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Everything posted by Warlander

  1. We all know what will happen with the deedmate during the fight with the goblin leader. ☹️
  2. Yes, DeedPlanner 2 have backwards compatibility with legacy DP1 and WAK saves, which was not added back in DP3.
  3. Most likely Firefox-specific issue - on Chrome and Vivaldi it opens a dialog to select a file from your PC, I will investigate. I'm guessing it's Firefox specific as well, and outside of program control - expected behavior after clicking this button is to show browser-specific download dialog which allows you to confirm map download to your PC (usually to "downloads" folder).
  4. No materials calculation in current 3.x version, it's coming in the next version (3.1). Labels, borders, bridges and mirror functions will be added later. This is thread dedicated to the "old" but complete DeedPlanner 2 (including bridges and other functions not present in DP3 yet), DeedPlanner 3 thread can be found here:
  5. Cave designing is planned, wurm view with actual physics... Sounds like interesting idea, I will think about it.
  6. Miniature army forces are growing they are getting everywhere send help
  7. Second one is result of a bug from back when I was experimenting with animations.
  8. My current one would be Interstellar. I love sci-fi movies and it's a sci-fi movie, but also much more than that - philosophical experience, full of things to think about, plot twists and situations that carry real weight with them. If someone didn't watched it yet - it's a masterpiece, give it a shot even if you dislike sci-fi movies.
  9. Just a random picture taken during daily commute.
  10. Moved to Wood Scraps - Community Assistance is for questions about the game.
  11. Another interesting statistic - this year, two players got hit by lightning! Nick of one of these players might suggest divine intervention, through. Lucky individuals are Tris and Dreammaster.
  12. I was playing Wurm on and off for some time before "break" already, but turning point for me was deciding to buy premium for the first time and using portal to the HoTS Wild. One of first thing I saw was emo looking guy standing on a horse, who happily invited me to my first village after a short conversation. I was hooked pretty quickly after this event, and meet some really nice people who helped me to get into the game.
  13. Visible fruits on trees/bushes when they are in season is a great change. (to show it in-game... Maybe one of each trees/bushes that can be harvested in a season? Enchanted trees/bushes never age now, so it's possible to keep them looking the same, forever ) Big rendering updates mostly came out in 2019 as well.