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About TheLastOne

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  1. Wondering what to do about an abandod boat on deed is there any options or just wait patiently for it to Decay over time
  2. How do you disable that?
  3. Theflash delivered my order of 1500 Bricks and 2000 Mortar quickly and for a good price I am happy with his/her service.
  4. I am looking for a saw I was very happy with my other purchases anychance you have a saw?
  5. I have a pair of axes I want Imped up to 90 QL can i mail them over to u they are in 50s now
  6. I would like A set of medium axes High QL and fully enchanted could you PM me price thanks
  7. may sound stupid but why is a rare forge worth so much?
  8. Basinete helmet should be there please get from mailbox as well as the two plate armour
  9. holy cow i just logged on and saw all the action I have a ton of private messages so far as well lumps are gone looks like 12 silver for the two plate look good so i think thats basinet sor three silver that leaves the open helm i was really not expecting this much of a response please dont feel slighted if i didnt get back to you in private message it was a little over whelming
  10. Ok I'll sell you it for three silver just pm me your in name game. With bassinet in topic
  11. I have some Seryll stuff i am thinking about selling but not sure its worth it. I have 5 lumps 3 at 90 QL and 2 at 80 QL Basinet Helm 30QL Open Helm 30QL Plate Gauntlet 90QL Plate sabaton 90QL Like i said just looking to see if its worth parting with. No garentee of sale is implied thats not saying I wouldnt listen to offers Thank you for any advice
  12. looking for hanging lamps to fill up my mine i prefer copper but its not mandatory could you give me some prices if i buy bulk?
  13. XOR won please lock and close