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More Tower Guards AI

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More work on tower guards to make them more responsive towards conquering.

Miscommunication led to Chaos being excluded from the increased loot yesterday. Fixed.

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While you are making them more responsive for PvP, can you make them more responsive for PvE... like they were before they were nerfed into the dirt? Speed the guards up to faster than 10 dirts in the pocket and have them end their coffee breaks to actually do their function?

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Audrel, granted I haven't seen the new code since it's been up for a few hours, but "making them more responsive" is basically just fixing a bug where tower guards wouldnt attack you unless you were standing on top of them when conquering a tower.

Unless there are guard tower changes on top of that which haven't been mentioned

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Audrel, granted I haven't seen the new code since it's been up for a few hours, but "making them more responsive" is basically just fixing a bug where tower guards wouldnt attack you unless you were standing on top of them when conquering a tower.

Unless there are guard tower changes on top of that which haven't been mentioned


This was a nerfing a good while back (Jan 2014?) that, honestly, neither PvP nor PvE asked for. Their run speed was cut to a crawl and, like above, you can be standing on top of them and call for help and "no guards respond" or they have wandered so far away from the tower that they are too slow to get back or they are completely out of range to even get the call to respond. As we don't (usually) conquer on PvE, it's likely we won't even see what this changed at all.

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sorry, to clarify, i was just commenting on what i expected today's changes to be - which was more of a bugfix than anything else (as you could conquer towers with no fight)


then again, all speculation, havent been out to a tower to check :)

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