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Everything posted by Klaa

  1. The Return of The Blacklighter With No Name “Not my own purpose actually.†He explained, “I was sent with a message. One that answers a problem.†“How so?†“The Jenn-Kellon’s new lands...†He mused aloud, “What if someone knew a way for your own people?†Marcos took up the conversation pointedly with his sword, “What would such a person want in exchange?†“Nothing from you or yours, Oh great king,†the stranger assured with that same wolfish smile. “Bull .†Marcos raised an eyebrow at his chancellor’s rather ‘earthy’ assessment. “Bull indeed. What do you or your Master get out of this?†He dryly asked. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,†the man quoted with cryptic amusement. “And no master actually, my Mistress.†“How are you an enemy of the Jenn and the Kellons?†Marcos asked curiously, “Nothing about you reflects any of the other kingdoms.†“Observant as well.†The fur-covered man lifted the goblet as if in a toast, “The lands beyond the portals were very rich, and so the Jenn-Kellons sent people from their conquests with promises. The Light of the Three was quickly discovered, and the resulting magicks increased prosperity tenfold. All was well until encounters with the native creatures began: trolls, giant spiders, goblins, and the most powerful of all... dragons.†“I was born of those first settlers.†The man fingered the goblet and continued, “Many too weak to continue soon left or died. Requests for aid were sent and mostly ignored; though, some settlers returned. The few remaining villages became heavily fortified and the monsters only just held back. Aid again was asked and again it was denied.†“More of the towns were lost over time.†He scowled in remembrance, “Thrice we were abandoned. And then She came... the Dark Goddess, betrayed equally by the Three.†“In us, She found a weapon in the raw. One She forged through fire and steel, honed in blood.†He smiled with dark humor, “In Her, we found power.†“She is who sends me,†he finished. “An interesting story.†Marcos replied skeptically. His Chancellor was frowning silently, not that he blamed her, “What assurances do you give?†The man gestures towards the doors at the wall hanging of Mol-Rehan and the surrounding kingdoms. “There is a portal near your own lands. One not controlled by the Jenn-Kellons.†“In addition, our services are offered. To help you establish holdings.†“We will consider.†Marcos asked, “Where can word be sent?†“Beyond this portal, a messenger will be watched for,†he responded. He left the empty goblet and crossed the room. The two watched as he marked a spot and then vanished through the doorway. They both silently regarded the indicated location before the chancellor went to the doors and cautiously looked up the hallway. Marcos saw her face become greatly pale and rushed to the doors. He threw them open and beheld a bloodbath. The three guards in the hallway lay limply in pools of blood. A guard was sitting against the far wall with his own sword thrust through his chest. His mouth agape in a yell, silent eyes staring into death. Marcos started at the sound of a moan. One was still alive! He hastily bent down to find the soldier had barely managed to stem his wounds before passing out. He began redoing the rough bandages and sent his chancellor yelling for aid. The follower of Libila, now appearing as a servant burdened by a load of laundry, stepped through one of the staff gates. He half-cringed and bowed repeatedly as a group of soldiers hastily shouldered past into the keep, blind in their urgency. He hefted the laundry-wrapped bundle of his gear, and continued on his way reflecting that the Goddess was correct as usual. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... until my enemy is dead. Marcos suddenly had an out-of-place sensation that he could hear the far off sound of a woman laughing. The End of This Tale.
  2. WINE

    I lik tu mak pison of lead wit roksard, du u to? wow learn to speak english!! :o o.0
  3. Doing guide as priest

    That kind of Multi-logging and alt interaction is allowed in Wurm. However, I am not nor do I pretend to be a Wurm Dev/GM/CM, so dont take my word for it.
  4. Havent played the Test Server - lack of broadband sucks :'( - though I would love to see ship-to-ship pvp, boarding, and raiding-of-cargo at least on piloted ships in Wild servers. EDIT: Dont get me wrong though. Im perfectly happy just having ships soon
  5. I like it as an idea down the road. Course there are plenty of other features right now to be worked on; however, theres always room for discussion. Some recent features were even brought up in past forums off and on to be chewed over. An apprenticeship system with enhanced skill gain sounds like a good idea especially for new players. The OP sounds good so far; however, as mentioned already, apprentices should be limited to only one master with 80+ skill. Masters can have more than one apprentice, perhaps limited in some manner? Perhaps some minor skill gain for the Master. Teaching is one of the greatest ways to better one's mastery. Either master or apprentice can cancel the arrangement. Probably leave it up to the Master what to accept in exchange for teaching.
  6. Aye about the only upside to char deletion I can think of offhand is lessening the server load. However, since basics (including accounts whose premium expired with no renewal) get deleted anyways after a period of inactivity, that problem is already handled. I agree that a more streamlined, automatic means of changing email address is needed. The current means of emailing Egal from the new and old addresses puts alot of extra work on her, especially as the game grows.
  7. Create 10x

