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Everything posted by Wanttobuy

  1. The current dump on niarja is pre champ, so it will go back to nearly what it was.
  2. I tried freezing the volcanos on chaos (because what mag priest path of power wizard doesnt want to live in a volcano?) but it doesnt let you.
  3. Does it let Path of Power freeze the lava? or is there rock there?
  4. Wrong, The GMs are more than happy to modify areas of the map which are player made deserts and put trees back on them, for no apparent reason.
  5. Pack saddle, saddle pack, saddle bags, bag saddle, sag baddles, Another suggestion done a million times...
  6. yeah we should also invent drywalling and make a seperate skill for it, then maybe some plastering and electrics?
  7. Body: 62.854393**** Body strength: 54.7339***** Body stamina: 45.35475* Body control: 46.681828 FTFY
  8. These are not meant to be on freedom, they were taken out from the unique drops and obviously this method was overlooked. Ask to get it swapped. Would be damn nice if personal goals were fixed though... like, properly.
  9. spyglass. 50c PMC. 10s yule goat, 2 iron yellow potion, 1 iron per. compass, 50c
  10. It's intended because its insane
  11. Someones been scavenging a few ruins on chaos it seems shame most of it is junk really. At least rename/repair then sell?
  12. To save from RSI could we get a 'Receive All' and 'Return All' buttons please, and make sure they have a double check just incase a misclick happens. tis somewhat annoying when this happens [23:52:56] You sense imps whispering your name and saying you have 84 mail waiting to be picked up. then your fingers bleed at the end kthnxbai
  13. Looking for 300+ lumps of 85+ ql steel. PM me what you got! I dont know the going price? 1s per 100?