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Auto Switch Title Based on Action

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Would love to have a setting to allow auto-switch of titles based on actions.  For example, if sawing a plank, title auto-switched to highest carpentry skill.  Setting may be toggled on or off.

Also, speaking of titles, it would be great if the skill-level (50/70/90) of the title was in parenthesis next to the title in the list.  Hard to remember which one is highest for every skill.  

Edited by Eyesgood

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I'm really tempted to suggest title hotkeys to make it easier to switch between those you want, rather than make it "set it and forget it."


Not sure why that is, I might just be mean, or I'm not entirely comfortable taking too many things out of the player's responsibility.  He or she who remembers to use their titles profits. 

Yeah... I'm just mean.  Sorry.

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Is there any use for these titles nowadays? I seem to recall only one was giving some skill increase.

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