community half as much as Budda does here with us. Its not a common occurence, yet here its the norm.


...and yet people say they are not involved and they dont listen to the players? Give me a break. Go back to WoW and see if they listen to you there 


Oh, we're playing the 'I've played many games card.' OK then. Here let me start listing...

FFXIV(One character, all combat jobs to current max level, all crafters to 10 under max)
WoW (Outlands expansion - WotLK. Full server worth of max levels at the time)
Guild Wars 1 (Played through numerous times, but could never get the hang of it/stick with kept rebuilding characters)
Guild Wars 2 (Full server of characters + 3 extra bought character slots + all storage slots bought)
SWTOR(2 full servers worth of characters, subbed/played for 6+ months after launch...left because they took too long to merge and then refused to grandfather old accounts in when they went free2play and I'd bought Collector's Edition, I wasn't going to re-buy the game for access to what I'd already paid for.),
RIFT (Over a year and a half of paid time.)
Runescape (Paid member for approximately a year)
LOTRO(Paid year, burnt out 9 months in doing every single crafting guild at once.)
Forsaken Worlds (Tried it out, but didn't get far because the player merchant stalls in town and a few other features annoyed me, and it was a Perfect World Entertainment owned game which are basically turned into gambling boxes.)
Star Trek Online (Lifer sub! Bought it before I realized Perfect World Entertainment had taken over.)
Aion(Tried to, my old laptop couldn't stand it after hitting the main city though. It was lag central.)
TERA (Trialed, that community is nasty)
EVE Online (Trialed, skilling makes my eyes bleed)
Diablo 1, 2+Expansion (Owned all of them, bought and paid for, played online for years.)
Heroes of Newerth (Beta Tester, given a key by a friend of my cousin who were all getting together on certain days to play-test it)

Dungeon Runners (Sunset, not available anymore. Used to be one of the $5/month subbed players.)
Path of Exile(Freetoplay, been pondering going back and purchasing some stash slots and getting back into it.)
Neverwinter (Played for a few months, realized it was another Perfect World Entertainment gamble box and left.)
Tibia (Played for a few days, then when it wiped my map because it's a browser based game that stores the map in your browser history I left.).

That's just MMO's I've played and not counting things that don't count as MMO's. Guess which game I currently play? Just Wurm.

I certainly didn't say they aren't involved, and it's questionable whether they really 'listen', or just tell us things we want to hear and just do whatever they are going to do anyway, like most game companies.

This certainly isn't the first game I've seen where the devs/GM's converse with us. Just because it was your personal first, doesn't mean it's the only one.

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Thanks for having the courage to say what many of us want to say Corsan.

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Funny I just play Wurm Online for MMO.  I keep trying all these other ones out there to see if one can replace WO for me, but none have and can't.  I get hyped up on all these new kickstarter games, but they still don't get near WO once the hype or money in that game dies.  I've played so many MMOs and WO is the only one I feel like I could stay in forever.


I'll still play Guild Wars 2 if I need a real PvP fix.  No instant action in Chaos.  Can sit around all day looking for a fight and not find one.  Or get killed and you're done for the day.


I hope they don't get too big and turn into needing money then cash shops and pay to win and all that stuff starts happening like most all popular MMOs do now.  I'm fine with Wurm being small, but want it to grow.  I'd expect 2/3 of the population is alts anyways.

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39 minutes ago, FranktheTank said:

Thanks for having the courage to say what many of us want to say Corsan.


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Ah well, Corsan indeed nailed the problem quite well in his post... and the provided answer by Retro kinda prove one of his (ours) points.


Budda own answer do provide some hope for the game future, indeed we are not game designers, coders, PRs, doesn't means the small community of Wurm ain't one of the best around when it comes to creativity and involvment with the game. Are some suggestion stupids, yah, are they all stupid nope, do our concerns should be heard, yes up to some point, bugs report, heh, they still feel like being rewarded whenever the devs / team feels like it.


On 03/06/2017 at 5:04 PM, Retrograde said:

We do help in situations players cannot get themselves out of, we are not lifeguards. General rule of thumb is, if you can get out by yourself, do so, it's a sandbox.

Sorry, but no, when you have new players getting stuck in enclosure they cannot bash quickly, it's not a matter of being a lifeguards, it's a matter of keeping your (potentials) customers around. Same goes for people who get stuck on servers edges, ask for a GM for hours and in the end log off, sometimes permanently.

I no longuer count how many times I asked one of the GMs I'm friends with to help and they were kind enough to log in and do so. Is that normal, no, not at all, even less nowadays when those few helpful GMs are moving to something else.


Decline in numbers might not be a thing (stagnant, yay), more important imho is the decline in the playerbase (old timers leaving) and within the staff itself. Been here, done that and we are for sure not on a good slope when even the closest core members loose faith in the game and managment (and yet, Budda answer is a good one for hope!).


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If another MMO came out with terraforming I think wurm would die overnight.

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Aren't there a few others that do?  I've looked at some that were supposed to be wurm killers and none seemed to have anything nearly as good.


By the way, we are for sure down from the hey day of 5 years ago, but the graph for the last year shows the first time we have held stable, with no decline yoy (year over year).  At least since I've been playing.  Xan release brought a resurgence, which faded.  Bridges brought and faded.  Each time the fade off put us lower than before. WU took a lot of players, but WU is holding pretty strong.  So being stable YOY is an achievement, largely due to devs hammering out so many improvements on a regular basis.


