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About Mzungu

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  1. Hello. Connection refused in Xanadu.
  2. I experience the same issue. Currently I have 100 power, 9h 37m caffeine effect.
  3. Recently the login process has been a problem for me: After pressing the play button the screen with the message "Connecting to Server" appears and does not change. I waited for several minutes to no avail. Another player got the message "Mzungu has logged in on Xanadu". Sometimes I am lucky and I get a connection to the server. But it may be that I see a lightgrey sky and a slighly darker grey void. No chat windows, no inventory, nothing. In this cases I kill the window and restart again. Is this problem on my computer/client or is this a server problem?
  4. Please send to Mzungu: pickaxe iron 03QL (coc 78) 40c hammer iron 19QL (coc 79) 40c hatchet iron 5QL (coc 79) 40c Thanks
  5. Thank you for this info. And you are right -- It seems to be working now.
  6. Hello, Up to today morning the game was running well. Now the connection is reestablished every 15 seconds. The console window shows: Startup Phase - Disconnected, trying to reconnect... Disabling Nagles Disabling Nagles Login successful Game loop broken due to exception An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at class.svLJUZBuAC.XwhlvVTrl(SourceFile:561) at class.bQecKPCrYb.FZOk5L6Gfy(SourceFile:255) at com.wurmonline.client.BILF1iey6X.fgtPPuD8uC(SourceFile:8409) at at Source) Startup Phase - Disconnected, trying to reconnect... Disabling Nagles Disabling Nagles Login successful == After about 15 seconds again the same.