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Their stuns are op as hell and they should be reworked.


When they stun you it is like a shield-bash, except the difference is that they stun you for like 10-20 seconds and they do it constantly which is completely ridiculous, and once you are no longer stunned they just do it again one after another - sometimes even doing it halfway through the current stun prolonging it to the dread of the person receiving it. Practically inescapable.


I suggest that you change it so that they, like players, have a timer between their last bash and the next one that they can do. I would also like to be able to see a nogump in the distance and think about it as a good challenge while hunting - that gave decent fighting skill or something (and it has a chance to drop 1kg seryll but that is quite small so it isn't really an incentive.)

Instead of it being how it is right now - spotting one, thinking about whether or not you can outrun it, and if not it will catch up and mow down you and your horse if you are unlucky enough, throwing you around causing memory leaks (another serious issue that is to do with this and other valrei mobs and uniques.) and being permastunned / getting hit constantly.


I'm not saying you should destroy what they are - just make it work better because I feel like they could be a good thing to have in the game - but at the moment they seem like a rampaging op monster which rips apart

pretty much anything it sees from a mile away running at daft speeds..


edit: As with archering them, they still seem to lock onto you from loads of tiles away and just lock on to you and chase regardless...

Edited by Firecat
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Although archering a nogump is quite effective, the stun issue literally ruins my interest in ever fighting one up close. +1 to changing the way this rampaging funny looking guy works..

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Eh I'm going to have to disagree because you can archer them there is no reason to get close; if you do that's on your own self for not paying attention.

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The problem with archering them is that they still do some sort of guided missile lock on from a mile away and then just chase you for ages

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The only time I had an issue with outrunning a nogump in that situation was when it was a champ nogump and my horse was hungry :/

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If anything also to add onto this suggestion, maybe change is OP speed at which it runs or even make its running animation less weird.

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-1 I enjoy the fact that the No-Gump is still a relevant threat in the game.  Granted if your on a crap horse or worse your gonna have a bad day, but I think that's part of the fun.  Let's keep a few  things challenging in the game :)


Besides it's usually not that hard to just run it over to a guard tower, call in a few npc buddies, then get all smashy/shooty.

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-1 you're not supposed to easily take them out alone melee style.

Edited by Edge

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The only issues I have with mobs are nogump/drake/avatar mega-stuns.  They're an unblockable attack that effectively sets your death sentence if you're on foot, at least if they're going to be tough, make it because of actual hits, not just the strongest possible attack that could ever happen that is unblockable.  You can still make them equally tough if you remove the stuns, you can tweak armor, tweak damage from attacks, etc

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The problem with archery is ###### and doesn't work

Edited by MisterTeddy

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Lol, the thing I miss most now playing on Xanadu are the Valrei mobs, including the Sons. :)

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