I've sent my ideas in to Code Club for changes that I think can bring a huge new batch of players, but not submitting to Suggestions, as the core players will trash it - totally not in their best interest for maintaining their commanding position of godly skills.  Basically, I want to rip the carpet out from under all the old timers and create a world that will be friendly and competitive for new players.


Adapt and change to meet the needs of the new generation of players.  WU was part of that change.  More is needed.

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2 hours ago, JakeRivers said:

If another MMO came out with terraforming I think wurm would die overnight.


There have been plenty and we're still here.


7 hours ago, Corsan said:

See, the problem is, this was already said many moons ago in real life in one of the news articles (Before they changed them). They put together a mob dispersal map and showed it to us. Then nothing was heard about it ever again. It should've shown whole areas with barely anything in them, or huge clusters in certain areas (Figure deeds, and/or places where the mobs have herded to a coast.) They tried a few 'fixes' (I witnessed a few of them.) I had to save some people when they came back to the game and logged into one of those mob herds and promptly died. I had to help them kill enough/kite enough out to get their corpses. I've been around for some of this stuff. This was stuff that was said over 2 years ago. That's how long we've been waiting for these fixes. Yes, there's a 'small team'. Ignoring blaring problems like this for years? Not so cool.


Just on this point - there are plans to work on mob dispersal that will likely come around the same time as the AI changes, however the time you're talking about when we first looked at the mob dispersal maps on Xanadu (and a few tweaks that were made), it was quite clear from those maps that mob dispersal was working largely as intended. The south of Xanadu at that time (and likely still now I'm assuming) was largely full of deeds and roads between them. With how the spawning works, mobs are less likely to spawn in heavily deeded areas just because there are less valid tiles for them to spawn on, couple that with spirit guards and tower guards that are normally in built up areas, plus those areas naturally being more traveled by players that will kill any mob they see when travelling, and you end up with areas with a lower density of mobs. Moving away from deeds in any direction towards more wild and unoccupied areas saw a denser number of mobs (as expected) just due to less people ever travelling through those parts.

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I'll drop a couple ideas here for those who might like to consider them, for the sake of this discussion.


Perhaps the real population of individual players is dropping... but I see at least two things that might effect this, and I see a HUGE thing that I am quite certain does effect why so few people are interested in Wurm.


The two things... first off, do any of you keep up with whats going on in the real world as we play this game? Our real world... the one that actually matters... is busting at the seams with problems and issues and it's only a matter of a short time before some or many of us may never be able to play computer games again. Our world is on the verge of a dozen of more things that could reduce our world's population and it's economies in a heartbeat. I'm far more concerned with real life right now and I don't spend hardly any time playing any games anymore simply because there are real life priorities more important than a game.


Second part of first section.... players attracted to Wurm and other sandbox games tend to be able to think for themselves much more often than the general masses of the majority do... and those who can think independently may also be spending more real life time preparing for the storm in real life because they see it and are not blind to it as many others are... hence as time goes on more and more of us may be absent from Wurm.


Now for HUGE problem I referred to... the people who try Wurm and quit because it's too hard, or see the description and decide it's not interesting, or play it and decide they don't like it because they aren't being led to know what to do next... why would many want to play Wurm at all or find it interesting? I'm not being sarcastic...When most of the people if this world are taught to simply except what they are told is fact, and they are also taught not to question anything for themselves can we as players realistically expect there to be many people who would be attracted to a game where you have to make all your own decisions and not be spoon fed what to do like in other MMOs? I'm not that smart at all to be honest, but the more I learn to think for myself (instead of just being the sheeple I was educated to be), the more I appreciate Wurm and it's unique experience. The amount of people Wurm attracts and keeps as players will never be high, because people are being educated to be stupid, for the most part.


I'm not trying to insult others who play other games and MMOs that are easy to play (and can play them in their sleep on a cellphone because they are so simple in design and goals), I am just pointing out the obvious. As long as the schools in this world teach people a programmed response to everything, instead of teaching them how to actually think for themselves, as long as education is in the world as it is, and every generation gets worse in this point, Wurm will have less and less of a potential playerbase to draw from. People who are not taught to think for themselves will not find Wurm enjoyable, and they may not be stubborn enough to stick around long enough to discover for themselves that they actually might like it after all.


The Devs can make a new tutorial, will help a little, the Devs can advertise and spread the word, can offer free trials and all that, but the truth is the out of all those who would be attracted to Wurm many have tried it and left and may never come back, and add to that the real life storm about to rain on our game party and frankly the future of Wurm (and by extension other sandbox games) may be a shaky one. Maybe this time real life has more of an affect on the population numbers than we want to admit or think about.


I for one am very glad for what we have now in Wurm, for the work the Devs are doing. We who enjoy Wurm appreciate what you do. I just hope we all are here next year at this time to again to lament the low population in a thread like this one.

Edited by geode
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1 hour ago, Budda said:


There have been plenty and we're still here.



i would like to try those other mmos with terraforming, im out of the loop and must have missed them.

which mmos with terraforming are out there? its a serious question, i really want to try them out.

all ive found are quasi mmos, not real mmos. minecraft, lfe is feudal, 7dtd, project zomboid, rimworld, wu, etc.


currently playing wu, which is the most persistent ive found so far. im on a 4th server so far, all the first 

3 died for one reason or another. If it was easier to start and maintain a server i would do so myself.