    Im for the idea of a smithing mold. No problem with more tools that give greater functionality and options. There already exists molds for keys, so not sure offhand how much code would need altering.
  8. Silenced

    Will Tom and his friends prevail? Or will the evil Blacklighter pick his teeth with their short ribs? Tune back at the same Wurm time, same wurm channel for... Spindles of Fury or... Feeding Frenzy!
  9. Not to mention the additional side affect of more marketing. Wurm cards at the checkout lines next to rag magazines talking about Britney Spears's newest alien boyfriend. :
  10. Drago... I do every day, anyway, all that you just said only affirms what I've been saying. Nubcaek, 99% of what I knew years ago is still 100% effective today. Not much has actually changed, it's just moved around a bit now and then. Why you seem to think that I'm some kind of relic or dinosaur that hasn't been here all along baffles me, it really does. Tell us anotha stowwie Grandma! About when carts moved around on their own, and practice dummies roamed the land!
  11. Create 10x

    1 dirt = 20.00 KG 10 dirt = 200.00 KG Think you can carry that much in your inventory? besides the idea is directed toward crafting I can ;D I like the idea for all items under a certain size in general. Ive seen similar ideas off and on in forums; however, very few included lower ql and skill gain.
  12. Unavoidable Problems The hooded figure - apparently a lean male from how its clothing fit - leaned slightly to avoid the projectile. The thrown cup clanged harmlessly off one of the oak doors’ iron ribbons, dancing around on the floor stones till the intruder crouched down to retrieve it. “The wine that bad?†the figure queried gesturing towards the table’s decanter with the other seemingly weaponless hand. Marcos shook his head somewhat in response. He was far more taken aback by the non-threatening manner, completely at odds with this man’s clothing and choice of entry. “Not that it matters. Been a while.†The figure began moving towards the table pulling his hood back to reveal a pale white, roughly shaven face. Marcos made use of the stranger’s apparent indifference to take a longer look. His outer apparel was rough bear furs - an odd choice for this climate - with heavy boots more suited for very rough, roadless terrain. Glimpses under the furs revealed leathers and a darkened mail tunic. Nothing about his clothing struck Marcos as familiar; although, it was definitely well made and cared for despite several bloodstains, some recent. No hints about what lands he is of to be had from the clothing’s cut; though, his accent bore traces of something akin to Jenn-Kellons. The man crossing the room seemed to ignore Marcos’s wary scrutiny with his own attention on the chancellor. He continued looking her up and down with a lingering eye, “A while since I’ve seen beautiful.†The subject of his scrutiny glared back darkly and drew a belt knife from the concealing folds of her dress. Marcos chuckled silently over past memories of similar looks directed at him. He mentally vowed to show his appreciation to her in some way, if they both survived. “A rose with hidden thorns.†the man chuckled, “Good steel. Your people are quite different to the Jenn-Kellons. Many more blades than simple spindle carvers.†He turned towards the cedar table while keeping them both in his peripheral view, Marcos noted. The intruder was pouring wine into the now dented goblet: The very picture of harmless serenity. Lowering his guard was the last thing Marcos had in mind. Very strange behavior for an assassination he mulled; although, this may simply be a ruse. Where were the guards who should have been stationed nearby? His chancellor frowned sideways at the heavy oak doors as if sharing his thoughts. “A few of the unavoidable ones will most likely not survive.†the man sipped and apologized with no remorse showing, “I’m a little rusty on no bloodshed.†He became visibly bemused with the light playing through the crystal decanter’s red wine. Marcos’s jaw clenched with this flippant, offhand tone over his men dying. He fought down the murderous impulse while still wholeheartedly wishing to answer the taunt with the edge of his blade. His chancellor however posed the main question that was on his own mind, “What is your purpose with us then, if not to kill?†The man examined them over the goblet’s rim as the dancing light from the decanter seemed to make his eyes glow blood-red. His mouth curled into a wolfish smile. To Be Continued
  13. That's because the client doesn't update the skill list after every action, the skills are up-to-date on the server though. You may notice this if you mine a shard of 21.01 ql while your mining (in the list) is 21.00. Heh Swede beat me to it.
  14. Home Fort Competition

