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Wulfgarr last won the day on August 27 2015

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810 Excellent

About Wulfgarr

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  • Exodus

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  1. If you butcher them, they donĀ“t give coal? Thought they did...
  2. Hey, still have character Debernius on your list? If so please send me ML, HFC and Body str/stam to that char. If not send the tester and ill let you know!
  3. I am in a similar place, was going to premium 3 alts but then i realised that for the past few months only updates have been skins and stuff that is related to silver shop (besides the rift update). Now with the current skins being limited time (the top 10 skins) and the wagon skin, which should be a feature being sold as 1 specific for 1 wagon. All of this made it feel like a cash grab. If Wurm is in a bad place then would be nice to know and instead people would spend money to save the game, but this feel like mobile microtransaction gimme money move. Thus i decided to not spend any money for a forseeable future.
  4. Wasnt valrei international a monthly thing?
  5. I am sorry, but my client wasnt full size and by trying to accept it returned the items. I did want the things and still do, so please send me again. Sorry again.
  6. Gold black bear helm and skull mask to Meelis please! Also rare stone shards.
  7. As the title says. Want to get some alts from 20 to 40 ML through panfilling with green leaves (needs frying pans and ovens). PM me with prices and possibilities Meelis ingame or forums.
  8. If you still have then all pet frags and pumpkin terror for Meelis!
  9. +1, had to sail with 8.7 km/h yday from sw corner of Xanado to Ne corner of exodus. Took me 2h. I understand the grind and stuff, but this is just wasting my time. On pvp server - sure keep the wind and speeds but people traveling in PvE between or on the server they are on should not intentionally waste their time! Like because of sailing i rarely go off exo, because i do not want to waste my life!
  10. If i am leveling butchering then for low ql butchering knife is botd superior over CoC? Because speed does not matter for skillgain?
  11. butchering knife, iron: BOTD 104: 1s 75c to Meelis please
  12. I think the issue here is that we do not NEED it on pvp servers meaning that PvE-s wont probably move to Chaos anyway so this would become a place for PvPers to drop their crafting alts with priests and would just gives us skillgain and possibility to have WL/BL priests together. So for that reason i am going to +1 this. Also the goblin NPC-s are a bad idea, maybe upgrade the amount of spirit templars you can have, but those are not really anything keeping away PvPers. Have raided many deeds in the past with max templars.
  13. Can i get 10kg of Ruby Red, 10kg Intense green and 10kg of Pure white and 5kg of HotS Purple to Meelis please!
  14. no pvpers then no problem for developing for pvpers. Problem fixes itself.