( i always had a uo server until a year ago, so i have some experience running servers, and i did start a couple

of wu servers, privately. but its just too daunting for my limited knowledge of java to attempt to run a fun wu server )


 dont know if it would hurt wo if a persistent mmo came out that had terraforming, but i would like to try it.


as for the op, its easy to underestimate those numbers if you are in an aliance. but new players do leave due

to lack of players too. I used to live on Exodus right next to Essert, or how i pronounced it my first 6 months, Ester.

And saw dozens and dozens of new players try the game for a day or a week, then leave. Last i counted i had about

200 backpacks from them. It didnt matter if i helped them or not. i would guesstimate that out of a hundred, maybe like 5

or being generous 10 stayed more than a month. About half of those stayed longer.


But they, whoever they are, do want to keep the game niche, for the few. The mechanics that have been implemented in the last

3 or so years, or 4 have all been geared to keep the game imposibly grindy for the AVERAGE player, and so the average player

will leave the game pretty soon, usually as soon as they build their house, thats it. 


Every skill, every nerf, every new implementations are all aimed at wasting hours to for example gain very little in the way

of skills. aint nobody got time for that.


But im not ranting or complaining, thats what they want the game to be like, so lets accept that no matter what new

thing they implement, or introduce will not increase population in the long term, not opening servers or gulp, bridges in mines?


You should accept that thats the way its been designed and forget about population increase. Wurm has been designed for

a very few people that can waste a lot of time in it. Some even do it for some profit, and in some countries, a couple

hundred dollars is a lot of money. To bring a substantial amount of new players and retain them, wurm would need to

undo a lot of things they have done in the last several years, even from when wurm started, and redo a lot of things

that would be an about face to where they are headed.


Understand this.  Wurm is the way they want it to be, its been designed this way, stop asking for advertisement,

for this and that, nothing will bring in the new players permanently . Its the game design in regards to time vs reward thats

the fundamental issue. And by reward i mean fun.


if you already play wurm and you like it, great, i love wu, and i loved wo when i played it, but please stop asking for new players,

or for the wurm team to do anything about it. Everything thats being done is to prolong the status quo, with very few

things added for quality of life.


I wish i could explain it to you better but it is what it is.


ps. more and more of my posts are being erased, so i want to make sure to emphasize, im not bashing wurm staff, the game

is the way they want it to be. its designed that way. so its incongruent to keep the game like this and also ask for an out of the normal

increase in playerbase. wont happen, you can call me negative if you want but im being neutral really.


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2 hours ago, Budda said:


There have been plenty and we're still here.



Just on this point - there are plans to work on mob dispersal that will likely come around the same time as the AI changes, however the time you're talking about when we first looked at the mob dispersal maps on Xanadu (and a few tweaks that were made), it was quite clear from those maps that mob dispersal was working largely as intended. The south of Xanadu at that time (and likely still now I'm assuming) was largely full of deeds and roads between them. With how the spawning works, mobs are less likely to spawn in heavily deeded areas just because there are less valid tiles for them to spawn on, couple that with spirit guards and tower guards that are normally in built up areas, plus those areas naturally being more traveled by players that will kill any mob they see when travelling, and you end up with areas with a lower density of mobs. Moving away from deeds in any direction towards more wild and unoccupied areas saw a denser number of mobs (as expected) just due to less people ever travelling through those parts.


I have not seen a game yet with the same feel as wurm with the terraforming, I keep hearing about games that think they have something to compete, but in the end its all vaporware. 


I hope you were not thinking about minecraft cause that is no mmo.


That is something I can not understand about people wanting spirit templars for there new deed, okay you are new and just starting out, go with one for the first month, but by then I hope you can build a guard tower cause after that all that templar is doing is robbing you of fight skill you so desperately need to survive in wurm.





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1 hour ago, Budda said:

it was quite clear from those maps that mob dispersal was working largely as intended.


Feel free to visit my deed any time and take a gander around (Location is on my profile under my non-existent avatar). You'll see it most certainly is NOT working as intended. It's been like this the whole time I've lived on Xanadu.


Unless the intention is to never have mobs at all and nothing to be afraid of.


I don't even have to finish my fence nor build any buildings. Almost nothing ever even comes in my deed (There was a dog a couple days ago, and a horse at one point about 2.5 months ago.). There's no sea life to be seen at all. I've been back playing for about 5 months and not once have I seen any sea life in the waters at all.

See how close the deeds are together (They aren't). Spend a bit of time there (I'd say stick around for a month and watch, but I know that won't happen.). Travel the one incomplete mountain road that goes up between two nearly server height mountains and just ends in the forest.

There's some directions to find stuff in here :


There is a lava spider spawner to the northwest up the hill road a bit. It once in a rare while puts out one or two when server resets or something. If you keep going up the road, and go west through the forest a bit you'll find a peat patch, you can find a diseased wildcat spawner a bit over in the forest from there which had a few spawns roaming once in a very great while, but I have taken most of those out and I haven't seen respawns in awhile now. Up the mountain to the north a small bit from that, there's a cave bug spawner, which has a small tendency to respawn an occasional one. If you instead of taking the west path follow the road up north, you'll run to the end of the road, but if you keep going north, you'll run into another peat patch, and if you go northwest from that, you'll find a scared scorpion spawner. That occasionally had a few, but I think most of them were just patrols I had missed the past few times. If you go up and over the patch from where you first saw it, you can do a little up and down juking and there is a moss and tar patch there, after the tar patch, there is a valley there. When you see the birch's ride-able down in there. Go down into the valley, and then start heading straight north, and you'll run into a moss patch. To the northeast of that (More east than north) there is a way down to a patch of tundra with another cave bug spawner (Which I killed the bugs from months ago and have only ever seen 2 respawns on.). If you follow the mountain you'd see behind that, there's a spider spawner also (I most often see the x5 spider spawns and never see spiders near that spawner. Just patrols from other spawns.) If you follow that mountain you'll see another huge peat patch to the west with a bit of graveling done along it's edge (I don't know who did it, if anyone even did.) and there's a mini valley in between that and the mountain there...if you travel in through that valley, it will come out by a small lake...that's the first signs of lost civilization you'll start seeing. There's a U shaped hedge that someone had built at some point next to the lake, and a road off to the left leading to a bridge. If you go up that road with the bridge, you'll come to the first guard tower even in that whole area...other than my neighbors who live on the coast way to the west of me, or my tower. This is probably close to half an hour's travel, without stopping to get bearings, with all the going up and down mountains. I could keep going but that's a start...

