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About Dorf

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  1. Actually I wouldn't mind if both clusters could connect to Epic
  2. Chisel, steel: 58ql, BoTD 83 - 50c Cod to Gulrak please
  3. that is what deeding is for there is no need to repair if it is deeded right
  4. My condolences, Doozledorf/Gulrak here. I met Mini when he first started playing, he was a cool guy.
  5. wts 55 sleep powders on north server for silver on north or south cluster. or trade my SP and silver for drake armor on south server.
  6. QL 70 BOTD 71 - 1s 27c (steel) QL 70 BOTD 73 - 1s 10c (iron) QL 70 BOTD 79 - 1s 19c (iron) COD to Gulrak Please