    Here's an idea for judging JK-Home forts: The ones that hold off BL/MR invasions the longest... win ;D
  15. Annette Home CM

    Home CM? You have my pity ;D
  16. Unpleasant Mornings The midsummer morning sunlight streaming through the balcony curtains promised another beautiful day; however, His Majesty Marcos Johen King, the ruler of Mol Rehan, was feeling anything but majestic at the moment... On reflection it was not his Chief Chancellor’s fault there was so much business to be finished up. Though her orders to his personal servants and guards that “His Royal Highness was going to be far too busy for hunting any time soon” was a tad bit irksome. Not that he did not enjoy having her around. Pleasing to the eyes ...and a more than competent minister. A rare combination indeed. Much too rare to be messing around with. “This spending report needs your approval, my lord.” She broke his line of thought by thrusting a scroll under his nose. He sighed fingering the pommel of his sword as she piled more and more papers in front of his morning repast. “So how did she take it?” He asked while spearing a slice of ham with his knife. A heavily seal-festooned document paused halfway down. “Nothing noteworthy compared to your other nightly ‘distractions’. At least no pottery needing replacement.” He smiled with wry humor, “What would I ever do without you?” “One shudders to think, my lord.” With that they settled into their usual business-filled banter until an interruption in the form of a guard announced a courier’s arrival. After a quick glance at the message tube’s seal, Marcos dismissed the servants and guards from the room. “Word finally arrived from the agents in the Jenn-Kellon lands?” She set down the rest of the pile. “Aye ever since my late father managed to drive the scum back, they have kept their borders pretty tightly locked up for some reason.” He replied while breaking the tube’s seal. She frowned in thought, “Even merchant houses are not allowed passage, which considering the sweeping impoverishment after the last war, has been rather odd. He unrolled the scroll and sat there reading for a long time before silently handing it over. She blinked once in startlement before reading as well. “The Jenn have... portals to new rich lands?” She paused in disbelief, “Tales of monsters and strange magicks?! Sounds more like the raving tales of drunkards!” “Perhaps... the first portals were supposedly found in the lands of ancient fallen Lómaner,” He pointed out. She nodded in recollection, “Their great wealth was why the Jenn and the Kellons invaded such a small realm. You are saying these tales are the reason for that prosperity?” “And why they have been so quiet for so long.” He gripped the sword's pommel till his knuckles turned white. The sword of his forefathers - ye even of Johen King the First - long had it defended the kingdom from the conniving grasp of the greedy Jenn-Kellon. But now it seems the loathsome vultures had discovered a new source of strength to finally one day shatter it. “Wonder if even Johen could see a way.” He examined the blade grimly, “Aside from the problem of finding our own route to these lands. The Jenn have had plenty of time to become established.” “Perhaps a way is already at hand?” A hooded figure dropped from a shadowed nook in the rafters to land lithely in front of the doorway. Marcos immediately hurled his goblet towards the intruder while sidestepping away from the table, sword already up on guard. His chancellor had a similar reaction with a slightly more pragmatic twist, “GUARDS!!” To Be Continued
  17. Upcoming changes

    Silence degenerate forum lovers. Crawl back into the dark holes from which ye came forth 8)
  18. Using catapults for long distance traveling (ala FF!). Just as soon as the landings are worked out. Well ok... its not a better idea than my sandwich zombies. :'(
  19. ...and kill them. Visit exotic places ...and raze them to the ground ;D
  20. [me=Klaa]walks by with a sign "FREE PTO!"[/me]
  21. Do cattle breed in Wurm? Its been debated off and on, personally Im inclined to think they dont. No idea what the Devs have said on the subject, or if its a planned feature if cattle dont. I have seen calves grow into cow/bull models over time.
  22. Tsk such a dirty mind Starving But seriously chickens are far superior to cows. They breed faster too. ;D
  23. ...together you stand, divided you fall ;D
  24. It worked until someone found it :-[ Heh aye such sort of works until someone mouses over the wall.
  25. DragonM has resigned.

    A pity really - however - if you have your reasons, you have your reasons. Planning to stick around and play?