Most of the mobs I see in any of these areas nowadays are just the occasional wolf patrol or the brown bear patrols, or an occasional troll I haven't dealt with because I mainly ignore those. Or the occasional spider grouping or a hellhound. None of which even travels south to be near my deed at all for some reason.


57 minutes ago, geode said:

do any of you keep up with whats going on in the real world as we play this game?

Yes. It's usually not a pretty subject though. Most people play games to avoid that subject.

Depending on which subject you're speaking of, I am one of the people who may be effected soon enough. I won't go into more detail in a public forum though, because I was already griefed for months the last time I mentioned it to someone and they proceeded to use it as a personal attack/tell public chat to get the much vaunted 'community' to dog-pile on me...which created more 'fun times' (Read:Drama). I'd rather not have a re-occurance of that situation.

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2 hours ago, Budda said:

There have been plenty and we're still here.


51 minutes ago, Griffith said:

its a serious question, i really want to try them out.

all ive found are quasi mmos, not real mmos. minecraft, lfe is feudal, 7dtd, project zomboid, rimworld, wu, etc.


Aye, same thing here, haven't found a real MMo with what Wurm offers, the mentionned games (include space and medieval engineers in the list) all offers similar or better experience than Wurm on some points, but none are real MMos or even true multiplayer for some.


Wurm remain unique by the freedom granted and the content available. We might take it for granted, but in medieval engineer (better mining - round walls - overall physics) only having deers and barbarians ... sucks, the large variety of trees, ankle bitters and minerals is great. Another large point for Wurm is the fact it is PvE / PvP / Epic... not a PvP game with some elements allowing PvE, which is the case of most MMos (with some sandboxy elements) out of here lately.

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5 hours ago, Corsan said:


Feel free to visit my deed any time and take a gander around (Location is on my profile under my non-existent avatar). You'll see it most certainly is NOT working as intended. It's been like this the whole time I've lived on Xanadu.



I'm living right next to you... my cave is crowded with bugs, lava spiders, rats, etc. as soon as the deeded area drops off - when I exit my tunnel to the east of the mountain towards my second deed which is just the next tile on the map I have tons of mobs as well, trolls, spiders, bears, wolfes and a mix of non-hostiles.


Either you have really bad luck or I don't know, but i'm your neighbor and I have nothing to complain about mobs anymore.

Even while my main deed occupies every possibly useful tile I still have the odd wolf stray onto it and their only spawn location is a 1-2 tile wide border to the west of my deed thats pretty steep down before the sea starts.

I have the sea on 2 sides and a huge steep mountain on the other 2 so I can not expect much to spawn there and thats ok for me, thus I cross my tunnel to the hunting grounds.


If you want a monster every second tile you set foot on, well.... good luck helping the newbies again who die left and right just trying to leave a starter town.


On the other hand, one worthwhile complain about mobs is how they all pile up on mountain sides - I guess (hope) thats fixed with their new AI or so then.

Edited by Milkdrop
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9 hours ago, Odynn said:

Ah well, Corsan indeed nailed the problem quite well in his post... and the provided answer by Retro kinda prove one of his (ours) points.


Budda own answer do provide some hope for the game future, indeed we are not game designers, coders, PRs, doesn't means the small community of Wurm ain't one of the best around when it comes to creativity and involvment with the game. Are some suggestion stupids, yah, are they all stupid nope, do our concerns should be heard, yes up to some point, bugs report, heh, they still feel like being rewarded whenever the devs / team feels like it.




Sorry, but no, when you have new players getting stuck in enclosure they cannot bash quickly, it's not a matter of being a lifeguards, it's a matter of keeping your (potentials) customers around. Same goes for people who get stuck on servers edges, ask for a GM for hours and in the end log off, sometimes permanently.

I no longuer count how many times I asked one of the GMs I'm friends with to help and they were kind enough to log in and do so. Is that normal, no, not at all, even less nowadays when those few helpful GMs are moving to something else.


Decline in numbers might not be a thing (stagnant, yay), more important imho is the decline in the playerbase (old timers leaving) and within the staff itself. Been here, done that and we are for sure not on a good slope when even the closest core members loose faith in the game and managment (and yet, Budda answer is a good one for hope!).


Totally agree with Odynn and Corsan. 


Wurm's community is the greatest i've ever seen in any mmo, and I'm still playing a few. Also relation devs- customer is pretty solid and unique, so don't waste it. Don't waste a chance for cooperation to make Wurm's better. 


Corsan nailed it indeed, and he's totally right. But I understand that Wurm's dev team is small with probably limited budget/ time. But if you would hear customers, their suggestions, their problems and focus on it much, you'd show us that you really work on fixing issues, we'd be more patient. Now we're only getting infos with every patch notes "Problem is addressing; problem has been found' we're still working"- over and over again for months. Months of same words about same things. How can we be sure that you really addressing any problems? Show us anything!


