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About Ragozzo

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  1. How does that work it wasn't popping up
  2. Is there a way to raise someones faith as a GM or does it have to be through the server files or some other way?
  3. I think something went wrong in the last format and caused an issue.
  4. So i have no idea what the hell the problem was but i reformatted again just to check and see if it would work and it's working again. I did absolutely nothing different than I did the last time but it runs fine now. Thanks everyone for trying to help sorry to all the devs and staff that I pmd trying to get help I was probably pretty annoying!
  5. Alright thanks anyway! I'll pm them cause I already took about a 2 week break and i'm ready to get back into it and start playing again but now this haha. Thanks again for the time you put in to help!
  6. Yeah it worked fine before the format. Trying other stuff. Everything is there in the right place integrity of game is fine and launching with nvidia didn't work.
  7. None of that is on or anything like that. i tried uninstalling steam and putting on my C drive to see if that worked and it didn't.
  8. Trying this now RIP library good thing i have decent enough internet to re download all my games haha. It would've taken too long to move them out and back and such so i'm just deleting it all. Well that didn't work.
  9. Thanks for trying! Always works out that the one game you WANT to play doesn't work
  10. Everything went back where it went all other steam games work perfectly Steam and games are actually on another drive that's external. Lauching from either place doesn't matter.
  11. Well I just did a fresh install of WURM but it's still not running [Runtime] OverrideDefaultJavaPath=false JavaPath= [Memory] InitialHeap=512m MaxHeapSize=2048m [VMParams] JvmParam0=-XX:+AggressiveOpts that's my current launch config.