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About RazedtoThrill

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  1. Huh, well this sounds kinda crazy, O.o I hope this doesn't happen to me
  2. Thank you for clearing all that up, I guess this really isn't a suggestion anymore, lol.
  3. Do you mean you intend to keep the current looks for the stone slabs or..
  4. So in the upcoming update, there is going to be new tile changes. I'm going to focus on the current stone slabs, new stone slabs, and sandstone slabs in this article. I have a bunch of current stone slabs in 3 of my houses, over 150 in fact, that I not only paid a lot of silver for, but I also worked very hard to make. The new changes apparently are going to change those old tiles into the new stone slabs.. which is not what I want and not what some other people want as well. The sandstone slabs are going to be made out of sandstone, which is a new ore, and it makes perfect sense of course. My serious problem here is that I love the aesthetic of the current stone slabs and if they are changed into the new stone slabs, it would make a huge enormous mess for me to clean up. In essence, I just really don't want my current tiles to be changed into the new tiles. Hopefully if enough people support this something good will come forth.
  5. I got a quick question, what will happen if I have stone slab floors? Will they be removed and replaced with the new sandstone slabs or the new stone slabs? I really like the look of sandstone slabs and I made way too many in my house.. I'd just be very displeased if they were removed.
  6. So I've been thinking about cheese and I thought it was time we had different types of cheese! I recommend we get muenster cheese and provolone cheese. These probably are going to be made the same way recipes are made in-game.
  7. Oh darn, seems like newspring is always left out of the fun D:
  8. jeez you already got a rare one, congrats! lol
  9. Another free bump, I have had positive experiences with them
  10. Agreed, couldn't have said it any better!