Finally, we're the greatest community in any games, use it! There's probably few people who could help you. Just ask for help, there's probably few coders, designers, PRs, ask even for a lil help, state your offer/ ask. 

Post for example that you're looking for someone who could help with XYZ, who could help with solving addressed problem XYZ, who could take a look at a script, help with 3D/2D arts. You don't have to pay for this, look for volunteers. I bet someone will get into it for free just to make favourite game better. And that's one problem off you, and you can focus on another things from your list.


Also try to organise your work, set priorities, set team members to be responsible for XYZ things, set deadlines just for yourself. I've no idea how you work altogether, but if you can't solve some issues for few years, perhaps it's a good time to try some changes. 


I'm a bit low on time, because I'm in work, but that only a lil part of my ideas, opinions and suggestions. 

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26 minutes ago, Alkhadias said:

Totally agree with Odynn and Corsan. 


Wurm's community is the greatest i've ever seen in any mmo, and I'm still playing a few. Also relation devs- customer is pretty solid and unique, so don't waste it. Don't waste a chance for cooperation to make Wurm's better. 


Corsan nailed it indeed, and he's totally right. But I understand that Wurm's dev team is small with probably limited budget/ time. But if you would hear customers, their suggestions, their problems and focus on it much, you'd show us that you really work on fixing issues, we'd be more patient. Now we're only getting infos with every patch notes "Problem is addressing; problem has been found' we're still working"- over and over again for months. Months of same words about same things. How can we be sure that you really addressing any problems? Show us anything!


Finally, we're the greatest community in any games, use it! There's probably few people who could help you. Just ask for help, there's probably few coders, designers, PRs, ask even for a lil help, state your offer/ ask. 

Post for example that you're looking for someone who could help with XYZ, who could help with solving addressed problem XYZ, who could take a look at a script, help with 3D/2D arts. You don't have to pay for this, look for volunteers. I bet someone will get into it for free just to make favourite game better. And that's one problem off you, and you can focus on another things from your list.


Also try to organise your work, set priorities, set team members to be responsible for XYZ things, set deadlines just for yourself. I've no idea how you work altogether, but if you can't solve some issues for few years, perhaps it's a good time to try some changes. 


I'm a bit low on time, because I'm in work, but that only a lil part of my ideas, opinions and suggestions. 

Again, I'm not sure what you're referring to with lack of information of things, we work extensively with the bug boards, and provide a lot of communication with issues we are having with them.


We work closely with WU modders as well with key bugs and those who provide information via code help greatly, and reward players who provide information about exploitable bugs and also key information regarding long standing bugs.  This system is already there and we will continue to use it. 


Bug report rewards for non exploitative bugs are usually for larger impacting bugs, and aren't just handed out for reporting them,. It requires information which leads to them being resolved, such as the case of platinumteef providing that crucial bit of information. If you'd like more clarity on what/how we reward I'm happy to do so, but I dislike the idea of people only reporting if it's worth it, so please don't do that.


As for volunteer art it becomes a lot of paperwork, and we've had issues with it in the past, which is why we don't take on volunteer art devs, we do outsource work though and that will continue to happen.


I feel this is starting to move away from the original intention of the thread, and has become more of a general complaint thread, so I'd like to touch on a few things with that in mind.


In the past there have been issues with bad practices, it happens everywhere. Not every developer or staff decision has been the best one, and we will always compromise where we can, and adjust based on feedback. Sometimes decisions are made for the wider focus of the game, and while it may impact some more than others, it's important that we continue to work on a broad focus. If you do have any issues with staff, the leads of each team and myself are there to talk with, I'm always willing to follow up with whoever I have to to get information.


Our focus for the past year has been improving our footing with the existing systems, fixing long-term bugs and addressing imbalances. A lot of this work is ongoing simply because of the scale of it, major overhauls with a small team take time, and nothing will change that. With the addition of more volunteer (and paid) developers it allows us to work on more projects and key areas of improvement, and there are plenty of internal deadlines and all sorts of process that aren't available to the public, so rest assured, your suggestions of doing so are already in place.


If you have issues with staff, or things you'd like to discuss you're always welcome to PM and I'm always happy to listen there.


The mob dispersal map actually proved what we've said, mobs stay away from populated areas, and there's little spawn space for them. With that in mind though we'll work on an updated overview to actually discuss it and also discuss our plans for it.


Oh, and as I've said before, wood textures are coming with the unstable client, our major focus is getting that stable and the main client first though. We have several devs working on getting that out and the wood colours will then start being worked on.



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20 minutes ago, Alkhadias said:

Corsan nailed it indeed, and he's totally right. But I understand that Wurm's dev team is small with probably limited budget/ time. But if you would hear customers, their suggestions, their problems and focus on it much, you'd show us that you really work on fixing issues, we'd be more patient. Now we're only getting infos with every patch notes "Problem is addressing; problem has been found' we're still working"- over and over again for months. Months of same words about same things. How can we be sure that you really addressing any problems? Show us anything!

This is exactly what I see lately. User ideas are getting introduced into the game, annoying and long standing bugs being addressed. Even we have much better communication on them (okay the base where it moved from was really low years ago). I'm a bit surprised that many of you don't feel the same - that may put myself to the optimistic edge but I don't feel so.


