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Found 2 results

  1. Both me, and most of the people in my village, think it would be a good idea to add Medieval Instruments to the game. Some examples would be; lutes, flutes, drums, harp, bagpipes, guitar, castanets, and tambourine. These are just some examples, but there could be many more. -Thank you
  2. I'd like to lay out an idea I've been thinking about a lot. It's by no means top priority, but I've very much like to see it implemented some day. You've probably never been 'wurking' in wurm and thought, 'Hey, it would be cool if there were instruments to play~'. Or you have, I'm not psychic Anyway, what if there were musical instruments in Wurm that you could not only play, but write your own music to play? Seem impossible without creating great sever strain? The way I thought it up, it would probably create less lag or strain than the new fountain particle system! (Edit: You would have the option to turn off player created music.) (Edit2: I've posted this to the Wurm Uservoice here [ ] Go vote for it!) Lets go through this as if this were all implemented and you were trying it for the first time Composition Now how the hell are we going to start making our own music, Miz? First we'll need some Paper to write on! Make yourself a Papyrus Sheet and a Reed Pen and some Ink or Dye, just like you would normally. The Papyrus Sheet needs to be at least 10QL. The one we're going to be using will be 10ql, for example. Activate the pen and right click the Papyrus Sheet, and-Look! A new action! Compose Score! (Or just compose). Clicking this, you now have a field to write in. But, wait, how do you write music? How does this work Miz? Easy~ There will be a newly implemented bank of musical notes on the server, each one having an associated alphabetical letter like C, B, G, F. Like real-life music~! These notes will follow a standard rhythm, and you can specify how many beats a note should last. For example; C4, G1, B3, A0.5, F0.25. (What are these decimals? Half and quarter notes.) There would also be R, for Rest in which nothing is played. R4 for example would be 4 beats with no sound. But we still don't know how to write music like this, Miz Okay okay, lets write Mary Had A Lavaspider(Little Lamb) as an example~! The |'s would not be in the actual composition, just did them to separate out a standard 4 beat rhythm. E1 D1 C1 D1 | E1 E1 E2 | D1 D1 D2 | E1 E1 E2 | E1 D1 C1 D1 | E1 E1 E2 | E1 D1 D1 E1 | D1 C3 | Ma-ry had a La-va-spider, La-va-spider, La-va-spider~! Ma-ry had a La-va-spider, who's butt was bright with glow! Now, you're not going to be able to write out this 26 note(77 character) song the first time you try composing, you don't have any composing skill! But as many Wurmians know, when you try something the very first time, you have a very low chance of success, but if you give it a try, you get much better chances of success every time after! With the new Composing skill this would implement, your skill level will affect how many notes you can compose on a Papyrus Sheet(as well as how much you can write on one based on pen QL originally). When you finalize your composition, the Papyrus Sheet will change into a Music Score! The first one will only have a few notes on it, scratch paper really. Lets scrap that and make another now that we know what we're doing. We now have a 10QL Music Score, which lets go ahead an Rename 'Mary had a Lavaspider' so we know what it is. There is no way to Imp or Repair this music Score. Instruments Okay, so we made a score, but we don't have anything to play it on. Lets fix that. Lets make a Lute! First lets get ourselves some logs and wood. Okay, got it. Now lets make some planks and shafts, exciting right? Lets also make some small nails. Activate the small nails and right click a plank, and in misc you'll find Lute. Now you have an open box, an Unfinished Lute. Unfinished Lute needs 2 Small nails, Lute Front, and Lute Neck to be finished. Lets keep making. Activate a Carving Knife and right click another plank, and in misc you'll find Lute Face(You know, the front with the hole that the sound comes out of). You make that and attach it to the Unfinished Lute, along with 1 Small nails. With the Carving Knife still active, right click a Shaft. In Misc you'll find Lute Neck. You attach that to the Unfinished Lute with the other Small Nails. The Lute is finished! But wait, we can't play it yet. Why? It has no strings! Not sure how many strings a lute would have, but one String of Cloth of default size (0.10kg) should do the trick. String the lute like you'd string a bow or fishing rod~ But like them, the strings may have a chance of breaking. Okay so while we were making the Lute, it didn't really hit the magical 10ql limit that'd make it useable, so lets imp it a bit like a regular wood item. (It would be nice if the wood type of the lute was visual like barrels or chests, and that there was a 'playing' animation when played) Playing Now we have our Lute, all stringed, and we have our music score! Lets play! Activate the Lute, and right click the music score, and you get the Play option! And so you start to play... OH MAH GERBILS THAT WAS HORRIBLE. You got all the notes wrong! Again, a case of trying something the very first time. But look, now you have a new skill! Playing! Lets try Playing again. Oh much better this time, I think maybe you got a quarter of the notes right! You notice both the music score and your lute are a bit damaged now, the score mostly. A few more plays and it'll be unreadable D: Darn chintzy paper! You'll have to get/make better paper next time, then it'll hold up better when played! If you want to keep playing Mary Had A Lavaspider, you'll have to copy it to a new score eventually. So, after a good amount of composing and practicing, you've become pretty good at playing, only missing a note here or there, but sometimes playing perfectly. But hey, you're friends who also are pretty good at playing have a crazy idea~ Why don't you all play together? With Scores specificity made to be played together? Some composing, organizing, and a few tries at starting together later...Wow that was amazing! Wonderful harmonies and melodies! You've got yourself the start of a band there! But, aren't there other instruments other than lutes? YES. To keep it simple for this idea, lets say there are only two other instruments; Flute and Drum. The Flute is very much like the Lute in that it plays notes from a score. However it takes much less materials to make, but is a lot harder to make. (All those little holes you have to get perfect >.< I've made flutes IRL before). A flute could either be made out of Wood by activating a carving knife and right clicking a shaft, finding Flute in misc. It could also be made out of metal using regular blacksmithing and any kind of metal(this would just be aesthetic). A wood flute and a metal flute could possibly have two different kinds of sounds, wood being nice and rich, while metal being clear and clean. Same as the Lute and any other instrument, it will need to be 10QL or over to be playable! The Drum differs greatly from the Flute and Lute. Why? Because it doesn't play different notes! It plays 1 note, but it's the beat created with this note that matters. Also, unlike the Flute and Lute, it reads Scores differently. The drum has two sounds, Slap(S), and Tap(T). A musical score for a Drum might look something like this; S2 T1 T0.5 T0.5 | R2 S1 R1 | S2 T1 T0.5 T0.5 | R2 S1 R1 Again there would be no |'s in the actual composition. A Drum would be made using Large Nails on a Plank, and be found in the Misc section. Doing this will give you an Unfinished Drum. Examining the Unfinished Drum would tell you it needs 2 Leather and 2 Small Nails. Improving it would take normal wood imping actions, as well as using Leather as an imping material once in a while. Instruments and custom music scores would really bring a whole new dimension of individual creativity to Wurm, and I strongly believe it would become a very popular activity people would enjoy in their spare time instead of wurkwurkwurkwurk! What do you all think? Any changes that should be made or things that should be added? Lute, Flute, and Drum are just some basic instruments I included in this for example, but there could possibly be any other kind of instrument too! (No Patrick, Mayonnaise is not an instrument...Horseradish is not an instrument either.) New Skills Added Music -Composing -Playing --Lute --Flute --Drum New Items Added Unfinished Lute Lute Front Lute Neck Flute Unfinished Drum Music Score New Server Data One octave of musical notes in Lute, Wood Flute, and Metal Flute sounds. Slap and Tap drum sounds Scripting to play Musical Scores as defined above