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About Khari

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  1. I discovered today that the Steel Staff I made does not fit in a Polearms Rack, but only in a Weapons Rack. This seems very odd to me, because with all of the other Polearm class weapons it is the other way around. This includes the Wood Staff, which is the same shape & size as the Steel version, so if one fits the other should as well. Moreover the visual of the Polearms Rack with at least 1 item in it even shows a Steel Staff leaning against the side of the rack! I wasn't sure where best to report this, but since it seems like a game mechanic problem / mechanical inconsistency, I thought this would be the best place for it.
  2. I've been in Finality just over a month now and I'm really glad I joined this settlement. The island is very beautiful, with stunning views on all sides and spacious housing plots. Everyone I've met has been really nice so far and the community spirit is strong, making for a really relaxed and awesome atmosphere. I've built my house up the hill on the west side of the deed and have been working hard over the past few weeks to make this side feel a bit more homely - instead of barren steppelands, we now have some brandnew farming terraces & an orchard to gaze upon: We've welcomed some more citizens in the past few weeks, however there are still one or two empty plots up for grabs!
  3. No. The game treats the whole structure as an off-deed building for the purposes of bashing / catapulting, meaning we cannot touch the single wall that is on our deed, which in turn is keeping the structure from decaying fully on its own over time. The whole situation feels like an awkward loophole caused by a bad interaction between the two different building rulesets on PvE servers.
  4. Ditto. Logged off as soon as I realized it was more than a mere lagspike. Hoped it was just a clientside problem, but seems it's the server... Oh well, at least I'm not stuck up on a mountain
  5. Introduction & Expected Behaviour: The US-International keyboard layout is a standard in some countries (for example the Netherlands) that use US configuration keyboards, but have to deal with accented characters on a semi-regular basis. Unlike the US layout, the US-International layout makes typing these characters easier by allowing special characters like ' and " to be combined with vowels to create accented characters such as é and ë. This means the default behaviour when typing an apostrophe is that it won't appear onscreen until a 2nd character is entered. If the 2nd character is a vowel, the apostrophe & vowel turn into an accented character (example: typing ' and a appears as á). If the 2nd character is consonant or special character then both characters appear as normal (example: ' and v appears as 'v). If spacebar is pressed then the apostrophe appears on its own without an empty space following it. This same behaviour applies also to other special characters that are used as accents, including ", ^ and ` which make ë, ê and è respectively. Description of the problem: The problem with Wurm is that is does not follow the expected behaviour for US-International keyboard support in one of the situations I described above. When entering any of these characters ' ` " ^ followed by a consonant or special character the 2nd character is treated like spacebar and nothing appears after the ' ` " ^. This makes typing contracted words, which the english language is sadly full of, a real pain in the behind. Words like would've and that's end up appearing as would'e and that'. Also smiley faces end up as ^^ instead of ^_^ and trying to put quotation marks around a word leads to things like "ence" instead of "fence". Or if like me you often type the 2 quotation marks first and then type the word in between them (to avoid accidental accenting of words starting with a vowel), pressing "" and spacebar only results in one " and a space, rather than "" as it should. What does work: The two things that do work correctly are the creation of accented characters (so ' and e turns into é as it should) and pressing spacebar after ' ` " ^ leads to that character being inserted without a space following it. Workaround: The best workaround I've found has been to switch the keyboard layout to US while playing Wurm, since this causes the ' ` " ^ characters to be entered directly into the chat, preventing them from screwing with the following characters. The downsides to this are that I lose the easy access to accented characters and have to switch back my keyboard layout whenever I want to do any serious typing work. Additional Information: The reason it didn't take me long to analyze this problem is because I've encountered it before in another game. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of that game, but I seem to recall it may have run in Java/Javascript. This makes me wonder if the problem might not be a direct shortcoming in Wurm, but rather something hardcoded or related to default settings in Java. Sadly that is all the extra information I can give as I have no knowledge of these things except as an end user. Even if nothing can be done, I at least wanted to make sure the problem is documented somewhere, and perhaps some other US-Int keyboard users who have been tearing their hair out over this may find this enlightening.
  6. Do you still have room for some new blood? I'm currently in Lormere, looking for a nice place to settle down and who can say no to an island with a view like that? My skills are still pretty limited, but I am a quick study and I promise to cook, clean and perform menial labour with only a moderate amount of grumbling. It looks like the easiest way to get to Finality from Lormere would be by boat, so I guess building one will be my next goal.