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About Darkregis

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  1. Good cooking system: raw and prepared ingredients, recipes, tiers, using of food (resistance food, healing food, boosting, event food like beer and also pipe-weeds). http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/cook With classical nutrition and quality the system would look even more better .
  2. I have some idea how to handle maps larger than memory installed on your server, both for single and multiplayer games. Now I have to do some additional calculations, but it looks promissing. It is possible to play Wurm (Wurm 2.0?) in the future even on maps 128kx128k and more. Here the number of players is a reasonable limit not a map size. --- Stay tuned TLDR: Soon I write a post dealing with concepts of multilevel mines, vein layers (not vertical axis), new prospecting model and iron acquiring (small amount and low quality for newbies, different from rummaging), and last but not least multithreaded Streamer object for the purpose of loading map chunks (underworld or surface). Maybe also synchronous (Iterator, standard queue of execution) and asynchronous (Locator, event driven execution, triggers) concepts of animations for streamed parts of the Wurmworld.
  3. Ad "wurmonline" libraries etc.: Right click "Libraries" in your project tree (NetBeans) and "Add Library...", click "Create", change name for something like "wurmies" , click "Add Jar/Folder..." and navigate to any common.jar in your WU folder (SteamLibrary). Ad Eclipse in the project: For Java NetBeans users: You don't need to install all Eclipse. You just need this class: package org.eclipse.wb.swing; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy; public class FocusTraversalOnArray extends FocusTraversalPolicy { private final Component m_Components[]; public FocusTraversalOnArray(Component components[]) { m_Components = components; } private int indexCycle(int index, int delta) { int size = m_Components.length; int next = (index + delta + size) % size; return next; } private Component cycle(Component currentComponent, int delta) { int index = -1; loop : for (int i = 0; i < m_Components.length; i++) { Component component = m_Components[i]; for (Component c = currentComponent; c != null; c = c.getParent()) { if (component == c) { index = i; break loop; } } } // try to find enabled component in "delta" direction int initialIndex = index; while (true) { int newIndex = indexCycle(index, delta); if (newIndex == initialIndex) { break; } index = newIndex; Component component = m_Components[newIndex]; if (component.isEnabled() && component.isVisible() && component.isFocusable()) { return component; } } // not found return currentComponent; } public Component getComponentAfter(Container container, Component component) { return cycle(component, 1); } public Component getComponentBefore(Container container, Component component) { return cycle(component, -1); } public Component getFirstComponent(Container container) { return m_Components[0]; } public Component getLastComponent(Container container) { return m_Components[m_Components.length - 1]; } public Component getDefaultComponent(Container container) { return getFirstComponent(container); } }
  4. Simpler way lol: 1) Install DB Browser for SQLite from the web page http://sqlitebrowser.org 2) Run sqlitebrowser.exe 3) Open the .db file from X:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Wurm Unlimited\WurmServerLauncher\[YOUR SERVER]\sqlite\ 4) Click "Browse Data" and find SERVERS table 5) Find WORLDTIME and set you favourite time 6) Click "Write changes"
  5. @Nazrael If you change only top_layer.map file in your server, you will have everything on the new map. Your avatar will have actual skills levels, logs and piles will lay on a ground. You lost pavements, fields and probably some structures, because you can't build houses with trees inside, on marsh tiles, or fences under water etc. If you change rock_layer.map, and heights in top_layer.map are at least 1 dirt above rock layer and rock tiles in both maps are on the same level, nothing happens. Of course if you have no mine entrances and tunnels. Changing map_cave.map file is also rather safe.l This is veins map and ore quantities in them (rock wall is also "ore" in Wurm). In worse case (if you have a mine) you just lost your exposed veins and will have odd things in tunnels. But if your map is brand new and you have played on the surface only, then nothing bad happens. There is better idea than exchanging entire files. If you want to add some veins, add Trader, fast build some structure or change tiles you may create a player with Game Master (5) privileges and use Ebony Wand. All changes you do will write to map files and you get modified maps.
