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Home server missions

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24 minutes ago, MrGARY said:


lol that was nahjo not me and they wanted to try their staffs out iirc so they stayed around


So I don't get it, if you guys have these great conquests on enemy home servers, then more people doing missions there is more people to kill??  Go stop the people doing missions

Well then we'd have to kill ourselves currently, or dingov and soba especially because they're the only ones doing it nowadays after the server reset.


if half of jkh or half of mr was doing missions on blh, half of blh doing missions on mrh etc constantly there would be a whole lot more kills than the kills from missions currently, sitting on deed waiting for the next mission on an entirely safe server doesn't create pvp. Running around on an entirely hostile server doing missions because it is incentivized creates pvp, thats the thing, it isn't incentivized which is why so few people are doing it and have done it throughout epic


people want the best chances and the biggest rewards they can get in pvp for pvp, which is why you're doing missions on mrh rather than jkh ele or blh or why you're only pvping in very safe environments like mrh or in deep mr territory on ele, its because you want the best chances, best rewards and the lowest risk, just like most people

Edited by changer
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I cant really tell if this is an actual suggestion or just an attempt at forum pvp but the amusing part is that if you weren't so blinded by irrational hate you might be able to understand that we actually agree with you...


I have posted several times that I would like rank removed from everything that isn't killing people, I have posted that I want missions to scale lowest points on home servers - harder on ele - highest on enemy server because I think it sucks that people who do stuff all in perfect safety on home servers win more than anyone else. Until that changes then of course ill be there getting whatever I can for the chance to win in hope that it isn't a backyard missionmaster winning... If you paid attention for more than 5 mins you could see how many new players and non pvp players win so frequently.


What you fail to see is that we don't only do home server missions, this week alone we have located and killed two traitor animals deep in JK territory on elevation, since the BLH wipe we have done countless missions ranging from drains to rituals but because the server has a high pop of 9 and no one dies that means it didn't happen? Yes it is a lot less since the ele reset because the time sink is annoying due to people thinking a larger map was a great idea but just because you don't see it happen does not mean it doesn't happen. Why aren't you there trying to kill me running around naked with your main if it disgusts you so much instead of trying to call tower guards on me with your alt which doesn't even work? And yes Chev, that was Joemog and I and we sailed at you guys to pvp we were there to fight and die regardless of you guys having a full sail.


All of the propaganda and stupidity that we do nothing but home server missions aside. Yes I agree, I'd love for there to be no home server residential missions or rank, just maybe try to make a suggestion for what it is rather than a bunch of flat out lies thinking it strengthens your argument because all it does is make you look ridiculous.

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Proof that what happens? no one has denied anything you're just being weird and acting like people don't agree with you when they do :huh:

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Unless this is someone's forum alt account?


The conversation flow does seem weird otherwise, so offhand betting on a drama history with someone.


That or the OP is prone to high drama to begin with.


Anyways... on the title subject of Home server missions and people apparently using them as  "havens". Not that I doubt such happens, seen similar happen with the original Gold servers; though, nothing wrong with someone taking a breather and getting sidetracked with something else.


Idea for Valrei missions: Players with high battle rank (or whatever) become singled out for assassination missions... EVEN on pve servers. Granted that's more for the Freedom cluster.

Edited by Klaa

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p.s I got the lock picking changed so only one person at a time can pick, and pushed for the change so you can remove reinforced tiles when you drain a deed I only aim for changes that make the game more playable.

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