20 minutes ago, Alkhadias said:

Finally, we're the greatest community in any games, use it! There's probably few people who could help you. Just ask for help, there's probably few coders, designers, PRs, ask even for a lil help, state your offer/ ask. 

Post for example that you're looking for someone who could help with XYZ, who could help with solving addressed problem XYZ, who could take a look at a script, help with 3D/2D arts. You don't have to pay for this, look for volunteers. I bet someone will get into it for free just to make favourite game better. And that's one problem off you, and you can focus on another things from your list.

There is a new (or two) devs introduced every few weeks..........


I see that there is a lot of love and energy being put into making Wurm better and more stable, I really like what I see - and why would we players care about CCAB incomes as long as they see figures fine? We would already see desperate tries for moneygrabs if that would not be the case I'm quite sure...

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10 hours ago, Odynn said:

Sorry, but no, when you have new players getting stuck in enclosure they cannot bash quickly, it's not a matter of being a lifeguards, it's a matter of keeping your (potentials) customers around. Same goes for people who get stuck on servers edges, ask for a GM for hours and in the end log off, sometimes permanently.

I no longuer count how many times I asked one of the GMs I'm friends with to help and they were kind enough to log in and do so. Is that normal, no, not at all, even less nowadays when those few helpful GMs are moving to something else.


Decline in numbers might not be a thing (stagnant, yay), more important imho is the decline in the playerbase (old timers leaving) and within the staff itself. Been here, done that and we are for sure not on a good slope when even the closest core members loose faith in the game and managment (and yet, Budda answer is a good one for hope!).


I find it interesting, that all the suggestions to increase playerbase, noone ever mentions the poor customer service and how to improve that.


I could write here long post about my experiences with GMs over the years. Mainly the very bad examples, although there have been some extremely good examples too.

But in general I would say, that.. easier cases, you are stuck somewhere and things like that, these have very decent response time from staff and these aren't a problem.


The bigger problems tho, conflicts/griefing etc.. that's where it is all lacking. You submit ticket, then first line of people you encounter are eager CM-s, they seem to see all the tickets, which they "try" to solve and are very eager to close them. I have had one CM close my ticket even before I had chance to reply to him. :D He said couple of sentences to me and boom, closed ticket, can't remember what it was about tho, but I had to make another ticket. That's one golden rule, don't ever close a ticket, when you aren't even sure the solution is accepted/worked.


OK, that aside, let's assume we got past the CM "defense line", now we are talking about the big league - GMs. While CMs were eager, the GMs have all the time in the world. Longest time I waited response from a GM was several (real life) days. And I am not online few minutes per day. Of course there are cases, where there isn't much to tell at first, but even then small status updates to the the open tickets would be great. So the person, who opened ticket doesn't feel like the ticket went directly to dev/null. Something along "I am looking into X, when I discover something, I let you know", "I need to talk to X, haven't been able to reach him yet" etc. One word: "Communication".


When you get through to the GMs, then sometimes you don't know whether you should cry or just laugh. When customers turn to customer support(no matter what the problem is), they have a problem, for which they try to find a solution. Now if GM tells "I don't care, this is not my problem", then yes, it solves the problem for that GM.. but for customer the problem is still unsolved. And customer now knows, that when he has a problem, he can't expect help from staff. Why do you expect, that a customer wants to spend money on such service?


Of course it all doesn't mean, that GMs should run and do every single thing, which players ask from them.. this is the place to try find compromises etc. Here I just bring an example. As most know I do a lot of meditation, I think it was level 17 question, which I was trying to get, got the question after 700 attempts(2min per attempt), wanted to make screenshot from the window. The moment I pressed screenshot key, client crashed. Obviously I made a support ticket. Didn't help, made a topic on forums, got some mumbo-jumbo about how it was caused by java garbage collector getting full or something like that. Honestly, at that moment I couldn't care less what caused it, I had lost 24hours of pure meditation timer worth of effort, because THEIR client crashed, what can be done about that? For that I got an answer relayed by Enki from the dev team: "We can't do anything, next time use higher QL rug". Feeble attempt to put the blame again on me like I had used some low ql rug, while the problem was actually fact, that client crash caused loss of game time. Anyway, better way to solve that would've been "Hey, we are sorry about that, sadly we can't do anything, but to reimburse the loss in gametime, we will extend your prem time by x days", or simply "we will adjust your rugs ql to 99.99, so it will go faster next time". And everything would've been ok.


Long story short. Don't forget.. GMs are Code Club's face in game, how they behave/act, that is the reflection of Code Club.

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3 hours ago, Retrograde said:

Again, I'm not sure what you're referring to with lack of information of things, we work extensively with the bug boards, and provide a lot of communication with issues we are having with them.

I'm referring mostly to things like lag spikes issue on Xanadu, and previously about mobs density on same server. Thou last one was explained by you, so now if you know exactly what causing this situation, I just hope that you're on straight end of fixing it. Anyway what about these lag spikes for example? This problem occurs since very beginnings of this server. I can't imagine why for over 2 years this problem still exist. With all respect, 2 years is a time needed to develope whole game for many, not to solve a single issue (which might be complicated and caused by many other things, but still).

Don't get it as personal attack or jsut blaming. I'm just trying to understand it. What's more, even if you couldn't fix this problem so far, at least give us full info about your progress! Give us data, possible issues, possible solution, which solutions did you already tried, which ones you're planning to try. 


