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About Ronguor

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  1. Ok, Point accepted. It's not "that" simple. But it's really not that difficult either. I understand what it takes to develop full apps and programs and it really should not take this long. Besides, the thing I'm mostly upset about, is that we were promised them a long time ago, and still do not have them. This seems to happen a lot. If you can't do it fine, but please don't promise it and keep us hanging. It makes us feel worthless. At the very least, if it really is taking this long, give us progress updates when progress is made and maybe we wouldn't get so mad. As a final note, This game is actually one of the more expensive game to play, over $20/month from my bank account goes into Wurms hands. I think that entitles me to a little complaining eh?
  2. Ok, Point accepted. It's not "that" simple. But it's really not that difficult either. I understand what it takes to develop full apps and programs and it really should not take this long. Besides, the thing I'm mostly upset about, is that we were promised them a long time ago, and still do not have them. This seems to happen a lot. If you can't do it fine, but please don't promise it and keep us hanging. It makes us feel worthless. At the very least, if it really is taking this long, give us progress updates when progress is made and maybe we wouldn't get so mad. As a final note, This game is actually one of the more expensive game to play, over $20/month from my bank account goes into Wurms hands. I think that entitles me to a little complaining eh?
  3. So, I think I want to play wurm again. But I really won't until bridges are ready. I built my stuff planning for them and still no bridges. I don't really think it would take much to finish up the work so lets get them going eh?
  4. I know that there have already been several threads about this, and yet it is still not fixed. Therefore I feel no guilt what-so-ever writing yet another one and praying it will not go ignored... again. Although the title should say it all.... Please Please get the graphics for the silver, gold, and bronze chain horse bardings working. It has been far too long for it not to be fixed. You all add tons of things to the game and while they are all fkn awesome!, please take a few minutes and fix this one little tid bit. It don't even require a new release, just a little coding fix and a graphics, which you might already have. Thanks!
  5. It seems to me that you are all not hell bent on depriving us of our precious enclosures. This makes me happy. My very intelligent wife came up with an idea which I think is fully codeable. First howeverI want to outline somethings that are as they are. 1st: Most of us still pay for deeds while enjoying enclosures; so you shouldn't loose revenue by allowing us our enclosures 2nd: Most of us are content with the current perks of deeds, and the current limitations of enclosures. 3rd: any solution needs to still provide something of protection for us. So here is the suggestion with sudo code following. Have it so that an enclosure can be created by a player as they fence an area off. The enclosure acts exactly like it currently does, except other players cannot bash the walls in while it remains an enclosure. This enclosure will not be free however, it will cost some copper. possible sudo code: @event player chooses enclosure option{ DataTypeThatStoresTileBorderLocations enclosureFences = new DataTypeThatStoresTileBorderLocations; playerStatus = PLACINGENCLOSURE; } @event player places fence{ if(playerStatus = PLACINGENCLOSURE){ if(playerNearestWritDistance < playerMaximumWritDistance){ enclosureFences.add(newFence); totalFencesPlaced++; if(enclosureFences.has Adjacent fence or building with adjacent fence to newFence){ playerStatus = NOTPLACINGENCLOSURE; player.askForEnclosurePurchase(enclosureFences); return true; } } else{ player.sendMessage(ToFarFromWrit) playerStatus = NOTPLACINGENCLOSURE; return false; } } } Now for some disclaimers: A. I have no idea how the hell wurm is programmed. (does anyone?) B. This is dirty as hell. It's meant to only prove that it IS possible. Some ideas, You can make it so that you can have a special tool to turn a fenced off area into an enclosure. Basically you walk around and use it on fences, the same basic sudo code above applies. You have to have built the fence, it can't be in another's parim or deed, and it has to be within x tiles of a writ you own. You pay when you're done. Like a GM posted earlier, there has to be a history on who built the fence. Most of this history likely already exists and as such is usable. From now on this history needs to be logged with some sort of reliable persistence. If your enclosure contains fences with no history or ones you did not build, then you'll have to destroy them and rebuild, or have the owner "give" them to you. You will have to provide us with a timetable to protect our current enclosures. For example you have 3 months to use this new feature to protect your stuff; after which point we will no longer provide GM assistance with enclosures. If any fence or buildings which makes up the enclosure limits decay away, the enclosure is broken, and deleted. Basically this does exactly what it does now, without GM assistance. Also it limits greedy land grabbers cause guess what, it costs. We are all given 20 free enclosure fences, they are non transferable. You can get an "enclosure" paper, which works a lot like a writ paper. Giving us access rights powers, and destroy options (no refunds) P.S. I actually coded something like this in Minecraft. I know it isn't the same game, but it's still java and all games have x,y,z cords which manage location.. so really it is the same idea.
