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Everything posted by zethreal

  1. As soon as a fragment is discovered, it is already known exactly what it is.
  2. Libila shows this in the wiki: Priests of Libila receive (Potency * QL/33) favor from sacrificing items used in making healing covers, such as corn, wemp plants, and glands, instead of following the normal price-formula for sacrificed items. Libila no longer gets bonuses to alchemy bits. They now get bonuses from animal bits.
  3. I have a lib priest that can come hang out. He has 100 Faith, but could use sermons for the journal. If the sermons fill up, I'll let people that need faith bump ahead though.
  4. https://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Category:Spells Still has a list of all of the player gods that have been removed. You can also go to their old pages from there.
  5. Maybe set pelts up like newbie bulks? 100% chance to get one, but a "failure" is capped at your butchering skill.
  6. I have had this issue if I run full-screen and either alt-tab or click on a different window while the client is loading ( on the connection screen ) OR if I have it windowed and minimize it while it's on the loading screen.
  7. That would definitely be a good stress test for the new server configuration.
  8. Easy fix... in order to be part of the "buoy highway", tiles on either side must be at least 20 dirts deep.
  9. He is trying to rulesmonger his way into being allowed to host some sort of gambling, I assume.
  10. When purchasing play time: [12:46:05] You now have premier playing time until... When using /playtime: [12:46:27] You have premium time until... Shouldn't they be either "Premier" or "Premium"? I know it's nit-picking, but shouldn't they be one or the other? I'd say "Premium" as that's how you refer to it everywhere else.
  11. I'm posting this as a "bug" because it seems more like an oversight than something intentional. You can "place" most any decoraction - Altar, bow racks, bookshelves, etc... except benches. Is this a bug or intentional? If intentional, it's very annoying to be able to place everything except a bench exactly where you want it.
  12. If the boat has 100 items in inventory, the mooring anchor goes into your inventory. I filled my inventory to max weight ( 209.xx ) and put 100 items in my knarr. Upon raising anchor, the mooring anchor was dropped into my inventory putting me at 229 / 210 weight.
  13. People that need the journal entry would to get it done sooner.
  14. The problem with using anything related to number of players on the server is simple: Server X has fewer people & gets a stupid simple mission. Server Y has a ton of people that want the journal entry for helping with a ton of missions. Server X gets an easy for 10 player mission & gets flooded by people from Server Y. People from Server Y go home until Server X has another easy mission for them to snag.
  15. 1/250 means 1 in 250 chance per dirt dug, not 1 per 250 dirt dug. It's the same math that makes you fail more than 70% of the time when you have a 30% chance to make something.
  16. I'm not sure if it has been like this for very long, but I've only noticed it since last weeks update. If I am emarked as commander on my boat and the server restarts, I will login embarked as a passenger on the boat. I have only tested it when moored, but would assume the same if actually traveling.
  17. Was posted in with the rest of the RMT information on 1/31 - Account trades It has been raised in many threads that account sales mean high skills never truly leave the game. This causes a huge top heavy system where high skilled accounts are sold and resold and we want to encourage new players to gain skill and take part in their community, feeling accomplishment for gaining their skills. This also occurs with accounts shared between a group of players, such as a highly skilled weaponsmith or priest that can be accessed 24/7 We want achievements to be individual based rather than adding value to an account, and as such we will also be placing a ban on account sales for ingame silver AND Real Money Trading. We will be adjusting our stance towards shared accounts. Your account may be shared on a personal basis (i.e. a family member or a close friend) but sharing your account with multiple people will be against game rules. We will also not be providing ANY assistance with account ownership disputes where the password has been shared in ANY way.
  18. This is why fall damage deaths should appear on the Deaths Tab "Died by Selfie", "Killed by taking a very large step."
  19. EDIT: This was meant for Server Bugs. Not sure how it got in ClientBugs. Sorry. If you right-click a cauldron full of soup, you get the option to "Drink", which adds to your water. If you right-click the soup, you get the option to "Eat", which adds to food, Nutrition & affinity as expected. I only tested this with Insect Soup, but expect the behavior to be the same with any.
  20. I was distilling some moonshine and accidentally dragged some moonshine over the boiler container and dropped it. It was moved to the boiler and appeared below the currently distilling "Undistilled Moonshine". Any other time you are trying to move 2 liquids to the same container, you get an error. Once added, it would not distill any more moonshine ( what you can see in the condenser was there when I drag/dropped it. I emptied the condenser and left the other moonshine in the boiler for several minutes and it did not distill anything else. I don't have all of the recipes that are out there so I'm not sure if it's intended or not... it is definitely not the behavior I expected so I thought I'd post it.
  21. @Shrimpiie This should tide you over for a few minutes: https://i.imgur.com/Ua1iP3Y.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Q4WOK3U.jpg
  22. I don't really want to, but I am taking a break from Wurm because RL attacked. I'm not sure how long I will be gone, but it will most likely be measured in months or more. I've really enjoyed every aspect of Wurm. The players ( even the GL Trolls ), the game itself, being a CA ( even for as short of a time as I was one ), even dropping random stuff off at deeds because they gave me unload permissions... all of it. I hope I was able to help people in my short tenure as a CA, bring a smile to someone or make them chuckle with my stupid jokes and image/video links or even help someone outside of being a CA - be it with a project, a random question in GL or Freedom, a desperately needed item or even just a conversation. Sorry, this is getting depressing. To keep it from ending on a depressing note, I'll post my last bit of graffiti on @PandyLynn's deed. I hope you all like it and Pandy, I hope you love them and cherish them PS: The screenshot does not give their color any credit at all. They are a truly blinding pink even without snow on the ground.
  23. I'm on a deed where I have take/drop and load/unload perms, but do not have the ability to push/pull items. "Place", "Push", "Pull", & "Rotate" options all give the the permissions error. "Move to Center" does not and moves the item to the center of the tile as if I had perms. I have tested with just dropped/unloaded items as well as items owned by other people and was able to do it with them all.
  24. I like having the rods only available via archaeology. I'd say limit it to non-special fish and reduce the max fish size so you can't complete journal tiers with it ( since you want it just as something relaxing... ). Instead of a sub-skill, just make it really easy OR like a training dummy, only give fishing skill with it up to level 20, but it uses your main fishing skill for what you can catch, just with the modified loot table.
  25. I have actually now completely uninstalled and reinstalled the 64 bit windows client and am still getting the same error. I switched to the legacy renderer and it is working.