Pretty much here's a point where your whole PR fails, and that's pretty common In work/ marketing and many other projects. I, for example, have lot of expierience in that matter, you might belive me. I'm an astrophysicist, and I'm working with students at Univeristy, including labs and experiments with way more complicated stuff. You really think that I know everything that I'm working on? No, after each experiment, after each lesson I'm bombarding with deadlines to present results of my works. And none can expect me to present results within 24h after I'm done with work. But I have to, no matter what. To keep people interested in my works, to keep students interested in lessons and working together, to keep people interested in reading my articles (Yes, these aren't regular meetings, but my own side project at Medical University) i have to show them something. And even if i can't present results or articles on said deadline i have to show something, show my progress, show statistics if they're not even directly related with topic. In previous work i just had to give project on time, and doesn't matter what kind of issues was standing on my way. I have to play a scene, to show people that I'm really working actually, at this very moment and i know what I'm working for. You know- straight relation and regular reports are the key, even if you don't have anything to show us, just show us what are you doing now, with each patch note, show us data about progress or explain why X try didn't succes. Information is the key to get rid of speculations. And also there's no such things as something impossible on computer, program, art design. There's only things we don't know yet, and you can always tell it people.



As for volunteer art it becomes a lot of paperwork, and we've had issues with it in the past, which is why we don't take on volunteer art devs, we do outsource work though and that will continue to happen.


I know, i really know. Previously I've worked as 3D designer. I've worked on pretty much everything, from many different softwares (Blender, Cinema4D, Maya), by scripting models, to mapping scenes, photos, animations, Special effects. I was working for artists, movies, banks, corporations, and also as a volunteer for gaming production (read Mount & Blade Warband credits for example) and much more other stuff. But if you had issues, it still doesn't mean it's a bad idea. And with artists who wanna work for you as volunteers you can always get along, even with minimum paperwork. Just within a day. 



Our focus for the past year has been improving our footing with the existing systems, fixing long-term bugs and addressing imbalances. A lot of this work is ongoing simply because of the scale of it, major overhauls with a small team take time, and nothing will change that. With the addition of more volunteer (and paid) developers it allows us to work on more projects and key areas of improvement, and there are plenty of internal deadlines and all sorts of process that aren't available to the public, so rest assured, your suggestions of doing so are already in place.

That's really great. But if you want to hire new devs or volunteers, keep new projects for them, and actual team members shouldn't get involved in new projects, besides checking on them of course. Actual team members should focus on actual most important s

Edited by Alkhadias

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On 5/17/2017 at 10:15 AM, Budda said:


It's because of literally everything, all put together. There is no simple "fix" to lag on Xanadu, and there never will be. What Retro said is correct, we optimize things when we can and every change we make has lag in mind, trying to keep it all to a minimum. The fact is that Xanadu is just pushing the limits of what Wurm can handle. At least 4x the map size of any other server is going to cause a lot of difference on it's own - then throw in 300k creatures compared to Indy's 50k - that's 6x more processing time for creatures. On top of that throw the increased playerbase, with Xanadu being the most populous server for a long while - and that just adds on top of everything.


We do what we can, but numbers quickly add up. Yes we're optimizing for it but there's not some simple fix that will magically fix everything - Xanadu will always have more lag than other servers just because of the numbers involved.


Lag spikes and latency on Xanadu has been explained in many other places, but I'll touch on it here too.


Everything deliverance is doing, Xanadu is doing 16x more, everything indy is doing, xanadu is doing 4x more. It's a simple fact that A LOT is going on. Most updates include back end latency fixes and other various polling improvements. These aren't forward facing patch notes because they're minor things, changing how harvest times were polled was one, the cooking one was announced because knew this would have a more obvious impact, we'll continue to monitor it.


We had a full thread to this where we explained how it's a lot of everything being done at the same time, and how we work hard on improving that, it's an ongoing process but it will take time, the lag won't be fixed in any one update, just continued improvements in how we have the servers handle things.


We've had several reach out about art work for Wurm, and we've taken on portfolios and discussion, but it winds up being a lot of work for very little to show in the end, we work better with Saroman handling the bulk of it and outsourcing with another company. 


I'm not sure what you mean by the volunteer devs and new projects thing, we usually give them new projects, or if they have experience in a specific field (Such as samool) they join other existing projects to provide that knowledge.

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Maybe you deserved a better reply.. but you did not deserve a reimbursement, your cache got filled up and you lost something, it's not like somebody took it, it did not exist, there's no way to prove that you actually had that question dialog on screen(NO WAY).

If you had a blue screen etc.. it's still an event on your end.. your memory got filled up which crashed the client, happens, use -Xmx2G etc.. or separate software.

I've never used ingame screenshot option, IDK maybe at first when I used it.. color was messed or quality wasn't good, or it didn't work at all for me.. whatever the reason.. I replaced that keybind and never used that option, used lightshot or other apps to make screenshots or partial shots of the screen to share, 1-2 clicks.. uploads and I have a url to share(saved me ~10 operations to do manually, as I used to do before that, screen/(cut)/save/upload/tinyurl/share).


I have no idea wt* rewards people get for reporting things.. I've reported some with tickets/pms, talked with other people who reported thing in bugs or tickets or talked in gl-freedom/ca-help about certain things.. which appeared in patchnotes within a few weeks.. I never got ****, I never heard of anybody getting anything for bugreporting either, must be some super secret society. I'm glad the game have something so special, that's even more rare than mage-types.