  6. Ok, So originally I did not wish to offer a suggestion because frankly I feel it's not my place. But I thought of something. First the deed placement/expansion system is broken and really a main cause of our use (abuse?) of the enclosure rule. 1. Remove the "perimeter" they only complicate deed placement and quite frankly make us live in perma fear that our off deed stuff will be ninja'd out from under us. 2. Allow us to claim tiles, one at a time for a price which are attached to our main deed. The main deed starts out 5x5. Then we could pay for extra tiles on a tile by tile basis. The further from the deed, the more the tiles cost. Doughnuts and loops would have to be managed via code (not difficult if you consider yourself a coder). This plan would solve most of the problems with both land grabbers. And it would satisfy the problem that those of us honest players have been dealing with. With regards to protecting our things. (Trust me if I COULD deed our creations I would). As for the highway system. I personally do not see a problem with the rules as they are. If you don't' want a highway through your land, then reroute the highway. I understand that this can put some stress on the GM's, but that is what they signed up for. I'm sure there are plenty of us players who would be willing to step up and fill their shoes. Personally I have had nothing but positive interaction from the GM's and I think that they are perfectly capable of managing this. Again, It's not really my place as a paying player to fix the game. If my suggestion is not followed, I'm not going to be upset. But at least you all know there is an option that can make us all happy; or at least content.
  7. While I understand perhaps the path to this decision, I totally disagree with this choice as a way to fix the problem; and would like to offer my own views. First, I am not a free to play player. In fact since November between my wife and I we have spent over $150 in order to get our deeds the size we wanted and where we wanted. Keep that in mind when making your decisions. So here is my take, We pay to play this game, the semblance of protection and support from the GM's is a huge part of WHY we started to play. Since the deeds are not large enough for the price you pay, and more importantly, the shapes/perimeter available make it impossible to really cover the land we would like to, we have relied to the Enclosure rules to provide some level of protection for our off deed farms and buildings. While we do have a good amount of land off deed which we use, I certainly don't feel as if we are not entitled to it. To us the point of this game is to build and create beautiful places that we can share and admire. The Enclosure rule has offered us peace of mind in doing so. If you remove it nearly half of our work will be at risk. The rules are cut and dry as far as I was aware, making the GM's responses simple. If a rule was broken, then punishment follows. This should be accepted as the job of the GM volunteer or not. Now for the abuse of the enclosure rules: I am not denying that this happens, in fact I'm sure of it. I honestly don't know what you need to do about this, but I'm sorry it isn't really the players place to decide that. We could come with several possible solutions, but I doubt they would be heard. The truth is, we paid for a game based on established rules and mechanics that we like. It is up to YOU - who we paid our hard earned money to- to protect our interests. If you need to come up with some way to ensure that people don't use the enclosure rule to simply grab up a bunch of land they aren't going to use, then do so in a way that will not completely screw those of us who have dedicated so much of our time and money into the game as it is now. I've walked around our map, and there is still plenty of land to be had. So I'm not really sure what the problem is there, and even if land was a problem is it really that difficult to open another server? Surely you can afford it if your GM's are all volunteer. Bottom line is, changing the Enclosure rule is in my opinion a bad move. My wife and I have already talked, and this would for sure cause us to leave, and take our money with us. I happen to know we are not alone. Many veteran players, (and payers) have agreed with us as well. Since this announcement we have seen an incredible decrease in activity in our alliance alone. You really need to come up with ways to attract and retain players, not push them away. Please don't make these changes, find another way to address the problem.
  8. I do not know if this is another DDOS attack or just bad code, but the effects are the same. The truth is that it has become beyond bearable. Normally I can be patient with a little issue here or there, but this is beginning to look like either laziness or cheapness. While I know the potential destructiveness of a DDOS attack, even the best ones can't keep a site down this long and this often unless you are simply doing NOTHING to fight it. Even my own little ISP provides protection against DDOS. If your ISP is so lame that they can't manage this, then you need to stop being cheap and get a new ISP. If it is a code issue, then stop making new features and get the game stable. I have not been able to play once all weekend now. One day of premium is not going to replace the 4 days now that this has been going on. Also, I understand that you all are not in our time zones and might be all cuddled up in bed. Well guess what! You are running a full time server and charging people for it. That is right we are PAYING for this game. Therefore you are now full time. Someone needs to be on call and ready to go the second a server goes down. There really is no exception here. Even when I was running a pathetic little MineCraft server, I made a notification system so that I was instantly notified any time the server was down or inaccessible. And I wasn't even charging money for access to the server. The first few times this has happened I understood and was patient with you. But this is the line. If this is a DDOS attack I am incredibly sorry to say, I think the attackers have beaten you miserably. I have no plans to renew any of the premium accounts I pay for, unless I see you have actually done something SERIOUS to fix and prevent these issues.
  9. Starting Servers

    I'm really sad that people would attack such a cool company, or any company. We're rooting for ya.
  10. The deeds Dacia and Dacia library are both disbanded, located at y-30 and x-20. Also if you could add Lost Haven at the coast on the right side of that square at y-30, x-20 That'd be amazing!