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Need confirmation on demise spell effects

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Most of the info on here is:

  1. 10+ years old
  2. Seemingly based on assumptions based on examine text


The note about +1 CR from demise is specific enough that it might have been confirmed by a developer a long time ago, but the article's discussion page is blank, so I don't know what that might have been.


As far as which demise spells work on which creatures, I'm pretty sure some of this info is incorrect. For example, Human's Demise most likely on works on actual humans, not humanoids. Obviously, I can't be 100% sure of that, but this is the kind of thing that would be nearly impossible to verify empirically to any reasonable standard, so some confirmation regarding what works on what would be nice.

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On a similar subject, I'd also like the devs to clear up a rumor as it relates to PvP.  I was told that human's demise does not work against the faithful followers and priests of various religions.  If you want to kill a Vynora follower/priest/champion, for example, you'd need Vynora's demise, and that person should be wearing armor with hand of Vynora casted on it.

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As far as I am aware Human's Demise works in a slightly different way than The religion-specific-demise spells.


Human's Demise works as Animal's Demise would, except on humanoid creatures. It gives a slightly better crit chance against those enemies (the effect of adding 1CR to all your hit-rolls) and does work on players.


Now say for instance, Player 1 is a Vynora Champion with Vyn's Hand cast on their helm. And Player 2 is a Magranon Follower with a Vynora's Demise Longsword.

If ANY one single piece of Player 1's armor has Vynora's Hand on it (the anti-Vynora's Demise spell) then Player 1, upon Player 2's Vyn Demise spell proccing, gets an extra roll with a chance to mitigate that effect.

This can be observed better with artifacts, in which case (at least when Artifacts were actually powerful, could crit, and did decent damage) I've seen a message show up in Event, something along the lines of;

"A bright red flash of light eminates from where the Sword of Magranon and Great Helm collide."

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