  6. Wow, Photoshop canvas effect? The idea with exposed rock between grass in the last picture is just great!
  7. @BadLuckBurt: ad. 8-bit height map.... Yes, it is accurately what I need. This is kind of voxelization. Ready to sculpturing, adding new objects by some brushes in any editor and then smoothing to 16-bit format. I need only 4 smooth mountains in specified plots on my map not all the random bias. I need also specified hand made see coastline. @yarnevk: ^^^ I have used GIMP 2.8.6 "Export" to PNG and "Replace..." options. I got 8-bit result from 16-bit source. But I try 2.8.14. Just tested: GIMP 2.8.14 does 8-bit grayscale too. Also in native file format. (30 MB -> 4 MB or 12 MB in XCF). GIMP cuts pallete to 8-bit when opens PNG image - look at histogram. Many thanks @Eitr. It has solved 1/3 of my actual problems. Next two problems are with smooth mountain adding in specified place and protecting shoreline from random bias. BTW errors: 1.06 GB of memory used, Java 64-bit. So this is not Windows memory broblem but java memory problems. Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at com.wurmonline.wurmapi.api.MapData.createMapDump(MapData.java:465) at net.buddat.wgenerator.MainWindow.updateMapView(MainWindow.java:2050) at net.buddat.wgenerator.MainWindow.actionDropDirt(MainWindow.java:1561) at net.buddat.wgenerator.MainWindow$32$1.run(MainWindow.java:1322)
  8. Yes I know, but 16-bit grayscale PNG doesn't allow to make a single mountain. I mean there are no convenient tolls to edit height map inside WGenerator, on the other side 99% of graphics editors doesn't write files in such format, so heightmap.png file is for fun only.
  9. Why don't you use any normal image file format to let people making their own HeightMaps in normal graphics programs? The map is not 16-bit gray scale but only 8-bit: R=80,G=80,B=80. Probably program to convert any image file to the 16-bit gray scale PNG exists only in closed Oracle's java cosmos. Yes, it is easy to read the file into java program, but is not easy programming all useful graphics filters and effects as GIMP gives us for free.
  10. How to locate tar or clay spot on the map: Log on as GM and use Ebony Wand to change some tiles into tar or clay. Don't cast GM bless on a person who doesn't finished ingame "tutorial". Such "GMs" are kicked out after server shoot down.
  11. I was there. I have caught a horse and visited 3/5 of the continent. No problem. There are no trees.
  12. Lol nice thread. Proposition of new list QA: Symptom: You have heap error. Possible solution: Don't use over 10 local versions of 65MB arrays in your code.
  13. Hmmm multi threading sounds good and is very promising. But I think that problems with heap are genereted by java controlls not by a map itself. I use my own command line program to edit maps 4096 and over and have no memory issues. For most simple modifications my code uses only two map rows. Of course dropping dirt is much more complicated question. I stay tuned for more news.
  14. gm mode question

    @MamaDarkness Yyy... yes. I have made modification of 4096x4096 Dark Island map. There are no inner lakes and bays around continent. Every water tile in rectangle (501,4096-501)x(501,4096-501) is now land 1 dirt over water level. I also have removed everything from land tiles and changed tiles with height -1, 0, 1 to 50% Marsh (23) and rest to Olives (108) and Reed (33) - my swamp. Every tile except rock and special tiles is now very old Olive (108,193). Special tiles are Sand (1), Clay (6), Peat (18), Moss (20), Tar (24) spots. They are 2x2 and rare (20 in map). Even more rare are trees and bushes - 5 of any type per map. Now I am working on sculpturing terrain, so I wrote about removing and restoring of map "coloring". Of course it is my favourite Wurm map, Indie size Darklands, with valuable plants extremely rare as mythical shiny Pokemons (Catch them all!) and tons of spiders and trolls everywhere beneath trees (90% aggressive creatures). High percent of aggressive creatures causes that horses etc. are also rare and I will rejoice wholeheartedly with every horse I manage to find as Gollum finding small spoiled fish on a forest road ..... Ah, my stats I set at 10 and skills at 1, field vegetation 24, breeding 1, action speed 1. In mid-march I plan to be near central mountains of the continent with all hatchets quality 1.0 LOL @damine The game has no option "Hide <anything>". To do that you have to rewrite renderer, ie. entire game concept. For example, Tree it is not a tree object on a Grass tile, but Tree tile completely different from grassy one. Above I said about possibility of map editing and future wurm maps editor working similar to Photoshop, with markers, global and area filters, special effects, and brushes. Interractive toolbox for visualization and detailed map edition. Working on game files offline not ingame objects, but who knows..... I personally think that editing map in game as a GM is also possible, so believe in the future and our moders.
  15. I am just testing very simple command line program to create rock layer, drop dirt and planting biomes. I plan to use such code snippets as a filters, effects or brushes in my generator. Similar to Photoshop or Gimp structure. All is based on rewriting of disk files, so I have no problem with low memory, heap exceptions and Swing interface.