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  1. Been getting quite a few issues lately, not sure if it's something I did or what but here's a few of the errors when trying to update horses for example (only edited character name to "Charname") edit: May have been a rogue wurm assistant process running in the background that may have caused the issues.. Seems ok again for now.
  2. I thought alcohol made you feel warmer but in reality it would make you lose your body heat even faster? edit: nvm reading is hard
  3. I know we ran into a similar issue on a server before (holes in the ground where there used to be minedoors that kill people) but this was caused by putting in a new rock layer file on an existing map. It happened on any tile that had a mine door on it and we had to fix each case manually by going there and painting the tile back into rock. I can't remember the exact process we used to do it as it was a while ago now but I know it was possible. Make sure something isn't messed up with your map files..
  4. He was probably talking about the stand-alone server software which most probably get with steamcmd, at least that's my guess since he already said he got the beta client to work. First we have to check if there is indeed a beta branch for it which you can find here: Now that we know that, you can modify your steamcmd command line and add the line "-beta beta" as documented here and then it should grab that beta branch when you run it.
  5. Oh I mean, have you made it be additive to the chance or does the enchant overwrite it?
  6. So now that 1.3 has mining skill interacting with the chance of lowering rock, how will this mod interact with that?
  7. Githora and Toradia

    Probably wanna point people to that instead of using the old crude method of killing steam.
  8. Quite a few; Ashproduce, betterdig, bountymod, creatureagemod, cropmod, harvesthelper, inbreedwarning, meditatemod, movetocenter, pickmoresprouts, sacrificemod, salvemod, serverpacks, spellmod, surfaceminingfix, timerfix, upkeepcosts and a custom one we've done internally for our own specific fixes. Obviously we're going to be reviewing these as well.
  9. That's the thing, it's not just one account, the same IP logged in to at least 5 different wurm accounts on the server. Two of which were related to the server hosts and the others were unrelated. All the mayhem was from the one account that had GM powers. For example my character was logged into and I have two-factor authentication enabled on my steam account thus it could not even been attempted to be logged into without a notice going out regarding it. He did not even access my GM character but rather went for the one that had matching steam and ingame names. But I am not a coder so I can't say anything for sure just that for this attack to have happened it would have required multiple different unrelated steam accounts be breached within a very short timeframe or the server (which is still being investigated though seems unlikely) Still looking into this though.
  10. Yes that is true but it does not solve the issue that any player on the server could be a target instead then. Only limiting the possible damage done to a more individual basis rather than server wide.
  11. Option 1 isn't likely to happen anytime soon, though we are also looking into third party fixes which seem more likely to happen within a reasonable timeframe. Hard to know for sure so far but as soon as we have any kind of conclusive info we're going to share it (fastest way to get this is on our discord, that's where everything goes first)
  12. Official statement regarding the security breach on Zenath. This is the full story as we know it, there is an exploit in WU that allows someone to log into any character if they can get the Steam ID of that character. This exploit allowed someone with the IP access to the character Jaygriff which had admin powers on Zenath. This is not the only character that was accessed however but it's the character that was used to cause mayhem on the server before we took it down. We can prevent people from getting access to admin powers but what we can't do is prevent the exploit from being used on regular players. We have restored a backup that is unfortunately roughly 2 days old right now (in the future we're going to make sure full backups are done more often then that) but the result of this exploit is that if we bring the server up now then we can't guarantee the safety of any characters if they can figure out what steam account is using it. So what are the options here? Well there are honestly only bad options in one way or another. 1. Leave the server down until CodeClub provides a fix for the exploit. 2. Bring the server up with the backup anyway, ban the IP of the exploiter but an IP ban is not any kind of final solution. Second option allows people to play but they can't be sure their stuff is safe and obviously this is a nightmare for us to try and admin. Right now we have not brought the server back up pending a final decision.
  13. We just launched PvP today. There are a few threads with information regarding this update on our forum, I will link them below. Launch Information An update regarding PvP with some PvE information too. Changelog for PvP launch update. And last but not least here is the final PvP map dump.
  14. Yes we have the mod that removes priest restrictions active on the server.
  15. Posting the reply I made here too (as he posted in our advertisement thread) We are indeed showing amount of players logged into the server rather than unique steam accounts, this is exactly what Wyvern has been doing since 2015/12/19 and since nothing has been done since then (and no official word has been put out regarding it) then we figured that to be on an even field with them we would apply our own patch but as you see we left it so a direct query shows the steam accounts and not the real amount logged in. It would of course be best if codeclub made this the default as well as combining all clustered servers into one number for the login server.