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About alexinmichigan

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  1. Well, looks like I got some mostly negative support... ... Its all good though. Also, what is RMT? Sorry, just wanted to know. Also, what I meant by, "A lot more" on D is that the coins can be worth more. Had a useless rare five copper coin. It also feels good when you make kindling get a moment of inspiration then fail to make the kindling, warms the heart.
  2. User who may read this - I have a lot of game thoughts, and suggestions, and will be putting them into volumes. Please +1 this as a whole, or each individual idea that you like. I want the community as a whole to discuss these ideas together. Also, I want to see the approved features to be included and integrated into Wurm Unlimited no matter what. Also, to +1 a certain suggestion, put the +1 with the corresponding letter next to it. Thank you. A. The ability to level and flatten down cave walls, ceilings, and floors without there being any chunks that stand out and make it less good looking. B. The ability for priests to have spells that can buff animals, like horse speeds, or wolf/dog damage, to make war animals a bigger part in the game. C. The ability to create a macro that auto crafts things, so we don't have to hit that annoying button ten times. Especially with arrows... D. Make coins gained from botanizing and other actions during moments of inspiration a lot more to get more use. E. Establish the ability to have an actual "sneak" instead of hide feature, so that we can actually have viable almost-invis rouges. F. Allow us to turn the inside of caves into walled structures with floors and roofs instead of wide open, and raw, so we can have underground secure bases... G. Saddles would be 10/10 nice, would make the game a bit more harder but more... Well, realistic. (This ones getting no support, I bet you...) That wraps up this volume, I may add to it, all the way to Z. If any of the above listed suggestions are features, please converse with me either in game on Zenath or through my Discord, alexinmichigan. Thank you guys for being such a great community!