CM/GMs.. I rarely had to call such.. 1 time I lost my rug 'in' the sand, called for a gm.. after ~hour+ digging etc.. talking to the gm and so on.. I headed back with no solution, it turned out rug was around 10 tiles behind my char.. somehow lag/desync made it drop where I was for the server.. but not where I seemed to be on my screen:huh: player 1: gms 0; which evened.. some time later.. when I dropped a rug on a bridge.. and it fell trough.. under a paved floor(being impossible to pick..) called a gm and within 30min I think.. there was somebody to help and do some voodoo walking trough walls to pick it.:)


I had some other wtf cases on the other hand.. a random seeming normal player telling me my prem time and registration info.. something that even I do not know without checking the /playtime command.. turned out to be a gm in his/her spare time during impalong showing up and kicking the door with specific line.. to which I replied.. leading to.. telling me how much I've played? Really, that was the way to scare me?:unsure: ok...

In one forum topic a gm called me to be like a jealous wife.. "last I checked" it is sexist to call a guy that way.

I've reported something else which is always ignored and closed asap and I'm just not supposed to talk publicly about that ToS and more secrecy.
Talking about certain other things in forums.. even as theory.. is a no-no..leading to moderation with no mark to show that something was removed..

Even if you abide the forum rules.. freedom of speech seems to be a luxury lately.


If I seem grumpy and like a total.. (pick a word)... that's a result of an negligence from my report(s).

Even so.. I still like the game.. there's plenty to like.. but there's something that killed the experience for me.

(had good things to say.. but I don't feel like writing anything right now)

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2 minutes ago, Finnn said:

Maybe you deserved a better reply.. but you did not deserve a reimbursement, your cache got filled up and you lost something, it's not like somebody took it, it did not exist, there's no way to prove that you actually had that question dialog on screen(NO WAY).

If you had a blue screen etc.. it's still an event on your end.. your memory got filled up which crashed the client, happens, use -Xmx2G etc.. or separate software.

I've never used ingame screenshot option, IDK maybe at first when I used it.. color was messed or quality wasn't good, or it didn't work at all for me.. whatever the reason.. I replaced that keybind and never used that option, used lightshot or other apps to make screenshots or partial shots of the screen to share, 1-2 clicks.. uploads and I have a url to share(saved me ~10 operations to do manually, as I used to do before that, screen/(cut)/save/upload/tinyurl/share).

I don't think you got my point. It wasn't about what I deserved or not(I am level 18 now, I did get that level 17 and one extra). Was just an example, how things could've handled differently. Sometimes just a pat on the back will end things on different note compared to "Its your own fault, get lost".

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35 minutes ago, Finnn said:

Even if you abide the forum rules.. freedom of speech seems to be a luxury lately.


These are forums run by a private commercial entity, not a state sponsored public service.  Even if you and the entity and the hosting were somewhere like the USA (which they aren't), there is no such thing as 'free speech' here.  When using the forums, you agree to abide by the owner's rules, which includes restrictions on what you can and can't say.  The freedom you do have is to go post somewhere else if you don't like how the official forums are run.


If you think this is unusual, try posting #### on any of the major game forums and see how far you get.  Or pretty much any privately-run online community, come to that.

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This thread is getting more and more hilarious the more I read


Most players in here go like - there is a big problem

Staff goes like - there is no problem, you are imagining it - also you have no clue what you are talking about


This meme reproduces the staffs responses perfectly



Well obviosuly the players have a clue, because we all see the stagnation in player numbers - mind you, NOT EVEN players, but accounts.... so even less people actually


I touched this attitude in my previous posts and also in private convertations with most of the 'first line of contact' staff - with the same response


I will argue that this IS the reason why this game is not taking off


Oh something else, I have counted an amazing 85 staff members. At 2800 prem accounts, it comes to around a staff member for 33 players. LOL - you wouldn't say based on how dissatisfied people are with tickets

So because of the nice rules present in wurm (there is a name for a system where you are not allowed to publicly question everyone in power, it's called communism - and before you jump to conclusions, I know what I am talking about, I was born in it), we are not allowed to cricicize the top 3% of the people that make the decisions for the rest of the 97%. That not only is a terribly horrible system, but also allows for no accountability. No accountability = lack of quality, as people are not held responsible. If anything the players are responsible if something goes wrong (see above posts).


This is called politics. Of course no staff member will be judged and convicted by fellow staff members. For once they all know eachother, secondly it would create an impossible work environment and third IF a staffer actually gets fired, that would mean that code club would admit their wrong doing - and in the current system - nothing is wrong, see above. :) 


Only the United Nations is more bureaucratic than this (I know that as well, I worked there)


Also wanted to touch on the 'it's the player's fault' issues - I have been playing for many years, logged in and had dealings with just about any GM ever. Why? because I push the game, and when I push it to the limits, it fails - pretty much always. Sure, there are people that could swear by the fact that this game runs perfectly, and it does - as long as you do not push the mechanics. This is like someone from a high income country (say Switzerland) saying that 3 Euro for a coffee is basically free. They forgot to mention that it is free for them at their income, not for someone in a low income country (say Colombia). The point of this paragraph is to say that dealings like rixk had, I experienced COUNTLESS times - with a sour taste in my mouth each time. Murphy's law - when people have a problem in a completely voluntary pay-to-play game and the authority that is meant to solve their problems not only does not do that but leaves them with a sour taste in their mouth - they will not be paying for much longer. 


The game is flawed. Errors and crashes in the game do not happen because of the users, but because of the game. Until the staff accepts that and starts acting accordinly, wurm will not gain many subscriptons.


In my opinion, these are the true reasons why wurm is stuck where it is. Not because its lacking a better tutorial or UI or more bling.....

Edited by Thorakkanath

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