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Source Crystals & Meditation

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Simple, the ability to store unique meditation abilities in source crystals.  This is a premium only feature to prevent the market being flooded with refresh and enchant crystals.


Right clicking on a source crystal now gives you the option to use a meditation ability on it, this grants the crystal a single charge of that ability.


  • Level 4 abilities take 2 charges to become usable
  • Level 7 abilities take 3 charges to become usable
  • Level 9 abilities take 5 charges to become usable


Once a crystal has a single charge of an ability stored it is locked to that ability (attempting to use a different ability nets the message "this crystal is attuned differently").

Examining the crystal tells you the name of the ability stored and the number of charges it has "you sense 3 charges of X".

Source crystals take damage (based on its QL) when their stored ability is used and lose the number of charges listed.

Optional Extra : Storing a meditation ability in a crystal gives a gurenteed meditation tick that counts against your daily total.  This would have to be balanced based on the number of uses a skill has per day...


PvP Balance Argument : If it would break pvp, just make it unusable on PvP, simples.

Edited by Etherdrifter

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