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About darncomp

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  1. I fell in love with Wurm many years ago and i have held out and will always hold hope in my heart it will return and surpass it's previous greatness. I love to play Wurm because I feel like I'm actually working towards something especially when working as a team so many Awesome memories. I just can't come back to epic the way it is. I have never and will never play Freedom/Chaos. I try to normally stay PC as possible and if I offend anyone with this next statement I apologize. I feel like epic is treated as the red headed step child of Wurm and has not been given the attention it deserves. Epic is in such disarray that i don't know if PVP will last I'm not saying that it will die out on freedom also. I feel that chaos will never live up to the full loot on every server like on Epic. The epic style of PVP was the attraction that I had to wurm that I could and would most likely lose my stuff. There were so many occasions that I would feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest because everything was on the line, even though its just a game it gave me a thrill that I had never felt nor have I been able to find again. I feel like Epic was a game in and of itself and I don't mean this in a way that freedom is a lesser version but just such a different version and that they each deserve to have time spent on each of them equally. I love you Wurm but I cannot continue to have my heart broken update after update that does nothing to help bring people including me back to the cluster I grew to love. Treating it as a red headed step child. I know I'm not alone in the way I feel. I know I'm not the first to bring these problems to light. I also feel like this will fall on deaf ears no matter how eloquent we write our requests. In the end the ones that know they tried will know that they tried to help one of the best pvp games ever made. Basically I feel like Wurm has become the guy/girl you romanticize after but always tries to keep you hooked by promising that they will do better next time. but when next time comes its no different than before. I love you all for the experience you provided, DarnComp
  2. You could make it to where you have to right click the ship every 5-20 minutes for a cool down In order to reinitiate speed by trimming the sails as previously mentioned. It should also be randomly generated time to help avoid abuse. Also you would return to default speed when your stambar depleted and/or when you stop. so kind of like lockpicking and climbing combined.